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Hey everyone, 

As we mentioned on our latest ep, Michael and Us is now on Twitter - and we'd like to ask, humbly, for you to follow us if you're on there as well. We currently have fewer followers than Hillary had electoral votes in 2016 and it's destroying Will's self-esteem. 

Thank you for your service. 




Tyler Sutherland

"Now, I MAY not BE, The Police, but I'll Be WATCHING You, on Twitter!"

Borat Madingus

Such a great free episode this week. You guys did a great job tapping into your own personal experiences living in the alienated neoliberal world we share, as opposed to the more abstract level of analysis that you typically do. As someone who did door-to-door sales for 2 years after college, I can answer Luke's question about how telemarketers and the like convince themselves to do their terrible jobs. Door-to-door sales companies have degrading and punitive policies that make fear of losing your jobs a permanent feature of the job from day 1. At some point within the first week of the job I was hours away from getting fired from the worst job I'd ever done, months after graduating university and realizing I would never attain the dreams I had at university, and I decided that I would either make a sale or walk into traffic so I didn't have to face my girlfriend that night and tell her I was such a loser I couldn't even keep this shit job. So I recited the script my boss had told me to recite and tricked this stranger into buying what I was selling. And the culture of that workplace was one where a bunch of people really good at lying lie to themselves and to one another saying things like, "If I didn't knock on this guy's door someone even worse and even more deceptive would just be doing it." So you find the psychological mechanisms necessary to keep doing something you know is wrong for as long as is necessary to pay rent. Small request, would you be able to post a link to the free episodes on the Patreon so that the Michael and Us troops can post comments on them? I would follow you guys on twitter dot com but I got banned for telling Alan Dershowitz to kill himself.