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I'm so sorry you're feeling sick. Food poisoning sucks. I hope you feel better soon.

Josh Neff

What Kayla said!


I LOVE the citations you insert at the end of every statement <3 I hope one day you're awarded an honorary doctorate in developmental psychology--you've done the leg work for one :D


I watched the documentary (more like editorial) last night and I agree with all of your points. Fantastic job and I can't wait to see the final clip. Glad to be a new member of the tribe.


Thank you for doing this. It reminds me of the vaccine and autism FALSE connection that is still being used erroneously as a reason not to vaccinate! Again, thank you for doing this. I hope you feel all of us lifting you up, and don't feel overwhelmed by that. Take care of yourself first (then for fun, make Edward and the dogs fight it out for who gets the next bit of your attention)


... also... watching the date stamps on these videos getting later and later again...*side-eyes*


Oh, no! Hope you feel better soon.


I don't take Adderal, or any stimulants for that matter they never worked for me, but the medication I take never hindered creativity. It only made me able to actually do the creative things.