Minyo Lesson | Soranbushi -- 民謡レッスン | ソーラン節 (Patreon)
This video introduces Soranbushi from Minyo (folk song) of Hokkaido prefecture.
The song was originally sung to bring everyone together when fishing.
If you learn the melody of the song first, it will be easier to learn the Shamisen as well. Therefore, let’s start from listening to the song until you have the melody memorized!
Vocabulary List
Honchoshi - the tuning with the first string in C, the second string in F, and the third string in C. The base note on the first string can be other notes than C, but the balance between the three strings remains the same
Tuning - to adjust the pitch of the Shamisen
Hajiki - to pull off a string with index/ring finger of your string-hand to produce sound
本調子 - 一の糸をドにしたときに、二の糸がファ、三の糸がドになる調弦。一の糸をド以外にすることもあるが、三本の音の関係は変わらない
調弦 - 三味線の音程を調整すること
はじき - 左手の人差し指や薬指でで糸を弾いて音を出すこと