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New version:

Build v0.67 - ZIP 

Sorry for late! This comics take much more time than I though when I animated it, if not count a bug with not allowing to starting game from new slot,  I tried to solve this bug 6 hours... And it was randomly solved by some unknown reason ^^" Hope it will not appears again
Also I solved problem with fire traps, reason is - sleeping mode in  rigidbody, both - player and trap was have mode "start awake" but fire trap not have movable hitbox, so if player staying in it - nothing moves, so if nothing moves colliders won't work, so player not take the damage, so I solved this problem by changing to "never sleep"

What was done in version v0.6:

• 16 frames of comics, some of them was animated

 • Animated main menu

 • Some fixes in animation of magma monsters, like stomper, slime (but possibly you can't see this improvements ^^")

 • 5 levels of magma locations with puzzles, traps, crystals and monsters + magma boss chamber (but sadly I not finish it yet, so he is just a decoration)

 • Gallery zone (it not finished yet too, just make you available to check how it looks like)

 • Traps-


Magma forge cooling system 1 (fire trap)
Magma forge cooling system 2 (steam press)


Fire pit (when you fall into it, game should teleport you to latest platform - this is new mechanic too, I will add fade out and fade in through black screen to it)

 • New soundtracks and sounds for environment (not ero sounds, I still working on them)

 • Puzzles - they finally works, hope it will be not too hard at magma 4~ ^^


Stomper and slime still not have ero animations, I just not have time at previous month to make it for them ^^" but they is last monsters from all game who still not have ero animations

Swordgirl not have ero animations and she will not have them, they are planned before to make ero animation with other monsters, so I still want to use their models in game, because they can attack, they can protect, but most importantly some of them can being fucked ^~ But not by Lora, by monsters, some of monstergirls and girls in this game already have ero animations, but not all, and it will be later only in gallery, achievable from secrets (I suppose)
But one girl can fuck Lora, wait for skychain temple to see her again  ^~


If you meet bug through gameplay - write under this post, I will try to fix it as soon as possible!!



Bob Morane

There are 2 game-breaking bugs: - If you fail a puzzle, the "diagonal" 135° pieces reset to a different position than initially and where no angle matches the one needed to complete the puzzle. There are at least 2 puzzles where it happens, It forces you to restart the level if you fail the puzzle. - There are some blocks in the levels that are surrounded with lava and no possible way to escape, meaning if you fall on them you'll keep dying and respawn on the same block. Again forces to restart the level. Apart from that I think the jumps and climbing detection are very bugged, but it's not that much of a problem as it forces you to fall more often on enemies ;)

Bob Morane

If I may add my feedback, I think the levels are too long and too labyrinthic. There are too many levels for the few number of enemies, and you end up spending 50 % of time solving puzzles and running around without knowing what to do. As the game is quite hard (which is not a problem normally) I think most people will find it very frustrating and stop playing before the end. Which is not what you want for a H-game. Apart from that, the heroine is very cute and graphics are absolutely fantastic. If you improve the gameplay this will be a very good game.


Thanks to your feedback! ^^ I really happy to know that you think graphic is good ^^ Of course I want to make it not so hard that casual players can complete game, but hard enough to make it not just animations gallery, so feedbacks like yours can show me how hard I make it at this moment ^^ So I see that I need to make it a bit easier, and about levels length is a great note! I will make all next levels much smaller ^^ Also I will try to cut levels in magma, but not sure that I can crop it too much, because from beginning it was planned that player should open backward way in this location, for some-secret reason ^~ But enemies is not few! I think someone of them just not spawned maybe T^T Here is Satyr Male Slime Grav. Bot Ancient Eye Stomper Sword Girl It should be pretty much of them here ^^ Also thanks for this note about puzzle problem, I will fix this bug and make that puzzle nodes should normally remember their start pozition, also I think I make be able to turn nodes for 45° ^^ Also other small fixes like respawn points and delete some "+" and "┴" type walls, so Lora had to climb less often ^^ And maybe somehow I fix this bugs with jumps, but at that moment everything I tried didn’t work T^T Thanks again for feedback! ^^ It really important for me


Honestly the difficulty isn't to bad. It's just confusing on where to go sometimes and most of the enemies are easy enough. The hardest part is probably the platforming. The levels do feel to long and complicated for the amount of enemies but having some levels with no enemies could be alright if done well. On the other hand, the graphics are nice so you've done a great job with what has been done. You have made a great start to a great game. Keep going uwu

Bob Morane

Do you plan to add game over CGs ? I found the unskippable game over screen very annoying, even if it lasts only a few seconds. Either making it hentai or adding a "Retry" button would be nice !


CG? You about gallery with pictures and animations? of course I will make it with gallery ^^ You can acess it from map menu at this moment (but here is nothing yet except the location ^^") Or you asking about game over screens? Different game over screens will be only with bosses. I wrote about it earlier in previous posts, maybe it was for "legendary hero" tier, I not clearly remembered, I asked about how it will be better - animated game over scenes or faster start of next game developing, they said that they want to wait for animated gameover screens with bosses ^^ So they will be, but at moment of release it will be just static images, I will make them animated during 1-2 months after release ^~ Oh, okay, I will make gameover screen skippable ^^


Bob, at which moment exactly climbing detection feels buggy? I really run around all maps and can't find any of problems, all works totally correct for me, just sometimes animation feels bit laggy at the end of climbing, but that's all what I can find, where you find it very bugged? I find that it possible people can though that Lora able to climb for all hands length, but she's not, she can climb over only by half of her body length. https://i.imgur.com/e8iUPO8.gifv Or you about thing that prevent you from climbing if you not pushing the direction button? Without this mechanic it will be near to impossible to slide down over the same wall near which you staying https://i.imgur.com/Kal5yvW.png also jumping in holes with size of 1 block will be just impossible, because Lora will always climb over it Any of this two things? If not can you write how I can reproduce bugs which you find?

Bob Morane

Yes, the problem was those 2 things you mentioned (half body length and pushing button direction). I've played again and I get the jumps now. However it's clear now for you and me, but probably not clear for someone who starts the game. The other problem is that it's really hard to control jumps (seems to start very slowly and then go too fast). Not sure how you can tweak that but overall the jumping system is very unintuitive at first. I recall this jump for example was very hard: https://i.imgur.com/jfCWS3D.png All the time trying to jump on the block above either I landed too short or too far, even though it should be easy. I have to press right to climb but also no too much or I overextend. But as someone else said, if you reduce the platforming part the jumps will not be that much of a problem. The problem is for now jumping is the main focus of the game and you fall mostly in lava so it's not really interesting if you fail. That's why I ask to be more enemies (instead of lava) or game over CGs so at least we have something when we lose :) Thanks for your dedication.

Bob Morane

Yes I mean hentai game over scene or even picture, just something that makes it a bit less frustrating to lose. Would be nice to skip without having to click mouse as well (I lost 10-15 times just for magma region !!)

Papa Kangu

Pros: -The animations are amazing. They're all so smooth, you can tell you put a lot of work into it. -The sounds and music are good. Sometimes for h-games the sounds are too overbearing and spammy and the music is annoying, but you did a good job not being either. -The game itself runs very smoothly. Cons: -The maps. I know you put a lot of effort into making the maps, but I seriously suggest making them smaller or adding a minimap to show where you are. As it is now, they're way too big and complicated and it's got me purposely dying so I can just go back to the start and re do it. -The ledge climbing is pretty bad, to be honest It doesn't properly work half of the time and it's frustrating to fall to your death because of a mechanic that is 50/50. -Abilities. What happened to them? There are currently places where a double jump or a wall hop are required to get to. I know the game is supposed to be slightly difficult but it makes it hard just to play the basic parts of the game. That being said, this is a long post. I really loved how much work you put into your art and animations, and I know this is an early release. Keep working at it and I'm sure you can polish this much more!

Ron Jonson

Can't wait for the full version you're doing a great job


Next update will be at 25 October


Thanks for the feedback! I forgot to answer last time, so I’ll answer now ^^ Very happy to hear that my art and sounds work and work of my musicians friends was good! ^^ Thanks for that, that always make me want to work harder! And about cons: -I already recheck all problems in magma region and fixed much of them, so all will be better, for some reason magma region can't being smaller than it being now (you will see it), but I took into account yours and the opinions of other players, so I’ll make the rest of the regions much smaller ^^ they will lose their 1-2 maps, maybe they will have 3-4 maps now instead of 5-7 planned -problem with climbing is only because of Y speed, all other works as planned, Lora can climb only over half of her body, also she will not climb when you not hold direction arrow (it maked for player will be able to jump into holes of 1 tile size), so I will limit Y speed few times and we will check how it works, also climbing is more like emergency feature, but yes, when this feature now in game I created some places be available to get only with climbing ^~ -Yes, abilities, they are gone now... Because they will unlocks during walkthrough ^^ When you beat boss you will get one of abilities, in fact, according to the plot, Lora simply improves her costume based on the notes from that old scientist journals, which allows her to better using her and surrounding energy, so more complex abilities will open at later stages, wall jump is ability of costume too, and later it transforms into better form - double jump (of course wall jump will not disappear) So, all abilities still here, in game, but not unlocked from beginning, and black gems and notes placed in unreachable places because of this reason ^~