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Love the blue shading


LOL and Yikes.

Sugar Sammy

I love coop in the first panel. Sooo sexy 💘. Also holy crap, the writing.


Rest in fucking pieces


Grief is awesome - in the truest definition: it's poignant, powerful, life changing. Coop's anger coming out is good and healing. Witnessing this process gives me hope for him.


Well I think we can all agree that clearly cooper had a very loving relationship with his father and that he misses him very much......🤣 no but seriously, when I first got a taste of coopers dad I actually didn’t think he was that bad, overly strict of course but overall still a loving father in his own way anyway, but clearly things escalated or deescalated how ever you wish to see it and now here we are in the present past of what he left behind and excited doesn’t begin to relay how I feel about reading the rest of this side story to see how cooper got to be the way he is today and of course I’m very excited too see how Andy plays out in this as well (I’m really hoping to see more of that good friends action that was hinted towards slightly in summers gone and volume 1-2) but any way just wanted to get all of this out of my mind and of course I think you’re incredible jackaloo and I can’t wait to see the rest


This is EXACTLY how I felt my father died. This is post: "All the people saying sorry for your loss...(you're not sad...why aren't you sad? They all want you to be sad. Is there something wrong with me)" phase. I feel like coop went through.

Angelic Bard - Pflegehund

Swear on me mum I'm going to sue College age Cooper $420.69 yiff dollars for continuing to steal my hair styles I had during these years.


"But he's your father!" "Doesn't make him not a PoS." Good job Coop!


Wow... Just wow. I applaud you, good sir.


This is exactly why I refuse to have children: I don’t want someone despising me for my flaws long after I’m gone. Because I know exactly how Cooper feels.


Made me tear up a bit. Powerful...Sad.

