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Ning er regained consciousness. Her body tired and her face pressed against something warm and comforting, a slow rising and lowering of her body that left slight butterflies in her stomach.

She almost groaned from the pain she felt all over her body and could barely move except with her arms tightening a little around what had been thrown at her and with a little moan of discomfort coming out of her mouth as she pressed herself tighter against the admonishing object against which her face was pressed

"It seems that Sleeping Beauty has awakened." He heard Li Ming's familiar voice say, with obvious amusement in his tone. It sounded very close to her ear....

The orange-haired girl slowly opened her eyes, and it was then that she noticed what her face was pressed against. The bare, broad back of the slightly younger boy who was with her, his arms encircling her shoulders and legs wrapping around her waist, his strong arms holding her by the thighs as he carried her on his shoulder.

Ning's face was flushed, but he tried hard not to overreact and make things awkward. She had already made up her mind, hadn't she? She was not going to hand Li Ming over to anyone but herself!

And boys like girls pressing against them, don't they? The position they were in now had her large breasts pressing tightly against his back.

For a while she cursed her developing body, but in the end it was worth it and she was able to make use of it. And Li Ming had certainly enjoyed the sight he had had last night while treating her.

"It seems," agreed Ning'er with a small smile on her face, "what happened? The last thing I remember was integrating with the Earth Eater and then everything went black." Well, there was also the feeling of euphoria coursing through her veins and a sense of strength she had never felt before.

It had been surprisingly easy to integrate with the Earth Devourer, just as Li Ming had said. This showed that he was indeed superior to most of the great masters in Glory City.

"Well, you managed to retain enough of my Yang Qi and balance it with all your Yin Qi. To the point that your fortitude has exploded and increased tremendously," Li Ming began to slowly explain.

"I expected that you would surpass the two-star bronze rank, I certainly did not expect that you would explode to the five-star rank, you are a true prodigy, aren't you? Being able to integrate all the Yang and Yin Qi into your soul realm, it seems that your talent and willpower in improving your strength exceeded my expectations."

"Huh?" Ning'er could only blink in shock as she registered those words. Five-star bronze rank?... But she had been cultivating for over a year, with elixir, and yesterday before meeting Li Ming. She had only managed to reach one hundred seventy-six in soul strength.

.. Yet, in a single day, he was telling her that he had achieved what she aimed for more than five times? Ning'er felt a little faint. She did not know what to think, but she could feel a feeling of joy pervade her whole body as never before.

"Well, don't think you can reproduce what happened today," he continued, "The only reason it worked is because you accumulated a stupidly huge amount of Yin Qi and I added enough Yang Qi to balance it, with mine balancing it and making it nonlethal to you, you were able to integrate with it without it hurting you."

Above all, it was his physique that had done most of the work; if anyone else had tried to do such a thing, he would not have been surprised if it had exploded into many small pieces.

Ah, that's why... She had resented the little growth her soul strength had shown with all the elixirs she had had to take. She was so angry yesterday when she had found out that Ye Ziyun had more than ninety points when it came to soul strength without having to resort to growth-enhancing elixirs like she had.

But it seemed that it was not behind her, it was just the bad cultivation technique that her family had ordered her to use that kept her from progressing on her path.

Her arms tightened a little around Li Ming's neck, "Thank you," he whispered. What he had done for him deserved so much more than a simple thank you. But it was colossal in scope, so much so that "thank you" was all he could really think to say at this moment.

"Don't worry about it," he stated in a calm tone, tightening his grip a little around her thighs and pulling her just a little harder against his back, "Having a girl like you pressed against me is reward enough for the moment."

Redness spread across her face again at his words, but instead of being embarrassed, she felt dizziness rise in her chest. She couldn't think of anything to say without making a fool of herself right now, but if he liked it, then she would be happy to let him feel her body against him as much as he wanted.

She pushed her chest harder against his back, feeling his hands slide back onto her thighs a moment later as she stiffened, close to her butt, where his hands tightened a little around her thighs again, sinking into her juicy ass.

"... If you like it, I don't mind doing it." only managed to whisper Ning'er with obvious expectation in her voice.

"We are too young, Ning'er." Li Ming laughed, shaking his head.


Ning'er was rather disappointed that Li Ming had gotten her off her back. When they returned to the gates of Glory City. Her body was still sore, but she was able to walk.

Regardless, she would have preferred to let Li Ming carry her for as long as possible. She was comfortable in his embrace.

However, she followed him to his side when they entered the city again and he made a detour to the looting store. He quickly recalled all the materials he had obtained from the Earth Eaters, including the three remaining demonic spirits, and sold them for a whopping fifty-six thousand nine hundred demonic spirit coins.

"What now?" Ning'er asked the boy, once he had stowed the money in his space ring.

"Go back over there," he replied with a smile, pointing to a familiar stall down the street.

The stall where he had bought those two demonic spirits for him. The loot store was located near the Sacred Orchid Institute, at least one of them, mainly for students who wanted to earn from the training area.

"Oh, if it isn't the young master and lady from this morning," the stall vendor greeted them with a smile and a nod once they were inside, "what can I do for you? Would you like to buy more demonic spirits? I only have one left," he said pointing to the stall, where there was actually only one demonic spirit left.

To be exact, it was a Lightning Deer, at least judging by its appearance.

"I'll take it," Li Ming said instantly, taking out the money from his space ring and handing it over, he seemed to remember the price that morning.

"Thank you." he nodded when the seller motioned him to take the demonic spirit after receiving the money. "Nice to do business with you," smiled the seller,

They left him behind and started walking toward the dormitory area. Ning'er remained silent for a few moments as Li Ming closed his eyes and absorbed the demonic spirit into himself as he could feel its soul force spiraling around him for a few brief moments before dissipating.

He was silent for all of a minute before he opened his eyes and smiled at her, "And with that, my Aspect Totem is ever closer to the next stage."

Ning'er was honestly a little in awe of how easy it was to make it look. Sure, the lightning-fire deer was a common demonic beast, and she had experience in subduing much stronger ones now, but he did it casually as he walked beside her this time.

He was a little wild.... "What now?" Ning'er decided to ask. She enjoyed being in his company and did not want to break away from him yet. Besides, they had been much faster than she had thought and classes would not be out for a few more hours. "Do you have other plans?"




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