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Li Ming had quickly returned to his mansion as he sat in the center of the room as he began to cultivate and summon to himself the power of heaven and earth to prepare to try to form the formation array.

e had spent all the more than 70 million demonic spirit coins he had earned from hunting demonic beasts. He had also had to use Jade-Tokens from the city lord. To get a discount that would allow him to cover all his expenses

He had really underestimated the price of the gold and gold-black grade weapons, luckily he had finally somehow managed to get what he wanted without too much trouble.

"Formation of the Thousand Minor Swords." murmured Li Ming in an obvious excited tone, after all from what he had read the formation manual hundreds of times to be able to deploy without problems.

The Formation in question requires a lot of flying sword-type magic treasures, and has exceptionally high requirements for the amount of magic treasures. What he needed were classified magic treasures and, in general, he needed a large number of flying sword-type magic treasures to use the power of this training technique.

"I had to use all my savings," he said with some resolve. "I really hope it will be worth it."

"The formation of the Thousand Minor Swords at the highest level requires 729 flying swords." Said Li Ming. "Even using only the weakest types of ranked magic treasures, you still need 729 of them..."

The Training requirements of the Thousand Minor Swords regarding magic treasures are very high. The more flying swords, the better. The more you have, the greater the power of this technique.

Over seven hundred classified magical treasures and all kinds of swords? It was certainly not an easy thing to accomplish, fortunately he had made plans in advance, otherwise it would have been quite difficult.

"As your power increases, the number of flying swords you can use will naturally increase." He said. "Starting from mortal-level magic treasures to Earth-level magic treasures, to Heaven-level magic treasures, to immortal-level magic treasures..."

"The Lesser Thousand Swords Formation. It uses nine flying sword type magical treasures to form the base of a formation. I need nine formation bases ... to form a sword formation. This is the most basic sword formation, requiring eighty-one flying sword type magic treasures. This is the first-level attack Lesser Thousand Swords formation."

"If I am able to control a second set of eighty-one flying swords and make these two sword formations cooperate ... My power will multiply instantly! This is the second level of the Thousand Minor Swords Formation! I will need 162 flying swords."

"If I am able to control 243 flying swords to make three sword formations join forces, my power will multiply once again. This is the third level of the Thousand Minor Swords Formation!"

Four sword formations will again multiply the power, and it is known as the fourth level of the Thousand Swords Minor Formation "And so on."

Eventually, with nine combined sword formations, he will need exactly 729 flying swords, which will be the ninth level of this Thousand Swords Minor Formation. The power is so great... as to be inconceivable!

But of course, given his current soul strength, even if he was able to control many unclassified flying swords, he would be far from being able to reach this level for now...

He nodded as if he understood. "The most important secret of this Lesser Thousand Sword Formation lies in the 'Little Thousand Seal Lines'..."

During the creation of the arrays, there were small lines that were the basis for each formation, and as long as they could be seen or even precisely controlled, one could become a grand master in the formations without any problems.

Li Ming immediately and quickly withdrew nine sword-shaped magic treasures from his space ring. Since these were all unclassified magic treasures, they were generally meant to be held when engaging in battle; Thus, there were some differences between them and flying swords.

"Lesser Thousand Seal Lines." Li Ming tried to draw the lines on the floor with his finger.

Given his great control over his body, he was naturally able to completely duplicate the seal lines as he again summoned the power of heaven and earth to himself in order to successfully activate the formation.

Li Ming allowed himself to calm down and then withdrew a small basin from his storage treasure. He put his finger inside the small basin, and from the inside of his fingernail, one drop of blood after another began to gush out and leak. Soon, he had a small basin half full of blood.

"Fortunately, my body is very strong, otherwise I would be in a dangerous situation..." If someone else your age were to lose so much blood, his face would turn pale. For him, however, most likely your body replenished the blood as soon as he let it out.

Li Ming said nothing. Instead, he picked up a magic sword-like treasure, which suddenly shrank considerably in size. His blood-stained finger, he began to pull on top of the sword.

In the blink of an eye, a single seal line of the lesser thousand appeared on the sword. A bloody light flashed, and quickly, the seal line fused completely into the sword.

Li Ming then picked up another sword. Once he mastered the Minor Seals, he practically never made a mistake. During this trial attempt, he had acquired thousands of magical treasures with the extremely common swords. He had a thousand sword-type magic treasures. He directly tapped into 729 of the sword-type magic treasures.

"Training base!" Li Ming imposed his will as if it were the decree of an Immortal Emperors.

*Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua!*

Immediately, nine swords swung in the air around him, rotating slowly. But something was missing and he could only frown. "The power of sword formation comes from attuning to the heavens and the earth. Not

The nine swords hovering around Li Ming faintly carried within them a kind of invisible intent. It was as if the nine swords actually formed a single entity. At that moment, the nine swords were positioned very perfectly in relation to each other.

"The training base is complete. Formation, stand up!" Li Ming willed it, and then 72 more swords suddenly rose up, all in groups of nine.

81 magical sword-like treasures swirled around him, while Li Ming himself closed his eyes as he checked them. Soon, with the Thousand Minor Seal Lines in each sword as a base, the 81 sword-like magic treasures began to emit a misty glow as countless sword glows converged rapidly around him.

A constantly fluctuating sword light hovered in the air beside Li Ming as a strong sword intent grew around him and grew stronger and stronger.

Li Ming finally opened his eyes and stared at the sword light hovering beside him. This sword light was his Qi that had been transformed and compressed by the magical formation of the 81 sword-type magic treasures. The amount of power had already caused a qualitative change and the strength was surprising.

"Not bad." Li Ming willed it. More 81 swords rose into the air ready to pierce his enemies with simple orders from him.


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