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In which we give you a peek at our shooting process :)


Vlog Day 23 — shooting pickups!

In which we give you a peek at our shooting process :)



Love these videos, they are so much fun!

How to ADHD

Thanks for the encouragement! They’re fun to make, there’s so much that goes on behind the scenes of YouTubery :)


Thanks for sharing, it helps me to appreciate how much work is really going into these excellent videos you make... Please keep doing what you do so well..... :-)

How to ADHD

Thanks Dale! Yep, there’s a lot more that goes into video production than most people realize. Vlogs are way easier though, glad you’re enjoying them!!


So whatever helps you relax like playing volleyball and setting an executing a spike on someone you really do not like !!!! Reshooting number 6 how many times !!!!!! This is going to begin trying to shoot my son doing a solo with my Rebel T5 or T6. The good news is that printed on the side of the camera and reading the book


fantastic video guys, well done :-)


I have to say, seeing your mess gives me so much hope because that's a major area of stress for me.


Wow SO MUCH repetition. How do you keep your sanit- never mind :p


What a cool video! I have literally no clue of how the behind the scenes stuff works. It's fun to see how you repeat lines, in various tones & styles, in order to choose the one you like the most in editing. Very cool.


What is joy. I just work around home. This vid got a tear and rash of emotion. What is happy . Just realized after chatting with my regular pro, i share a lot i realize about me i didnt before until hearing from you and the tribe. I forgot what happy feels like. Been so long. Selfless, overconcentration on being socially acceptable in mannerisms. Not sure.