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First of all, I love this picture. It makes me giggle my ass off every time I see it. That horse is just so happy.

"Lucky day! I got to run around and prance in front of people, then I found some delicious delicious flowers! What a day!"

From his point of view, he's a winner.

But, anyway, I've got the first five books up. I've got one more aside from Vuxten I'm working on, but that's aside from the big news.

I'm 1/5th of the way through the first edit pass of the primary book.

"Behold: Humanity, Book One: May We Come In"

It's going to end after Ekret's first chapters, at the end of his arc. It's still going to weight heavy on the far end of the recommended length for Amazon's system. The big thing is to get a cover. That's going to be tough. Hell, I don't even know what I want for a cover image.

I was talking to my wife, and she looked around on the internet, and found a site. Funny enough, it was Lulu, same site I used back in the day.

Now, this is going to take a LOT more effort from me, but hell, I used to do my own TTRPG 3PP stuff for d20 and Pathfinder, so I know how to do it.

I reinstalled my old tools. Adobe InDesign and all that good stuff. Started to refamiliarize myself with using the program again. I made over 50 TTRPG products. Actually, closer to 100. So I know how to use it.

I have to submit PDF's.

We're going to have hardback for the main series. Release Hardback and Softback and Kindle versions at the same time. Which means I'm looking at style guides.

It also means I'll be moving off of the Kindle Creator software, if I'm going to be doing InDesign again. It's been, oh, over a decade since I did InDesign layout for a hardback book. Last one I did was for a TTRPG book.

Anyway, I've got to think about artwork now. What I want to have on the cover. To be honest, I have no idea. I've seen one image I've thought about having redone in high tech style.

One thing is, whoever I get for the covers, I'm sticking with them through the whole main series. They'll be doing Behold: Humanity's covers for each book. So I have to seriously consider it.

Now, I mentioned we're in Act IV of the 6-Act Story, which is usually the disaster. I'm having a lot of fun, and the story is going to move forward again.

But, that's enough rambling. Hope everyone has a good week.

--Ralts Bloodthorne, the Creation Engine.




I've been using Lulu to publish my stuff for years! They're good quality, relatively cheap, and if you want to runn off copies for yourself, they have a discounted publisher's price.


Well the last time I did anything like this was using Interleaf and then FrameMaker (Pre Adobe Acquisition), mostly fixing malformed Impress and Postscript code. Even the thought of using book markup tools gives me twinges, at least they where easier to use than nroff