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Hey guys! Thank you for your patience while I was away at MFF. It was a total blast and I hope to do it again in the future. Because I'm pretty swamped right now on my schedule, here are the important things for you to know:

- As partially expected, work is rough this month at my day job (I pretty much got off the plane, went to sleep, and got up to go to work gah). There's a lot of activity at work and hard deadlines that trickle down to every department and more hours are demanded. I know for sure that I will be working 40 hour work weeks up till Christmas. 

- This week has all queue'd material to tide you over while I hit the bricks and try not to die ^^;

- I do plan on starting Volume 3 before the end of the month, and the side comic should proceed as normal.

- This month will look a little wonky with content (timing-wise), but January should look much more structured.

Thanks again for everything!  See you soon!



Hang in there dude. Just dont burn yourself out between work and art.


It was so nice to meet you at MFF! I'm not sure if I ever told you my name, but I visited your spot a few times with that one Crux you drew for ^^ He was super pleased with it and I can't wait to get something from you next year! Keep up the good work. You're amazing at what you do but an even more amazing person to be around.

Angelic Bard - Pflegehund

Thank you for keeping us in the loop Jackaloo! I'm so glad to hear you had a great time at MFF, it sounded like it was a blast :3~ I'm cheering for you as you move on! I hope things keep some level of sanity at work. There seem to be all sorts of exciting new things going on, but thank you for always going the extra mile to keep us involved and providing wonderful content. Please take care of yourself, smell the cactus blooms, and I hope the transition to 'regular life' is smooth :3~!

Sugar Sammy

I wish I could have been there 😭


Thanks for the info! Just... hang in there, relax as much as you can and enjoy the holiday as much as you can. I know I'm not going anywhere!


We did it hard in Chicago!


Отлично). Не зря оформил подписку. (translation is not important)