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Thank you for making one of the biggest differences in my life this year. You guys are incredible and I will never ever stop thanking you.

A lot of us had a hard year. 2017 brought a lot of bad luck to many individuals who have been tested in so many ways. You made it though. We're still here and still going. Keep fighting!

So what's MY New Years Resolution? Personally, I need to practice the art of "good enough". I have a personal tendency to take on WAY too much in my life and set my personal standards up so high, I nearly always set myself up for anxiety and feelings of failure. For those who have similar feelings of never being good enough, I encourage you to try your best to find peace with doing what you can reasonably do and never give up. No matter how old you are, how sad or angry you may feel, it's never too late to face your demons and work on yourself to make your life better. Keep trying. Keep moving forward. You'll get there.

I'd love to hear your own reflections and resolutions if you'd like to leave a comment!

For those of you still waiting on sketches, I hope you understand that they will be produced in the first couple days of January due to the holiday. I will be working a lot on top of hosting, so the extra patience is super appreciated <3

Thanks everyone, see you next year! ;D



Happy New Year Jackaloo!


My resolution is simple. Support you even more, allow this comics to be known to people who would not know it yet. Have a very nice and happy new year for you Jackaloo, I hope to spend beautiful days to come with you, Cooper and Andy. Thank you for everything.


Welp, I honestly wasted the year, Didn't get a lot done, though in august I found your comic, and got hooked, eventually joined this excellent fandom (I think that's the term) and found this wonderful community, You've had a pretty huge impact on me becoming who I am already, Jackaloo :3 . I did also meet someone, so that might turn into something~. I hope to have a busy 2018 though, gotta get decent at maths and get in shape to join the Australian Army in 2019 so that's my resolution I guess :3 Thanks Jackaloo and everyone else here, all excellent people, Happy new Years :3


My resolution. Loose Weight and exercise more. Continue to create A.R.K.s where ever I can (A Random act of Kindness) Keep my temper in check even when dealing with total idiots (I'm an IT Manager and get some doozies) Help a little more, give a little more - even when it hurts because there are others in worse spots than you. And get a move on the various projects that I have :)

Angelic Bard - Pflegehund

This year I'm going to get more sleep. By scheduling an adequate bedtime and regular sleep hours, I'll not only be able to feel more rested, but my overall health will improve. Less chance for hormone imbalances, overall mood improvement. And with having a sleep schedule and not feeling as tired, I can effectively study better, and by studying better, I'll hopefully be able to dedicate more time to building even better friendships and being able to hopefully create more stuff in general!


Aww, this is so sweet, Jackaloo. I am definitely one of those people. I'm always trying to be "perfect," even though I know it's impossible. Trying to fix everyone else's problems until I become sick. Just taking on too much in general. I'll try to take your words to heart, but it isn't easy. My fear of letting other people down is pretty great, which causes a lot of social anxiety. But, I'll definitely do my best. I know that it does take a great toll on both me and my relationships with others. Old habits just die hard, I guess.


Aww Phephe! You're too sweet. Thank you for your love and encouragement &lt;33


Ohh I'm so happy for you! You already sound like you've made a lot of growth in the past few months. Good luck and thank you for your service if you do decide to join. That takes a lot of courage!


Those all sound awesome! As someone who puts up with A LOT on the daily, I'm 100% positive that you'll improve your overall mental health by spreading more kindness and practicing mindfulness.


Absolutely! Sleep is so important! When I was having MASSIVE sleep problems, I picked up stretching for a few minutes both before bed and right after I wake up. It's super nice to loosen your body up and uncoil all the tension inside.


I completely relate to everything you said. It can be so exhausting and destructive. I think what might help us both is to start being a little bit nicer to ourselves and purposely try and make some time for self care and "me" time without subconsciously dwelling on looming responsibilities in the future.

Angelic Bard - Pflegehund

I hadn't thought of that. Really, for all the extra energy I tend to have, that'd probably be a good idea. I'll have to try to add it to my bed time routine, thank you!


*nods* Yeah. That and trying to come to terms with the fact that making mistakes is normal. It's how we learn to do better next time. I just grew up in an atmosphere in which all that was respected was hard work that never ends, and a single mistake could mean very bad things. That's how I developed such a neurosis in the first place. It's slow-going, but I think I've made some improvements. The hardest part is not beating myself up when I take the one step back after the two steps forward. It's bound to happen, but I'm in such a race to "catch up" that I don't notice how exhausted I've made myself. By then, I'm burnt out, and it takes even longer to recharge. I have to begin to recognize in advance that I'm getting there, and take some time to relax before that happens.