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(P.S. THANK YOU to all of you who helped, supported me, listened to me rant on Discord. I think it turned out well.)





Hi! (What time is it where you live/ wondering what your time zone is)


Jessica, you know those rude people are just stuck in their opinions, your wonderful and committed to helping, it isn't your fault if they want to be rude. (P.S. you're awesome!)


Jessica, you did this because you know in your heart that it was the right thing to do. If others think you are right or wrong is ultimately irrelevant. Step away from the comments on this one....for your own sake. What you do is important. Letting the internet trolls affect that would be tragic!!!

How to ADHD

Thanks Lisa :) That's actually really good advice. I will attempt not to get into comment wars, the video I made will speak for me (whereas impulsively replying in the moment will likely just make things worse lol) BTW -- I don't know if you saw in the sneak peek cause it was in tiny font, but we're planning on showing your interaction with Maria Shriver if that's okay?


As a writer I can tell you it's hard when you put something out there and don't get the response you were hoping for. But you just have to remember this moment, this feeling. Every time I am proud of myself lately, I write it on a post it note and line the inside of my desk with them. That way when I get feeling like a failure or feel like giving up I have all these great, specific examples of why I should keep going. It really seems to be helping.


I agree with Lisa, I would step away from the comments and not even worry about them. The truth is the truth, whether people want to accept it or not doesn't matter. You do a great job! When I first saw your Channel I was being treated for things from A to Z. I started watching and reading and researching and that led me to change doctors which finally led to my diagnosis! And is currently leading to that somewhat "normal" life I would cry for everyday! I remember crying when I watched your Tedx talk. Because I felt like you were talking to me personally. So keep doing what you do for people like me! You're great!💕


There are times when I should do this. Granted, granted, I purposely do a topic that is controversial.


I am so excited to see the video. I am ready for somebody to speak truth about ADHD medication, especially in light of the recent documentary. When will the video be up, do you think?

How to ADHD

Oh I love that!!! And yes, being specific helps so much right? Cause “you do a good job” doesn’t really sink in when you feel like you’re not doing a good job, but you can’t argue with specifics :)

How to ADHD

Oh wow! Would love to hear your story. SO many (women, especially) get unsuccessfully treated for other things until the underlying ADHD gets discovered. Glad I could help inspire you to change doctors and get to the bottom of it :) This made my day!

How to ADHD

Edward’s working on it all day today, if it goes well tomorrow if not Monday. I don’t usually do this but for this one I’m happy to share the script if you’d like to see it ahead of time.


Oooh...a sneak peek. I would love to read it! You can email it to me at grothkayla422@gmail.com . :) Thank you!


I've listened to this vlog twice and hope I (we all) can internalize it. I was honestly wondering recently if you ever had anxiety about putting up videos, leading hashtags, etc. When I post the littlest thing on discord, i usually lurk for an hour to see how it is received. This vlog made me think of your video with Dr. Hallowell and his story about the one woman scowling in the back of a room that gave him a standing ovation. Regardless of the ovations or scowls: I see that you worked really hard on this and I bet Edward is working hard behind the scenes to make a great edit. So, Kudos to you (both!) for your efforts!


I just wanna say that I absolutely have fallen in love with you in the past few months. I have actually been making a video to send to you this weekend due to recent events...I have been working on an extended thank you all weekend lol. However....did I mention I have ADHD as well...haha. I am a perfectionist, condensing this comment is like the hardest thing IN THE WORLD lol But I am in a nursing transition program and working towards an LPN to RN bridge with long term goal of FNP and to specifically work with ADHD, dyslexia, dyscalculia etc all things NOT nuerotypical lol. I tell you all that because A) That's how I roll lol B) because I found you looking for resources for my daughter AND myself because no one in my life including my daughters dad, my ex or current husband thinks "ADHD is a real thing" "I do that...etc". As frustrating as that has been and continues to be, I knew my truth, I speak openly with my 11 year old but this year when she brought home F's, D's and so on and no teacher had been concerned or said a word in NINE weeks and still had not reached out, I was beside myself with anger and frustration! I have NO support system....mentally Ill mother deceased, alcoholic, absent, criminal mentally ill father is somewhere being self destructive with no desire to help himself...no siblings....I was diagnosed with ADHD by one of the many psychiatrists seeking help for unrelieved depression.....boy am I a posterchild :) despite AND because of that I am an LPN, mom, newlywed for the THIRD time at 32. I def am gonna get this video to you finished....honest...lol. I just wanted to let you know sooner than later that no matter what you feel/hear/see/do. know that you literally saved my life this week. There are no words to express the impact you have had on my life and my daughters...


I just read it and I am impressed. The amount of work you put into the script is evident. I feel like even though I don't know you, I'm super proud of you. Thanks for standing up for us Brains. And thank you so much for sharing with me. It was an honor to read. Looking forward to seeing the video and seeing the words brought to life.

How to ADHD

YES!!! I was thinking of that while I was talking. It's so true. Dr. Dodson calls it rejection sensitive dysphoria. I think it's just an aspect of the emotional dysregulation that's part of ADHD. We feel it deeper.

How to ADHD

Awww thank you Sarah!! Looking forward to seeing the video! I can't imagine having to be surrounded by people who doubt your struggles (or don't even update you on your daughter's!) :/ I hope you're able to find support and community here. We're good peeps :D


Seriously though, if you need a quarter later, you may have 20, but who cares? No big deal, I've got mooooooore (I was literally thinking this throughout the whole video, but in all seriousness, later on if your quarters aren't enough to pick you back up, I can give you a million and one more, or at the very least one big whopping quarter).


I hope it helps to remember that, if you're feeling worried about someone giving you a good counterargument, you probably don't have to come up with a perfect rebuttal on your own; you can just refer them to one of the many academic information sources you've already found. Lends you credibility and saves time and anguish. :)