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Hi guys! I'm so sorry to break this news to you in the new year, but I have cut down on the limited spacing for the top two rewards that have access to the monthly sketches. If you are CURRENTLY a Patron on a level that gets a sketch or two a month, it is likely you will not be able to re-enter once you leave that pledge level.

I apologize for the disappointment, but I realize that I keep running over time on working on those sketches for the month because I do not realistically have time to do them all. Between that, the comics, and my day job, I have been biting off way more than I can chew. It's not fair to you to have to put up with my apologies and pleas for more time to work on them.

I'm constantly brainstorming new reward ideas that are worthwhile to you guys and that I can deliver in a timely manner. I very much appreciate your understanding and let me know if you have any ideas for different rewards that you'd also enjoy! A time may come where I will have to eliminate the sketch reward entirely, so I want to prepare for it early on and get some great alternative ideas.

Thank you everyone! Expect the rest of your December sketches within the next couple of days!



Just a thought I'm not sure if it was ever discussed or not before but maybe people who have the sketch privileges can enter in like a raffle for being a background character in the comic in the near future so like people with one sketch would get one raffle while people with two sketches get too but the raffle would be in their separate categories


Could do a lottery for the lower teir that way they still get a reward but it’s by chance drawing however many you feel you can do. Like if you have 20 who get sketches but can only do 5 that month. Role a D20 and pick five from the list to get a sketch that month.


I had trouble with posting on my phone, so I shall make a new post that's all tidied up, so I can make sure you get a notification with the whole thing. >_< Hmm. It’s disappointing, but I do completely understand that you may very well have to change things. I understand now why you were so concerned during your last post, since you're trying so hard for all of us, but it is becoming a bit too much. I feel bad for contributing to your stress, since I'm one of the sketch folks, but it would also be disappointing to lose it. I'd like to hope there might be a way to strike a happy medium for everyone, if possible. If you do end having to completely cut it for your own sanity, though, then you gotta. Your health is more important, and the comic is your primary focus, after all. But, one idea is that perhaps you could combine the top two tiers and even out the pledge to a price in between? Perhaps somewhere in the range of $10-12. Everyone gets a single sketch. No more double sketches. I know it would be disappointing for those who currently get double sketches, but at least they wouldn't lose them entirely, and us single sketch folks can keep ours if we're willing to pay a bit more (time is money, after all). Or, the top tier gets a single sketch and something else. Something easier. Maybe that aforementioned ticket for a raffle of a cameo spot somewhere in that month's set of pages. Or maybe some sort of merch, if you start doing that? It could maybe be some money to put toward whatever you might end up selling, or an "item of the month" like a button or whatever, something you'd only make five of, that one time, and no one else would get, ever. However, it would be something smallish and doable. So, very special, but very easy. If I think of anything else, I'll let you know! I love brainstorming for solutions to problems.


Another creator that I'm pledged to does a sketch every month, where the patrons at a certain tier can suggest a sketch for the month. The creator asks for ideas and then, after a day, creates a survey comprised of the sketch suggestions where *all* of their patrons can vote on which sketch they'd like to see for the month. That way it significantly decreases the workload while letting the patrons choose what they want to see, though it might be disappointing for a patron if they keep trying to suggest something that nobody else wants to see... So pros and cons to that, although I like the raffle idea!


Another thought I just had is to cut back the number of characters. You could make it so there is a strict limit of one character per sketch. No exceptions (unless maybe the person wants to use two months for a two character sketch). OR, you could make it so that Entertainers get a single sketch with ONE character, while Big Daddies get a single sketch with TWO characters (a choice between that and a single character, cleaned with ink/shaded, similar to what you do now). You could also make a rule about backgrounds. Just say no. I notice that when one of us might ask for a theme, like a holiday, or a setting... you can go overboard with the background. So, just make it that it is clothing/accessories only. No backgrounds, since they take way too long.


What about cameo spots in the comic?


Springboarding off of this... there are times there have been votes on what happens in the comic. Perhaps higher tiers could be allowed to exclusively vote on those things. Perhaps those things could become a bit wider in scope, too. Nothing that would change the direction of the comic, but perhaps a scene could play out slightly differently, depending on how the votes go. I think paying extra for a chance to basically work with the creator, even if only a little, would be very much worth it! :3