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여러분들 안녕하세요 janggun 입니다

테데자 리제를 완성했습니다

사실 요 몇일 컨디션이 좋지 못해서 이번그림은 바리에이션을 많이 그리지 못했습니다 ㅠㅠ

요청이 있었던 피어싱이나 부카케 같은 요소를 좀더 그렸으면 좋았을텐데 여기서 시간을 더 치체하면 나머지 두장의 그림이 늦어질것 같아서 바리에이션을 조금 적게 그렸습니다

그리고 이번 그림은 얼굴이나 바디의 묘사는 잘 된것 같은데 자세가 마음에 안드네요

머리위로 들고있는 손의 위치가 조금 어정쩡한것 같아요

손을 좀더 뒤로 넘기던지 아니면 한쪽 팔만 들고 있는다던지 하는 좀더 괜찮지 않았을까 하는 생각이 드네요

만약 시간에 여유가 조금더 있었다면 팔의 포즈를 수정하고 싶네요 ㅠㅠ

이번 그림은 제 컨디션 난조로 100% 기량을 발휘하지 못한것 같아 리퀘스트를 요청하신 분께 조금 죄송한 느낌입니다

그래도 전체적으로 꽤나 귀엽게 그려진것 같습니다

특히 몸의 밸런스나 얼굴의 귀여움이 미사키때보다 제 마음에 들게 그려진것 같아요

그럼 여러분들 그림 즐감 하시고요 다음 그림은 심포기어의 키리가 입니다

다음 그림은 폴댄스를 테마로 그릴 예정입니다

다음 그림도 기대해 주시고요 여러분들 남은 주말 잘 보내시길 바랍니다


Hello everyone, this is janggun.

Tedeza Rize completed

Actually, I haven't been in a good mood for the past few days, so I wasn't able to draw many variations in this painting.

It would have been nice to draw more elements such as piercings and bukkake that were requested, but I felt that if I spent more time here, the remaining two pictures would be delayed, so I drew a little less variation.

And this drawing seems to depict the face and body well, but I don't like the pose.

I think the position of the hand held above the head is a little awkward.

I think it would have been better to move my hands back a little more or just hold one arm up.

If I had a little more time, I would like to modify the arm pose.

I feel a little sorry for the person who requested the request as I am not able to show 100% of my skills in this painting due to my poor condition.

Still, overall I think it's drawn quite cutely.

In particular, I think the balance of the body and the cuteness of the face were drawn better than Misaki's.

So, everyone, enjoy the picture. The next picture is Kiriga from Symphogear.

The next picture will be based on the theme of pole dancing.

Please look forward to the next picture. I hope you all have a good weekend.

thank you






This was a good set. I think in future you don’t have to restrict yourself to making monthly set because it will cause you stress. I suggest you to just keep drawing, and uploading them like this set by set. Maybe you can compile in a month if you feel like you have enough. That way you don’t feel so stress that you feel like you have to commit to a month.


Thanks for your comment :) But I think we need to draw a minimum amount of rewards. If I eliminate the goal of five pages a month, I will become infinitely more lazy. So, for my own sake, I think I should maintain the current level of work.