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On the tenth day since he had started attending the Sacred Orchid Institute, Li Ming finally came out of his villa to put some of his plans for the future into action.

Ning'er was not with him because he had apparently gone to visit his family, and without her to keep him company, he became bored very quickly. After all, it was always nice to have an incomparable beauty by one's side who could satisfy his every whim. (Not in a sexual sense)


[Name: Li Ming

Age: 13

Race: Human

Physique: Heavenly Evil Physique

Spiritualist Rank: 3 Star silver  Rank

Fighter Rank: 1 Star gold Rank

Soul Realm: Indigo

Soul Attribute: Attributeless

Soul Form: Yin Evil Lotus

Merit Laws:

●  Ten Thousand Beast Totem

Aspect Totem:

1) Beast Marks of Death "Horned Sheep" - "Fanged Panda" - "Silver Tiger")

[Leshen: Embryonic Form]

●  Revolving Crescent Sun Merit Law

● Great Art of the Desolate Halberd [

● The Invisible Double Blades

● Lesser Thousand Sword Formation

● Violet Qi Cauldron Control Art

● Dragon Mammoth Sea-Forming Scripture

●  Secrets of the Grand Dao

●  Notes of the Array Dao

Law/Dao: ---------- ]

Seeing the small screen in front of his eyes, Li Ming could only show a small smile forming on his lips. "Great, my power is growing smoothly."

There was only so much she could after a week. She had continued to cultivate using using as a point center her physique to increase her speed, and of course she continued to fight several prisoners to increase her battle experience.

In addition he had learned some new martial techniques to increase his strength, he had done everything necessary to increase his power or at least that was what he thought.

He had even gone and written some inscriptions on a pair of gray forearms and leg guards. Nothing too big compared to the sword he had made as an experiment, he had simply used the blood of an Earth Eater to improve their strength and give a protective spell around his body, and he had enhanced it twice with the blood of a horned sheep.

They were not that great, but while wearing them, most rank-bronze and rank-silver attacks would do nothing to them.

Ning'er had commented before he left that if he sold them, they would easily go for a few hundred thousand. And he had been very tempted. That way, he could carry out his plans at least for a good week. But in the end, he really didn't want his power to come out yet.

He had no intention of hiding his greatness, he wanted to shine after all and eclipse the Holy Family in every way-and what better way than to be absolutely superior in their apparent specialty with inscriptions.

But for the time being, he did not really want to attract the murderous intentions of Shen Hong who was a rank of Five-Star Black Gold with a Flaming Sacred Demon Spirit Condor. He was among the top five strongest in all of Glory City, and was also said to be a rival to the current City Lord who was strong, even some claimed that he was no weaker than Ye Mo.

So in the end, he decided to keep his talents to himself for now.... Of course, it was another matter if someone would come in front of him arrogantly and start glaring, he would crush him mercilessly like a dog.

And so, Li Ming found himself walking lazily through the Holy Orchid Institute campus. People stopped to point and stare, and some girls even tried to flirt with him. After all, he was well known now for being a prodigy who was at the rank of five-star bronze....

Of course, this was old news to him now. He had already reached the three-star silver rank after spending a whole week cultivating. Not only was his foundation much stronger after all the different fights he had faced against different prison inmates.

He turned away from the girls and continued on his way. As much as he would have liked to put them to bed, he was quite repressed after spending a week alone with Ning'er.

But he clearly knew that he did not have the luxury of such thoughts. Right now he was thirteen years old and that was the most important time frame for him if he wanted to increase his cultivation to have a bright future in the future. Plus he could indulge in such acts after he would be on top of the ten worlds with thousands of women who would fulfill his every desire.

"Have you heard?" commented a boy dressed in blue to his friend as Li Ming walked past them, "Zoysia Grass has risen to a standard price of 88 demon spirit coins!"

"Yes, I heard," nodded his friend, with a frown on his lips, "Too bad though, all the places where it is known to grow have been cleaned out."

'Oh? Li Ming raised an eyebrow in interest. Since he had spent his time cultivating and fighting for the past week, he had not kept track of any new news. But he thought it would take at least two weeks or so for prices to rise so massively.

A big smile could not help but form in his face. If he sold now, he would have millions of demonic spirit coins. He honestly barely cared that he had so much money, but they were definitely useful in the near future to increase the battle strength of his Aspect Totem. "Not yet," he muttered, shaking his head slightly.

He predicted that prices would continue to rise for at least three weeks before stabilizing. Very few people had any reason to stock up on Zoysia Grass, and he had been collecting it everywhere in the surrounding areas.

He shook his head and started to run his way, but the second boy spoke again, "This is old news too, the price of Zoysia Grass has been going up all week," and added, "Did you hear about that child, Nie Li? He made a bad impression on the Holy Family today when he pointed out that the famous Sacred Flame Inscription of the Holy Families was actually a plagiarism of the Lightning Flame Inscription of the ancient Snow Wind Empire."

Well, now things are getting more interesting than expected.... It seemed that his predictions were correct and that Nie Li was much more than what he showed on the outside. "I wonder who is better at formations between the two of us? Me or him?"

But this certainly did not faze him in the slightest in fact it excited him slightly. He had absolute confidence in his power that was only strengthened after managing to defeat several gold ranks without using his Aspect Totem.

Moreover, he was confident that after successfully forming his second Aspect Totem no one would be at his level in this city. But this was only the beginning, after all, his cultivation technique had yet to show its true strength and to do so he needed to find a Spiritual Beast, an extremely rare ancient bloodline to succeed in forming his first Life Beast Mark.

However, no longer being distracted by the various chatter of passersby, he headed to the blacksmith in Glory City to collect his order. This way he would be a little more at ease if some gold-black rank or even legend tried to kill him, a nice trump card he could use in the most dangerous moments.

To be more precise a sword formation with power that should not be underestimated, especially after he gets his hands on every single sword to strengthen them even more that even a legendary rank would be in trouble.

He really could not understand why most cultivators focused on alchemy or blacksmithing.... The real supreme art was arrays without any doubt!

Since he had come to this world he immediately enjoyed creating different arrays for his own enjoyment. He had found a new and interesting hobby for his pleasure it was a pity that he had no one with whom he could chat about this nice profession.


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