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Ero animations for all traps has been finished
And now was left only three ero animations, it is animation with mob - "stomper"


With "possessed water", how you can see water is already in process

And with "green slime", but I not have concept for it yet, because I already have many earlier concepts and even I have old animation for it, but anyway I will rework all this

Something very old, with super old version of lora^^

Old concept with slimy trap

Concept with big slime

And few other concepts with slimy creatures, so I will find what will fits better ^^

Maybe I will create poll for that ~

Animations was finished for 4 traps

3 for wall tentacles - when Lora jump into it they will start their animations according on where they was placed - side wall, up or down
and one for laboratory trap
I attach recorded examples here but some of them weight 50 mb so they can take long time to loading, also I attach all this to this post

tentacle trap side:

 tentacle trap up: 

 tentacle trap down: 

 lab trap: 


Also about progress in programming part

I finished puzzles! Hooray! Now it all working as like as I want, they will be used to make player walkthrough more challenging, for example they have timer to open the door on other side of location and you need to click button and rush as fast as you can to turn all segments in right way to open it, or you should try again

And currently I working with camera trying to find right way to make it more comfortable, want to care about your eyes ~<3  ^~

Still working on this

And little note about animations, why is the only 3 animations left
Yes, as I said to patrons of "Legendary Hero" tier in poll - I wanted to make on release only static pictures with boss scenes, but I asked if they want that I can make they animated, but during 1.5-2 months after release, so I will start next project after I finish this big boss animations, but release will be with static pictures at first
So, we was near to be fully done ^^




Guys, the new update will be on September 16th! Sorry for this delay, I am completing various things related to the story, and I would like to show them only when they all are completely finished, they are all connected with the start of the story ^~


Please wait a bit more, have bug with fire trap and trying to solve this problem: https://mega.nz/#!srwUgQBb!pMygRLU0Ng3boFC-iqGe5RiTlO9A6vwnaRUdkJfPa7c the fire trap by unknown reason not always damages the player :( And drawing last 2 frames of comics: https://mega.nz/#!A34CWKZC!Ay6dNwuA3te0Mgx4A6B5z5HFQm2FUY74K-RQklzJRPU I thought I will finish during next 12 hours Yes, it will be not just simple update it will be new build version with full magma location (except boss) and main story comics


this will be for "legendary hero" tier today, tomorrow for "swordman" tier, and at saturday for "newbie" tier, also I will try again make many posts like in previous months, because now I have many things to show, I not wanted to show separately those things from this update, because it a big part of story, I want to show you it all at once ^^


Done! Oh, I late for 2 days... T^T "Swordsman" tier will get access to new build tomorrow at the same time "Newbie" tier will get access at this Sunday Also new update will be at Saturday, I think I make ero animation with slime or with stomper ^~