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여러분들으 안녕하세요 janggun 입니다

현제 테데자리제의 진행 상황입니다

얼굴부분은 조금 수정했습니다

수정하고 보니 럭키스타의 히이라기 카가미 느낌이 나네요

사실 'ご注文はうさぎですか?' 는 보질못했습니다

럭키스타만 보기도 했고 캐릭터 디자인도 비슷한 점이 있어서 카가미와 닮았다는 느낌이 좀더 강하게 드는것 같아요 ㅠㅠ

캐릭터는 거의 완성해 가는것 같습니다 이제 캐릭터 부분에 약간의 마무리와 바리에이션들을 그리면 될것 같습니다

오늘중으로 완성을 목표로 그리고 있습니다

그럼 여러분들 완성작 기대해 주시고요 여러분들 모두 주말 잘 보내세요

감사합니다 :)

Hello everyone, this is janggun.

This is the current progress of Tedesarije.

The face part was slightly modified.

After editing, it reminds me of Hiiragi Kagami from Lucky Star.

In fact, 'ご注文はうさぎですか?' I didn't see it

I only watched Lucky Star, and the character design has some similarities, so I think I have a stronger feeling of resemblance to Kagami.

The character seems to be almost complete. Now I just need to draw some finishing touches and variations to the character.

I'm aiming for completion by today.

So, please look forward to the finished product. Have a nice weekend, everyone.

thank you :)




She looks amazing and cute! The anime is really relaxing and cute too, highly suggest if you enjoy that style.


Wow she's really plump. In all the right places too 😍 Hope you do more purple hair girls! That belly needs a piercing too!


I drew it with the intention of giving it a slightly chubby feel. I'm glad you felt what I meant. I will draw the piercing on my stomach if I have time after completing the drawing.