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여러분들 안녕하세요 janggun 입니다

테데자 리제의 스케치 입니다

이번 스케치는 원작의 그림 스테일이 저의 스타일과 너무 틀려서 그리는데 조금 고생했습니다

특히 몸매에서 로리 스러운 느낌이 나면서 글레머러스 한 느낌이 나도록 하게 그렸는데

서로 상반된 목표를 표현하는게 꽤나 어려웠습니다

그래도 개인적으로는 꽤 괜찮은 느낌으로 그려진것 같은데 여러분들이 느끼시기에는 어떨지 모르겠습니다

이번 그림은 빠르게 완성하는게 목표라 바리에이션은 좀 적게 들어갈것 같습니다

19일까지 완성을 목표로 그리고 있는데 잘 될지는 모르겠어요 ㅠㅠ

그럼 완성작 기대해 주시고요 여러분들 모두 좋은하루되세요

Hello everyone, this is janggun.

This is Tedeja Rize's sketch.

I had a bit of trouble drawing this sketch because the style of the original drawing was so different from mine.

In particular, I drew the body to give it a loli-like and glamorous feel.

It was quite difficult to express conflicting goals.

Still, I personally think it's drawn in a pretty good way, but I'm not sure how you'll feel about it.

The goal for this painting is to complete it quickly, so I think there will be fewer variations.

I'm aiming to complete it by the 19th, but I'm not sure if it will turn out well.

Well, please look forward to the finished product. Have a nice day, everyone.




Looks cute! She does look a bit too mature for the feel that you mentioned. Love the thighs though.


Is she wearing pajamas? I'd like to see a version without the outer shirt if possible. I also think her expression could be more cuter? Or seductive?


Perhaps it will be difficult to draw a full nude version due to time constraints. But I plan to draw a version with the panties off. And let's think a little more about the facial expression.


I drew it to make me look younger than usual, but I guess I still look more mature in other people's eyes. But I think it's difficult to draw someone to look younger. It's a matter of my taste, but the bigger problem is that I'm scared that there will be legal problems if I draw her to look too young. ㅜㅜ