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So, here's your face reveal.

I ended up in the hospital for about 24 hours. I got released today. Lots of antibiotics, lots of fluids.

High pain tolerance actually screwed me over. I was able to ignore something that I should have gone to the hospital previously for.

I have a couple of appointments with a surgeon, and *might* have to have surgery.

Some of the cards weren't sent out. They're sitting on my desk still, but I don't really have the energy to go to the post office and neither does my wife.

The good news is, my heart, liver, kidneys are all in really good shape. The civilian doctors, rather than the VA, are talking about repairing my shoulders as well as my chest.

The bad news is, old nerve damage and a high pain tolerance screwed me up.

Nothing like having a tube rammed up your nose and into your guts while you're awake.

Anyway, I'll send off the cards either later today or early tomorrow, once I recover a bit more. I'm kind of tired and sore and these meds make me feel like warmed over trash.

The infection explains the lack of energy the last week or so. Hopefully, once the antibiotics run their course and the infection is taken care of, I'll be at 100%.

The funny part was when they were going over the medical history and the lightning strike was mentioned. The doctor went "Oh, you're THAT guy!" Apparently when it went over the EMS that I'd been hit by lightning they were all ready for the ER to handle me (small town) and instead I just tanked it and kept going.

I got a long lecture before being released about going to the doctor, not just white knuckling it and pushing through it. Apparently I'm too old for that now.

Remember, guys, gals, both, and neither:  take care of yourself. You're the only you that you've got.

UPDATE: My daughter took the last of the Christmas cards to the post office today. So, hopefully you'll all get them before Christmas.




You’ve hit the point in life where tanking pain is just gonna get you killed. Might be time to stop doing that, for your family’s sake. Early caught is less likely to kill you. Heal and have a happy Christmas.


Best wishes for a swift and easy recovery!