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Because sometimes we have to go where our brains want to go :)

This is the post I mentioned: https://www.facebook.com/howtoadhd/posts/524855887878572?notif_id=1515721694119957&notif_t=feedback_reaction_generic

And this is the name of the new initiative I'm starting whenever I have the resources to: "The Ocean Initiative: Getting Fish Out of Trees, One Brain at a Time" :D It'll be all about helping ADHD brains find the right job for them, supporting them through the whole process from education to being happy in their workplace.


Vlog Day 24 — Productive Procrastination

Because sometimes we have to go where our brains want to go :) Link to Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/howtoadhd/posts/524855887878572?notif_id=1515721694119957&notif_t=feedback_reaction_generic



Oh my universe that's the best slogan ever


I hadn't seen the Facebook posted, but I commented now! I read every, single comment. All 600 of them. It's so inspirational! I'm 28 now and finally am seeing how my brain can fit into the world and accepting some of the characteristics in myself that people have been trying to change for years. I love seeing how my fellow brains are making their place in the world!


This just made me cry a little bit. I'm back in education at the age of 34, I've finally found my 'thing' and because of my recent diagnosis and treatment I now have the resources to follow my dreams. It was actually your Youtube channel that gave me the final push to get diagnosed and I am so grateful. :-) I love the slogan, it's perfect. :-)


Fantastic! Very similar ideas to what I want to do with my business. Just not enough time in a lifetime...lol. Go you! You are doing a wonderful job. I just love watching you videos.


You have inspired people Jessica.