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While Edward edits, I’m on to writing the next one (on ADHD-friendly cooking tips)


Day 75 - It's Nice To Be Silly Again

After a week of intense research and serious advocacy, it's back to cartoon silliness and helpful ADHD tips!



That's HYSTERICAL bevause it's the life a lot of us live too!! I literally have SO MUCH FOOD in my apartment but I can NEVER find any of it (though of course it's sitting in front of me everywhere I turn)! I think this is GREAT!!!


Oh man. That intro you described is entirely me! This is going to be an amazing episode that I really actually probably need for my own relationship 💜


Probably my favorite moment is the fact that you're eating a box of cereal for dinner while making this.


Whoops shouldn't have hit enter! The cereal is something I do routinely. (Or crackers.....or pickles....salsa for dinner? Yuuuup) it drives my non ADHD wife nuts. It's wonderful to know that within the ADHD world my random behaviors are straight up nuerotypical


OMG!!! I swear if it wasn’t for my very patient and generous wife, 1 of 2 options would be available to me. Get used to being 300 lbs (not to mention completely broke) as a result of constantly eating out... or try to survive on PB & J (which, fortunately for me, I have eaten regularly since I was three and since absolutely love!). I have learned to acknowledge myself for the things I do well, but cooking does not even register on a list of things I do poorly. If I could simply take a capsule of sustenance instead of trying to actually prepare food, I would do it in a heartbeat (with the occasional PB & J thrown in for flavour). 😜


I actually enjoy cooking when I can do it leisurely. However, add the stress of Thanksgiving, or guests, or needing to finish at a specific time and all sanity goes up in flames (ha 😉). I think my issue is not with the actual cooking, but with organization, time management, and stress. (I don’t do well with those!)


I think I was laughing so hard at this video just because you were laughing so hard. But it's true, I am terrible at cooking. Like, if I can't put something in the oven and ignore it for 45 minutes (like a frozen meal), I'm probably not eating much. Having to put ingredients together and have it magically turn into something edible sounds like sorcery to me.


This is so awesome! My kids and I just watched this and were nodding and laughing along with you! I would join Brett taking the capsule and/or be living off cereal and toast (although I do love a good PB & J as long as the J is raspberry). I did manage okay before kids, but with picky eaters too it kills me as I love novelty and change in what I eat, but they must have repetition and familiarity, and then I am BORED and don't want to make it or eat it. I don't save any time or energy for food either, just ignore it I am starving. Can't wait for this episode as I would love to get some help in this area!


I am trying to separate eating for survivial with "recreational cooking"


just.... same XD


The problem in my cabinets is there's no food, just ingredients. lol But seriously, I'm one of the lucky ones who can hyperfocus on cooking, though I struggle with initiating in a timely manner.