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Wow, I haven't updated here in over a month.

I'm really sorry about that. With everything going on, which is pretty much MadHouse.txt, I've been behind on everything. Covers for the books, editing, and putting up the First Contact website, I can't seem to catch up.

But, let's get on with it.

The editing is going slow because every time I open the document something happens. I'm thinking about maybe doing it somewhere else so that it stops being cursed. The covers are slow because I keep forgetting to get back to the artists, and the First Contact website is slowed down because I keep forgetting to contact the webmaster.

I'm going to be honest. I don't really talk to people on the internet that much any more. Not like I did in the 90's and early 2000's. I spend time with my family, and being able to work from home on First Contact means that I've been spending a lot more time with my family.

I've always been a family man. My dream was to have the white picket fence, happy healthy children, a little house with a lawn, and a farm plump wife (if that makes sense) to grow old with while we held each other's hand.

And I have that. Decades of struggle, eating Top Ramen while making sure the kids had better food, making the hard choice of which utility bill to pay and if I wanted to take the chance of being caught by the cops driving without insurance.

But now I have more than I thought I would.

The dream might not seem big, the white picket fence (don't have that yet, but I'm thinking about ordering the fencing), the little house, the happy children (who are now adults), and the matronly wife, but it was mine.

I'm rambling, sorry. Anyway, because I ignore my email, because for over a decade it was nothing but spam, targeted ads, and order confirmations from Steam, so I forget to check my email for weeks at a time.

So the delays are 100% my fault. No attempting to justify it.

But it's still going on. The next 4 books are going to be released at pretty much the same time.

The Telkan Wars

Shot Out! and Other Shorts

The First Contact Omnibus Book 1

The Atomic Hooves - A Memoir

But I end up with having to choose when to do them. Weekends are pretty much "You get away from that computer right now..." and weekdays are usually "Keyboard go brrrrrrr!"

There just doesn't seem like there's enough time, you know?

Anyway, that's where we are.

I'll post in a week or if there's any major changes.




>So the delays are 100% my fault. No attempting to justify it. This cracked me up you've written the equivalent of 2 Harry potter series in a little over a year (you must be at over 1.4 million words by now). That's insane on its own


It’s great to have projects you’re passionate about, but it’s important to do exactly as you are and attend to the lives we’ve built. It sounds like you’re prioritizing the important work, the rest will get done when it gets done. From one terran balancing life with Life™️ (by Bobco) to another, hell yeah and enjoy 👍👍