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So I spent the time to do the layout for the print book of Shot Out! for Amazon. 283 pages, and have the cover artist doing the last adjustments. So I go forward, intending on saving my work, but wanting to see what it's going to cost. I, of course, want to maximize the reach to overseas markets like Bongistan, The Grave of Empires, Iron Fence, MechaKrautland, and the Land of Syrup and Snow.

ELEVEN DOLLAR MINIMUM COST? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? You mean, I'll make a whole nickle? Oh, and I'll be earning NEGATIVE amounts overseas?

I couldn't believe it. I mean, the price is a little higher for eBook ($4.99), but this is goddamn highway robbery! They're asking me to stand out in the road and hold people up like it's the Old West and I'm a guy with Downs Syndrome and a gun outside Tuscon.

I get it, it costs money for Amazon to have the hobbits they force to print the books on hand driven printing presses with unicorn blood ink, but what the hell? I wanted to keep it nice and even priced!

So I look up other print books and about die.

I get most of my stuff from the used bookstores and off of eBay. I mean, I might buy some hardbacks here and there, but when you're buying a 1970's full color artwork book, you expect to pay an eye and a tooth.

But I had NO idea books had gotten so expensive. And now I see why print books are so expensive on Amazon.

To be honest, I'm a little pissed off it's going to cost that much.

I took the recommendation and set the price at $12.99.

But I'm not happy about it.

Buy it if you want a print copy. Hell, don't buy anything you don't want to. Don't feel obligated.

I'm livid.

Anyway, there's your 6AM rant for the week.




I managed to buy physical copies of the books except for Shot Out, there is only the kindle edition for that one, I'm waiting eagerly for my copies to arrive


Yeah, books cost a lot for low number in one edition/pressrun because of technicalities(minimal starting price which is fixed and can't be lowered). So ebook is cheap => noone buying print books => they increased cost. Also don't forget bribery to government(taxes), to church of Poseidon for smooth over sea delivery, to greenpeace so they fuck off from ink production companies etc etc etc. Everyone wanna take a bite, so book which technically cost 2$ to make will cost 12$.