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Monday the last of the Christmas Cards go out. Some of you had multiple accounts, or at least showed up multiple times in the database, so you might get two cards. I heard some of you got your cards already, which makes me happy.

We're waiting on the cover, but my artist ran into some problems and it's delayed.

The good thing is, the Holiday Special will be over soon and we'll go back to regularly scheduled programming.

Now, I'll mention this on Monday when I post, but I'm going to have family here this year from about Wed to the 3rd of Jan. The in-laws will be here, so I'm not sure what I'm going to get done.

For some reason people seem to think that writing is just hammering on the keyboard like a monkey for an hour or so and cash pops out of your monitor or something. Sure, I get the fugue states still, but that doesn't mean its 'not a real job' and I really have come to resent being told that.

Had a recent relative I hadn't met in 30 years try to tell me I don't know what a real job was since I'm a writer. I reminded them they've worked in middle management all of their life for the same company and get 4 months of vacation days and 2 months of sick days every year. They tried the "well, I have to go to work, I can't sit around in my pajamas and type on a keyboard. You don't know what real work is."

Best thing was everyone in the room turned and looked at them, which made me reach up and tap the scars on my face.

Don't you love when someone realizes they're an ignorant asshole and get publicly shamed in front of the rest of the family.

Anyway, I don't want to put up with 'helpful' suggestions. (You should do like I saw in my Marvel movie!!!! or in this latest Netflix show!!!) I don't want to put up trying to explain 3 years worth the writing to someone.

So, there will be the yearly holiday hiatus. I love the holidays even if I can't stand my relatives.

On the other hand, I had a friend tell me that the fact I got the Christmas cards out is a shocker. Not because of me, because most of the time people on Patreon promise stuff like that and don't deliver. That surprised me. Hopefully, my friend is wrong and people get what they're supposed to.

Anyway, this has gotten long.

OH! The face reveal and the video: We've been SUPER busy here. My daughter moved out, so that took up the majority of the week. Her house needed cleaning (It's been empty since 1992) from top to bottom, the vents cleaned, the ducts cleaned, all that good stuff.

Still, we're back on the regular schedule soon. Nothing I can see major coming down the pipe after New Year's Eve.

Hopefully, all of YOU are having a good holiday month.

Remember, take care of yourself, you're the only you that you have.

--Ralts Bloodthorne




In a new place, ducts need cleaning _bad_ that is a skill I never learned, after the holidays, when your out of hospital, and if you ever have a quiet moment, drop me a quick clue on how to clean central air ducts.


My card arrived yesterday (California). Such a nice surprise compared to the usual onslaught of junk mail