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Anyway. The last part of the move is almost complete. The flooring is being laid and the moulding is being done, halfway done already.

But you didn't come here to hear about that.

I was thinking hard about the books I plan on releasing. "The Bad Lanaktallan" featuring everyone's favorite gangster. Dambree's book, featuring our favorite Hesstlan Murder Machine. "Letters from the Camp" featuring Del'Var. "The Telkan War" which might be two books depending on how it looks in layout. I plan on doing the "We were the Lanaktallan of the Atomic Hooves" too.

The thing was, I was reading some comments, and it dawned on me, I'm at an impasse.

Yes, my stuff needs an editor. Dear Digital Omnimessiah do I need an editor.

But that's not it.

There's been some worry that it would be just like, or an edited version, of the HFY version on Reddit and Royal Road, with nothing new added.

I would love nothing more than to add material to it. Maybe technical specs pulled out of my ass or just some interesting tidbits in the back.

But that goes against a promise I made, and a promise I intend on keeping.

Everything will be for free on Reddit and Royal Road, posted to Reddit/HFY first. NOTHING will be hidden behind a paywall.

I do this, because I can, because I must to get it out of my head and out where it can be shared. It is to help us all get through these trying times, the lockdown after lockdown after lockdown.

So, I made a final decision.

There will be nothing in the books that was not posted on Reddit. While the Wiki might have information that isn't in the story I'm not going to put new information in the books. No new chapters, no new short stories, nothing like that.

While it may be edited for spelling and missed words, the books will just be what was posted on Reddit/HFY. Nothing more, nothing less.

I want to keep that promise to you all.





As a Patreon, and someone reading on Reddit since chapter 100, I wish you would add to the physical release. If I buy the physical books, I would love to see the extras, such as specs, or a detailed timeline. You have given us so much for free on Reddit (even if I do back you) and I want to see the extra details in a book! Keep being awesome!


Just got my P'thok Chronicles book in the mail! So happy! I will buy all your books once they're available in paperback. Can't wait to fill my bookcase with them! Love to you and your family Ralts <3