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Day 72 — The Script for “Pills” is done!



After watching and supporting you for a year or more now, there is no doubt in my mind you did an outstanding job. I know from previous video’s, you made it clear about not talking medication. For you to cross that line, the documentary that was on Netflix had to be really upsetting for you. I am working on getting to see it the documentary. Having had allergies to asthma when I was younger and then treated for depression as I got older to find out it was ADHD, I have had my share of dealing with medicines. Do I like taking medications, the answer is no, do I have to take them yes. I stopped getter allergy shots last fall and I am paying for it this spring. I have been with people who refuse to take any medication even over the counter. I just have a hard time with classification of medications being singled out. They keep passing laws to prevent abuse which just makes it harder for the people that legitimately need the medications to get. It is a one sided documentary’s that can cause these issues to happen. I appreciate that you went out of your way to help provide a more balanced prospective on ADHD medications.


It is controversial, but it is also a very important topic to not only discuss, but handle correctly. And I have faith that you will. I was...I don't know, a little concerned during your webinar (when I was finally able to tune into chat at the very end) over how many of the questions were concerning medication. You are brilliant, but you have in many places said rightly that you are NOT the person to advise people on what medication they should take, that is a conversation they need to have with their doctors and do trials under advisement and observation. BUT you ARE the right person to talk about pros, cons, your own experience, give a voice to your patreon's experiences, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, discuss the FACTS.


Brene Brown says that courage is telling the story of who you are with your whole heart. You have the courage that the Shriver-Schwarzeneggers do not. You can’t go wrong with truth, grace, and kindness. I am confident that your video will be a truly good thing.


I love how you dont tallk about medications often (but this should be a exception) i also love how you dont usually talk about the ADHD spectrum often (because it can make people with "Mild" ADHD feel less important)


Thank you so much. I am 99% sure I am writing my next assignment on this whole thing. You have helped to balance me and make me use fewer obscenities.


Good job, get it out there!


Hi! I love your videos andI wish that I had access to them back at school. I have an idea for a video you could do! Could you one about the link of ADHD and Sensory Processing Disorder? About a half of ADHD people have it, and being hypersensitive (to light, sound, emotions) can actually lead to the coping strategy of distraction. The book "Too loud, too bright, too fast, too tight" by Sharon Heller is a great reference!


Stellar job on an extremely challenging assignment Jessica! IMO not a word needed changing. I admire your ability to work out your personal agitation in a way that didn’t detract from the larger goal. The mark of a true professional. Can’t wait to see the final product, after which both you and Edward owe yourselves a huge dose of self-care. Also wonderful to see you give yourself acknowledgment for a job well-done. A lesson for all of us. Your approach to this is a demonstration of why your work is so successful. Choosing and executing what you’re meant to do... amazing feeling isn’t it? Speaking as a fellow Brain... Thank-you!!!


I'm pretty sure I'm one of them, and would be interested in more information on this. My son definitely has SPD, and a lot of what he does as far as sensory stuff I do, he's just more extreme.


I'm so bad about self-care that I have a monthly, weekly and daily list in my bullet journal. I have to say you've handled this in a far more productive way than I probably would have. Bravo! Looking forward to your response (though I want you to get better first since your health is far more important.)

How to ADHD

Thanks Brett! I ended up doing another polish and I think it's really solid now :D Self-care coming soon...we have a ridiculous week ahead of us, but then I'm taking a few days off. Hope you feel better soon btw! (saw your tweet)

How to ADHD

ooo that's really smart! Stuff like haircuts and nails I always forget cause they're so infrequent.


Yes, hair and nails are on my monthly lists. Sadly I had to put "take a shower" on my self-care list too.


I'm incredibly happy and proud that I'm part of a community that can take something so negative and biased and create something positive out of it. I only got about 20 minutes into the documentary before I had to put it down and come back to it later (still haven't gone back to it yet) because it was just so hard for me to hear that there are people out there who so actively spread misinformation and negativity about something they don't agree with simply because they don't agree with it, even if it does not affect them and has a positive impact on a lot of people.


When I saw the preview on Netflix for this documentary the other day, I felt like I'd been hit with a ton of bricks. I thought, "Oh, great. I already have such a massive uphill battle; now it'll be even harder for me to be taken seriously when I tell people I have ADHD." I am appalled to see this type of uneducated misinformation spread in 2018, with the abundance of scientific research out there about ADHD. And frankly, I expect more of people like Maria Shriver (who I'm actually distantly related to)! It's hard enough for those of us who really have the medical condition to get the accommodations and empathy we need to be successful in life. To discredit and diminish the struggle of people who actually have a disorder, are prescribed the medication by medical professionals, and are helped by this medication, is a disservice to everyone. The fact that the documentary completely ignores this side of the issue makes it a biased and poorly-informed documentary, and I am massively disappointed in Netflix for allowing such a documentary.


Did I mention that I'll be calling Netflix to tell them how I feel as well.