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Oh Coop, you and your density x3

Sorry this is so late guys; with the holidays here and MFF coming up, I wanted to try and keep your payments low (so this page will be charged at the end of December instead of November)

Well now! That wasn't so bad, was it? Maybe River can teach Smelli Boi here a little confidence, romance, and fun tricks in certain areas ;P

Hmmm... What will Andy think of this though? 

The main intent for Volume 3 is to crank up the amount of NSFW scenes, along with some more light fun. Comedy, more story development, and hopefully many scenes that still feel relatable and genuine.

Some things to look forward to in Vol 3:

- Andy and Chelsea closure

- Waldren coming back for NSFW material

- more butt stuff across the board!

- More River stuff (both SFW and NSFW)

- Side character reappearances (Charlie, Jenn, Gary, etc)

- One new character




And more more more Cooper NSFW please 🤤


“Place is gonna reopen as a strip joint!” Me.... HUUUHHHHHHH?!?!?! Lmao so cooper gonna be a stripper? Wonder if he will use these moves on Andy at all 😏 but what WILL Andy think? Aw man Idk if I can take much more of the roller coaster these two put me on 😫

Lucian Greywolf

God! Cant wait to see what he's gonna have Cooper doing for the ads. Modeling for sure but wanna see some action between him and River too. Hope Andy dont freak out over it tho.


Wether good or bad, Andy HAS to attend coop’s show 😂


Ooooh for volume 3 and aww that volume 2 is over. Then again, I can’t wait for more smelly boi nsfw x3 Thanks for all you work Jackaloo!!!


By Andy and Chelsea closure, you mean Andy and Chelsea will leave the story or just that sub-plot that will get resolved?


Oh yeah, Gonna be some “Magic Coop” action coming up. (Or “Magic River”? Since he’s gonna be mentoring our reluctant wolf)


They gotta talk about things at some point! Andy's definitely not over losing her as a close friend, but hooooooow does Chelsea feel? :3


Just gotta pray for NSFW Fletcher :3


But does he deserve it? Do we deserve it? xD is it more of a perk or a punishment to have his egotistical ham candle flopping about?

Trevor Delgado

Coop's face at the end, I'm dying 😁 I'm Def looking forward to more NSFW coop, Andy'd be real nice too


Sexy teacher is something I can live with


Hopfully this means alot of sexy times for Cooper and river

DJ Wolf

Coop stripping. This I gotta see. Even more i wanna see coop strip with fletcher!

Trevor Delgado

Not complaining or trying to rush, just curious, what's the ballpark timetable for Vol 3?


holy mother of f**k, jack you are the best LMAO


So Coop was Excited for a Whore House? God sometimes you just wanna Smack or Shake Coop💧


I'm so fucking confused right now. Does Coop still think that this is still a real internship? I wanna know how he's keeping up in his college courses. I also wanna know what the fuck his happening at whatever university he's at that would let the administration think that working at Rail for little to no compensation is okay. It's not okay: It's illegal--this company does not qualify as an unpaid internship. Also, I'm SERIOUSLY wondering what business college not owned by Donald Trump would allow a student to work as a stripper in a strip joint. This is super fucking illegal and someone has got to point it out to Cooper at some point.


Good lord, my smelly boi can be so stupid sometimes.... XD

Ed Haynes

How's Andy going to react to this?


The memes that can be made from that last pair of River/Coop faces are limitless. And wait...is Coop's stripper persona gonna be the FURRY GODMOTHER?!


It was about that time that Cooper realized, he was the hoe the whole time.


I hope the canon relationship will be Andy and Coop, I'm rooting for them so much


I hope he was being snarky and sarcastic, but I couldn't help but read that as interest.


Assuming Cooper goes through with this, I quite eagerly await the inevitable "why did you think you had to do this!?" scene between the two.



Alarm Frog

If only Coop had the sense to tell Fletcher to fuck off here.


Chsjfjdj can we talk about how Cooper just has the cutest freaking face?


>=/ Twink-ass River needs to flow away.


Any chance you'd post a ZIP of the whole thing? I'm late to the party and it would be much easier to catch up that way than going through many pages of Patreon's slow UI.


Actually, I'm glad I'm going back and reading through all the posts instead of just getting the image files. I didn't realize how much cooler it is to see the context of everything that was going on as this was being made.


I do agree though, ZIPs of all the issues would be nice.


Cooper's face is priceless. XD


i would pay for pdf format of each chapter