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“Did you tell her to eat us!?” yelled Miu while inside Goldie’s mouth.

“No, I just told her to pick us up. She’s done this before. It isn’t an issue. We’ve done this exact thing already,” explained Felix.

“I liked last time better,” complained Faith. “Goldie, we need to talk about how to make this work out better.”

“Mmmhmmm,” rumbled Goldie, making every part of Felix vibrate. “’Uhhhn ai eh.”

“You don’t like it?” asked Felix. He was pretty sure that was what she said. “What, carrying us in your mouth? Goldie, I love being in your mouth.”

“Stop flirting with the Dragon,” hissed Miu. She sounded like she wasn’t enjoying any of this in any way.

Felix only grinned and fell silent.

There was no need to antagonize Miu if she was feeling insecure at the moment.

It only took a few minutes before there was a loud thump. It then felt like Goldie landed on the ground.

Which was proven to be true when she bent her head down and spat the three of them out. Followed by her moving her jaw around.

“Ugh, I hate doing that but… it could be worse, I suppose,” growled the Dragon, turning to look at the mobile home. “It certainly works as we need it to.”

Standing up, Felix brushed himself off a bit but found he was generally better off than he expected. He wasn’t as saliva covered as he’d been previously.

“Okay,” Felix said looking to the trailer. “Hello the interior. Jay and guest. Since you didn’t respond, we’ve changed the location. You’ll have to pardon me for insisting.

“I just don’t take it very well when people wait for me with weaponry. I’m sure you understand.”

Once again, there was no response from the interior.

“Goldie, pop that sucker open like it’s a damn cereal box and there’s a prize at the bottom,” grumbled Felix.

A massive golden claw came out and pulled the roof back of the mobile home. It cracked and creaked as wood shattered. She got a look inside and then let the roof drop back into place.

“They’re there and are armed. They aimed at me,” complained Goldie, looking to Felix.

Ah, good point. No telling what bullets will do to her in this world.

Even in the previous one she took damage and she was likely stronger there, than here.

“Shall we talk now since I’ve proven I can get to you regardless? Or would you rather I have the interior burnt out and I have to go find another dealer,”asked Felix. “Because I can just as easily leave a bunch of burnt corpses in the woods as not. Makes no nevermind to me.”

“We’ll talk!” called a voice Felix didn’t recognize. “Can we come out?”

“Yep, come on out then. We’ll have a chat about what’s going on and what we’re doing about it,” agreed Felix.

He needed the money and if this was how it had to be, then so be it. He certainly didn’t want to become the kingpin of crime which meant he had to keep them alive, or start over.

Being a Godfather of crime didn’t bother him so long as he wasn’t the one everyone believed to be in charge. He wouldn’t repeat the mistakes of the past.

There was no way he’d be a target for anyone if he could prevent it.

Unfortunately for a situation like this he didn’t have a luxury of choice.

The door to the home opened and nearly closed on itself.

The whole thing was slanted to one side and incredibly lopsided. It was as if the center of the mobile home was cracked in half.

“I might have lost my grip on it and uh… dropped it… at the last second,” mumbled Goldie.

Once again the door opened, this time held open with a visible hand. Two men came out with their hands raised up in front of themselves.

Felix didn’t recognize either one.

A third exited the trailer and practically fell down out, missing the first step.

When he gained his balance, his hands came up with a pistol. He lined it up on Felix and pulled the trigger.

Before he could react to the situation, Goldie was there. Her large body practically appearing in front of him.

A number of shots were fired from more than one weapon before there was a brief scream followed by a crunch. Someone else began to scream instead.

Felix was pressed up to Goldie’s back leg now. Trying to keep himself out of view. Looking up towards her head he found she was leaning back in an odd way.

Then he noticed there was a leg sticking out of her mouth, as well as the upper half of a man who was screaming. He was grasping to the bottom of Goldie’s jaw.

With a shake of her head Goldie somehow dislodged the screaming man completely into her mouth. Then she began chewing, turning her head to look at the trailer once again.

I… yeah. Forgot you’re a Dragon who eats people.

No idea at all how you can find a snack like me interesting.

Goldie’s head tilted to one side and she paused in her chewing. One bright Golden eye was looking at him now.

It doesn’t bother me.

You’re still my Golden One. My personal glorious dragon.

I just… forgot what went with being a Dragon.

Still amazing, still lovely, still love you.

Goldie’s large reptile like nose wrinkled and she looked away from him. She chewed several more times, than spat the entire mess out to one side.

What remained of the men was a rather hideous mess of crushed flesh, severed limbs, and blood. They were quite dead and had been pulverized by her teeth.

“Ugh. You know, I didn’t even think about it when I started to chew,” remarked Goldie in an odd way. “It was almost reflexive. Except… they didn’t taste good. At all.

“I think Taylor mentioned something about that once but now I understand. Having a Human Nest-mate changes things. He really did taste like mud and dirt.”

Goldie moved away from him and then stepped to one side. She didn’t seem to have anything else to say or do.

As she moved to the side he could see why.

Miu and Faith had the remaining five people at gunpoint and they were all on their knees. Most of them looking terrified and unbelieving.

Apparently it was one thing to have a Dragon rip the roof off your house, yet an altogether different experience to watch it more or less eat people.

“We’ll make this simple,” Felix said, coming over to the men. He recognized Jay immediately and made a small wave at the man with his hand. “What the hell are you doing here, and why are you getting into my business? Jay and I were just selling drugs and not bothering anyone.”

“I… I’m his supplier,” said the man directly next to Jay. “I wanted your contact. You’ve got some crazy connections. Shit’s pure.”

“I’m aware,” murmured Felix in a bored tone. Then he sighed and wondered how to do this. This was becoming troublesome.

The best and easiest answer was to kill them all and leave their corpses here. There’d be no way for them to figure out what’d happened.

“Don’t, please,” pleaded Jay. “Don’t kill us. He just didn’t get it. We all just want to make money. Right?”

Jay had turned to look at his supplier next to him while he was speaking.

Walking forward, Felix got close enough to finally see the face of the man.

The man looked to be just an inch or two shy of six-foot if Felix had to guess. His hair was more of a reddish brown. Neither that or his goatee really held much of anything for Felix to gauge something on.

His eyes were a different matter, howeve.r

He was staring at Felix directly and didn’t seem to be as completely cowed as the others. His hazel eyes were glaring up at Felix, in fact. As if he were angry about the situation.

“Well, Mr. Supplier,” started Felix.

“David Hoerner. Or if you’re going to be formal about it, Mr Hoerner,” answered the man.

“Oh? Interesting. Well. What exactly did you want? I’m busy. I was here to collect money, not bury bodies in the woods,” elaborated Felix. “Unless you have money for me… well… my night is squandered and I won’t be happy about that.”

Faith took that moment to bring the barrel of her SMG right up to the temple of the man. Forcing him to actually move his head to one side.

“Do anything other than talk and I pull the trigger,” promised Faith.

David did nothing as requested and just knelt there.

“No. No money on me. But… I can get you that. I just wanted your contact,” answered David. “Yeah, I was gonna take it by force if I had to, too. Its what it is.”

“Well, you’re in luck then. Because I very much want money. In fact, it’s all I want. I don’t want anything to do with your business, other than to get money from you,” revealed Felix. “I want to make your drugs a better quality, you pay me for the service, and then that’s it. Then I want to do it again later, for money. And then again. And again.

“In fact, maybe this’ll work out. Maybe you’re exactly what I needed. How about you start bringing me your drugs, make me the owner of them by the way that’s an important and must happen step, then I fix them up to a better quality. You pay me for it up front, at half the cost that you would have saved, then leave. That’s the extent of the involvement I want. There’s nothing else I can tell you because that’s it.

“The reason? There is no contact. It’s just me and what I can do. Me, my boydguards, and my big scary ass fucking Dragon.

“That’s the deal you’re getting. You can bring the drugs to a location I’ll designate later for you. Leave them there along with the money. I’ll have the drugs delivered back to a place you want. Take it or don’t.”

David seemed to be thinking that one through, his eyes finally moving down from Felix to consider the grass in front of him. Then he nodded his head minutely.

“Alright, I’ll take it,” he said. “I’ll even pay you a one off fee for this mis-understanding.”

“Is he lying? Do I just have a bullet put into his head?” Felix asked, not looking at Goldie.

“I think he’s trustworthy,” answered Goldie. She was off to the side and partly laying on her stomach now. “He’ll hold the bargain.”

In other words, he’s not planning on doing anything. I just need to make sure I keep Goldie with me in the future. My private and personal magical eight-ball.

“Wonderful. Then… let’s get this on the road. I suddenly feel like we’re all done here and don’t need to worry about this anymore,” Felix stated with a wave of his hand. “Jay, do you own… this?”

“I… yeah, bought it,” Jay replied, slowly letting his hands fall down to his sides.

“Alright. Well… it’s obviously ruined,” Felix said with a frown. Then he blew out a breath. There was no way to really make this work out very well.

“I’ll have him put in a new one,” offered David. “I own the community. I’ll just give him a new one. I’ll get the papers on this one and make it so it was mine a week ago. Then I’ll write it off as insurance.”

“Great, there we go,” Felix said, pointing at David. “Thanks for handling that. Appreciate it. Hopefully this is the last time we meet like this and we can just make money.

“Because that’s all I’m after. Money. I don’t care about territory, turf, or anything else. Just money. That’s all I want. Is that clear enough?

“I just want money. Money is all that matters to me.”

“Got it. Money is your thing,” said David as Faith slowly pulled the gun back from his head.

Slowly, Faith, Miu, and Felix were falling back to where Goldie was. The Dragon was watching everything quietly. Her glowing eyes moving back and forth.

There was something wrong to Felix though. He imagined that most people would look at her and think she was just ready to pounce.

Felix felt like there was something considerably more wrong here. Wrong and he didn’t know how or why.

“Please escort our guests out,” Felix said, turning to face Miu head on. He needed her to handle this situation because he really was getting a strong feeling of unease from Goldie.

Miu had never actually lowered her weapon. It’d been trained on the two men the entire time. Now she was rushing toward them, radiating hostility and death.

“Up! Now! I’ll shoot you both for no reason other than I don’t care. Then I’ll let him do what he wants to me to pay your deaths off,” hissed Miu.

There was a real promise in her voice that made it sound like they were only minutes away from losing their lives.

Jay and David both scrambled to their feet and started moving at a very brisk walk. Felix wasn’t even sure if they were walking in the right direction, but he didn’t care.

He trusted completely in his personal psycho. She’d take care of them and handle it while he looked into Goldie.

“Goldie, what’s wrong,” hissed Felix, coming right up to her head.

Which was now laying on the ground. She was breathing shallow and fast, her eyes looking a bit glazed.

“I don’t know. They shot me. A lot. Hurts. Didn’t think it was-anything at first,” replied the Dragon. Her eyes were focused on him and seemed wider than normal. “I think-I’m dying.”

Faith was there next to him. Her hands resting on Goldie’s shoulders and neck. It was obvious she was using what little magic she had to find out what was wrong.

Felix realized belatedly he could do the same.

I want to fix whatever’s wrong with Goldie.

“One of the rounds skimmed her heart,” exclaimed Faith in a low voice. “Its beating but there’s something wrong with it. I don’t… I don’t know what though.

“She’s a Dragon so she’s tougher than most things out there but she’s also just flesh and blood. I feel like maybe she’s weaker here than she would be back home.”

Far less magical, much more mundane.

She’s more of a beast than a fantastic creature.

“I can heal her,” Felix answered the unspoken question. “It says she’s fatally wounded. I have no idea if I can bring people back from the dead, either. If she’s dies, there might not be a coming back.”

“What? You didn’t ask Runner about that?” squawked Faith.

“I didn’t even consider it, to be honest. It’s not like you asked him either so don’t give me that,” Felix spat back.

“How many-points?” breathed Goldie in a rasp.

“Something like sixty-eight thousand. Near to that,” answered Felix, moving over to Faith.

He wanted to see how much it would cost to give her the power to heal Goldie.

“Fuck, it’s damn near a million points to get you the power you need to heal her,” cursed Felix, looking back to Goldie.

“It’s okay. Just bring me-back after I-die,” Goldie stammered warmly. “It’ll be-okay.”

Shaking his head, Felix refused that answer.

He’d lost enough already, he wasn’t going to take another loss here and now.

Okay. Okay.

Ah… okay. How many points would it take give Goldie enough regenerative powers to not die and recover? Just exactly that much regenerative powers.

Half? Okay. Done. Fuck you and this.

Half it is!

Felix stabbed at the button and then plastered himself to the Goldie’s head. Holding her with his arms outstretched.

“Okay you big lug,” said Felix, his faced pressed into her jaw. “You’re going to regenerate now. It was cheaper than fixing it so I’m guessing you already had something trying to fix it in the background.

“We just need to get you home and let you rest. You’ll be fine, Goldie,” promised Felix.

Goldie was breathing hard but didn’t respond. He did feel her tip her head slightly, as if to nuzzle him.

Then she shrunk down to her human form.

A beautiful and very naked woman on the ground with a great deal of blood splashed down around her front and middle section.

Reaching down, Felix picked her up and held onto her. He knew he wouldn’t be able to carry her all the way back, but he could at least start on it.

“Go get the truck, Faith. We’re taking Goldie home,” Felix commanded and began trekking off in the direction he believed the trailer park was.

He had a fairly good idea based on where the moon was, and where it had been, though he wasn’t sure.

“This the right direction?” he asked the Dryad even as he began walking.

“Yes, keep going that way. Keep the moon on your left. I’ll-I’ll get the truck,” Faith said and then was off at a dead sprint.

“You’ll be fine, Goldie. Just fine,” Felix said, his arms holding her close to himself.

She only rubbed her cheek against his shoulder and still said nothing.

Faith came back almost immediately, her SMG still held in her hands. She shook her head as she drifted closer to him.

“I’m not leaving you. Even if you order me away, Grove-husband. You shouldn’t be alone. Especially not with Goldie out of action,” Faith said with absolute determination. “I’d rather die. So… that’s just how it is. We’ll go back together and I’ll make sure you get there safely. After that you can do what you need to do. The truck wouldn’t be able to get out this way anyways.

“Too many trees, ruts, and stumps in the way. It’d just get hung up or ruined. Or both.”

Felix didn’t argue further and just kept going. He wasn’t going to lose his Dragon.


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