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I’m taking care of my mom this weekend because she’s having pain management issues and she offered to be on today’s vlog! She’s on a ton of pain medication right now so please forgive her high-ness (her words) ☺️

If you have any other questions you'd like her to answer, she said she had so much fun she'd love to do it again -- so leave them in the comments and we'll do another one soon :)


Vlog Day 25 -- momvlog!

I’m taking care of my mom this weekend because she’s having pain management issues and she offered to be on today’s vlog! She’s on a ton of pain medication right now so please forgive her high-ness (her words) ☺️ If you have any other questions you'd like her to answer, she said she had so much fun she'd love to do it again -- so leave them in the comments and we'll do another one soon :)



Your mom wins.


lol, your mum was a crack up! Was she on the happy weed, or regular medication for her pain?


You're mother is amazing! I wish her all the best for her :)

How to ADHD

A loooot of pain meds lol. She’s always on a good amount because of the accident, but she was on more than usual cause she just got out of the hospital & is waiting for a surgery to replace her pain pump on Monday.


Kudo's for your mother, it sounds like she had to deal with a lot. The first question and answer I thought was interesting. But, I could understand.


One of the neatest videos! Thanks to your Mom!


Thanks, Jessica's Mom!! This Q&A was really good to hear :)


Um...just a thought that's been pestering me since yesterday... I was wondering if you could do an interview with your brother? My son has tested into the autistic range (but barely), but otherwise has a lot of the traditional ADHD Hyperactive traits. I was thinking hearing from someone who grew up with ADHD and other things (like my son) might be interesting. If he isn't in a place to do this, I understand. Families are complicated, especially complicated families :P

How to ADHD

My brother’s in a different place in his journey than I am right now so I don’t know if he’s ready for that — he’s also in Washington — but when things settle down for him I’ll ask :) In the meantime, I am planning on having someone with high functioning ASD on the show fairly soon!

How to ADHD

He’s in college and has a girlfriend :) he’s faced a lot of the same struggles my brother has, and he’s passionate about advocacy and I think will be enlightening to hear from


I wish my parents had been less afraid of medical/medicinal intervention for me when I was a kid. You're mom certainly braved a weird uncertain time for mental disorders. kudos!