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Faith pushed open the door to the trailer and Felix entered right behind her. Pivoting he went straight to the back room that was the bedroom.

Behind him, Faith exited the trailer and closed the door behind herself.

Getting her clothes and waiting here while Faith got the truck would be ideal. She’d need to get everything that Miu had stashed away and bring the vehicle right into the yard of the trailer.

Going into the bedroom Felix found there was an actual bed and dresser in it. There was also curtains over the windows, the carpet had clearly been cleaned, and the bathroom it connected to looked equally in good condition.


“I thought maybe I’d get a chance to have you here. Just you and I. By ourselves,” Goldie said quietly. She hadn’t spoken much while he’d carried her, but he could tell she was already doing better. She was just very weak, still.

Whatever had happened to her had dropped her right at death’s door.

If not perhaps in the entryway, in fact.

“Andrea helped me get all this done. We did it without using Legion funds, just what we could manage in-between other things. I swear I didn’t spend much and it wouldn’t have—”

Felix cut her off by laying her in the middle of the bed. Then he pulled the covers back and started working at tucking her into the bed.

“I don’t care, nor do I mind,” Felix replied in a gruff voice. “We should probably try to get everyone their own money so they can spend what they want on things.

“It’s an oversight on my part that I hadn’t even considered it. One that I’ll rectify.”

On his march back to the park he’d had a lot of time to think to himself. Time to think about what this little trip was costing him and what he could lose.

His time with Eva had already been severely curtailed with her pushing her studies. As well as learning all there was about Legion and Yosemite.

Then he’d gone and left her behind without even a goodbye. No farewell or anything. He’d more or less cut and run away from everyone for fear of Runner figuring out his plan with Miu.

Sighing, he looked to the Dragon and patted her shoulder, then sat down on the edge of the bed. The last thing he needed to do right now was pity himself.

Goldie had thrown herself in front of danger for him.

Dragons were strong, but they were still flesh and blood. Even in the old world she’d been grievously wounded by modern weapons.

“They’ll all forgive you,” promised Goldie, one of her hands coming out to rest atop his. It felt cold and rather clammy against his. “Just as Miu did. You were trying to get-get the best deal you could. So you could get Lily and Kit back.

“No one will blame you for doing what you had to. Besides, we all know Felicity will manage it just fine for you. I’m sure she already had contingency plans in place for-for such an occurrence.”

Felix didn’t doubt that at all.

His faith in Felicity knew no limits. She was the one person in his life that lived more for his goals than even he did. Because he would neglect himself and she never would.

“Yes, she’s a very good woman for you. Even Lily and Kit got out of her way,” agreed Goldie, a weak smile the only sign of warmth in her pale face. “They didn’t like it at all, but they did it. If only because you needed someone who would take a firm hold on you and not let go. Regardless of you biting at them or trying to shake them off.”

“Ah,” grunted Felix with a nod of his head. He wasn’t feeling incredibly talkative right now. While he wasn’t repeating the same mistakes he’d done the last time around, it felt like to him he was making all new ones.

“You’re not,” argued Goldie, her nose wrinkling. “You’re handling us four much better than you did previously. In fact, it’s almost eerie how well you’re doing.

“You’re just second guessing yourself which is normal. It’s alright. You’re doing good.”

Taking in a slow breath, Felix then let it out. She was right of course.

The Golden Dragon had masterfully speared him and he was only struggling against time. He wouldn’t win against someone who could pull out his thoughts as easily as a child with an open cookie jar.

Then he grinned at the golden-eyed Dragon. She’d forgotten to change her appearance.

Looking up to her horns he reached up and ran a finger along one to where she’d drilled a hole through it. Then he ran his fingertip down along to the base.

“Thanks, Goldie. I really appreciate you. Let’s talk more about you, less about me for the moment. I’m wondering if maybe it might not be a bad idea to keep you here,” murmured Felix. “Clean bed, no forest bugs, no concerns about temperature. If anything, this might be the best spot for you.”

“Oh… yes, that’s not a bad idea, I suppose,” agreed Goldie, her eyes fixed to his face. “It’d be hard for me to escape if someone came across our camp site. As much as I want to claim I’m fine, I feel sick. Sick, tired, and very weak. It’s not as hard to breathe as it was, but it’s not easy, either.”

Felix was nodding his head at this point. Everything she said made perfect sense to him. It matched up with his own thoughts.

“We’ll just… move from the camp, to here. We’ll just have to be really careful coming and going so that Jay and David don’t notice us. Shouldn’t be too hard,” planned Felix aloud. “Probably time to bring it indoors anyways. It’s getting colder by the day I swear.”

“It is,” Faith said from behind him. He’d felt it when she’d entered the bedroom and merely stood behind him. The feeling he’d gotten from the seed growing inside him was Faith didn’t want to interrupt his talk with Goldie. “And yes, she’d do better here. She’s a Dragon, she can survive almost anywhere.

“If she were healthy and hadn’t just had a near death experience. Right now, her being in a warm, safe, and controlled environment is better for her.”

Faith entered the bedroom fully and came over to stand on the other side of the bed. The Dryad reached down and laid a hand to Goldie’s head.

The Dragon’s smile had slowly been dwindling as she listened to Faith. Her eyes starting to dip closed even as she tried to follow Faith as she walked in front of her.

By the time the Dryad’s fingers made contact with her head, Goldie looked like she was sleeping. The rise and fall of her chest the only sign of her being alive.

“She’s exhausted,” reported Faith, letting her hand fall back to her side. She gave her head a shake and then sighed. “She’ll be fine but it’ll take time. Her body is fixing itself. More or less what you said.

“It’s just doing it in a way that’ll put a burden on her and will keep her weak until it’s done. Even then it might be a bit after it’s over before she’s back to normal.

“But… in the fullness of time though, she’ll be fine. Of that I’m confident. As if nothing had happened at all and she hadn’t almost died.”

“That’s exactly what I wanted,” confirmed Felix. Turning his hand over he contemplated Goldie’s hand in his own.

Then he let go of it and started to get undressed. Stopping when he was down to his undershirt and boxers he then clambered into the bed.

Her skin felt very cold to him but that wouldn’t last. Pulling the blankets down in around himself he snuggled up to Goldie’s side.

He’d act the part of a heater at least for tonight.

There wasn’t anything he could do about anything until the morning came anyways.

“Oh, good idea. Slumber party,” Faith said and immediately started stripping as well. Except she didn’t stop until she was absolutely naked. “When Miu gets back, we’ll just invite her in, too. We’ll all keep you company.”

Felix didn’t argue. He just wanted to keep his poor Dragon warm.


“I’ll be fine,” promised Goldie with a grin. She was looking quite comfortable in the bed now. She’d slept until just after nine o’clock.

That was entirely because Andrea had taken over the kitchen and was in the process of cooking pancakes. Though she was also apparently planning on giving Goldie a number deer steaks.

Lightly seared, almost raw, dear steaks.

“You need to get going. Lots of things to do and you can’t sit around here moping over me,” advised the Dragon with a grin. “As much as I enjoy the attention, and I do you know. Very, very much.

“As much as I do, I’m also not going anywhere. You can come back to me as much as you like. I’ll be perfectly fine here as well. Andie already brought me a bunch of books. That’ll keep me occupied if not busy.”

Goldie made a little hand wave toward the corner where a bin of books had been set down. He had no idea where she’d gotten it but he would bet on her having stole them.

“Yes, Doctor Andrea is here for duty!” said an Andrea in the corner with a sharp salute. Another Andrea in the opposite corner saluted as well.

“Nurse Andrea is here to support!” said the second one. “We’ll make sure our amazing and beautiful Dragon recovers completely!”

The Andrea in the kitchen, of which Felix could just see the back of, froze in place. Then she stepped into view, with both hands held in fists in front of her.

“Nn! We’ll make sure our amazing and beautiful Dragon is perfect!” called that Andrea before she went back to cooking.

“I think you left an impression on them,” Felix remarked dryly, turning to look back to Goldie.

“Oh, it’s nothing. It’s just her an infatuation she has with me. She’ll be over it soon,” dismissed Goldie with a deep chuckle. Then she turned and gestured at Miu, who was sitting at the edge of the bed. She’d only had a chance to linger in the last ten minutes. Before that, she’d been going back and forth repeatedly. Transferring all their gear from the campsite to here. “Now, Miu. You clearly have something you want to tell us and you’ve been patiently waiting for the right time. Thank you, by the way.”

Miu had taken Goldie’s wounding very seriously. If Felix didn’t miss his guess it was because she’d willingly stepped into the line of fire to protect him.

He knew that she tended to look with favor on those who were dedicated to him. Especially those who just accepted her as she was.

Being a mind-reader, and never having pushed at Miu at all, probably rounded out her willingness to be friendly to the Dragon.

Smiling at Goldie, Miu nodded her head once then turned to look at Felix.

“David gave Jay two bags of cocaine. As well as two bags of money. It happened just after I dropped them back off here at the park. They asked for me to remain for a time just so that they could start the deal. David put Jay in a new trailer. It’s… on the other side of the park near the wall. It’s very remote in the layout,” explained Miu with a growl edging her words. “If I’d known about Goldie I wouldn’t have stayed. I would’ve—”

Goldie made a small motion with her hand and tilted her head to one side minutely. Something unspoken clearly passed between Goldie and Miu and it brought the latter up short.

“Anyways,” continued Miu after taking a short breath. “Anyways. Jay has our money and the drugs. He’s offered to be the middle point for both us and David. His pay for doing so is he’s going to get his supply from David for free.”


That works out I suppose. It’s a middle man that was forced by both sides to do their bidding. He’ll be happy with his cut because it means everything he sells it pure profit.

Not to mention he becomes a much bigger, and safer, player to both sides.

Seems like David thought this one out on his way back.

“Fine. We’ll go take care of that and then move on to the next piece. Today is my appointment with the clerk for my birth-certificate,” said Felix. “The money was the important piece to the what we were aiming for last night. If we’re going to bribe the clerk, we’ll need it.

“Though I do wish you could be there for it Goldie. I can’t let you, though. I won’t lie and say I don’t feel more confident with my mind-reader around.”

“I know. Thank you for relying on me. I wish I could go as well,” argued Goldie while holding up a hand in a stop motion. “But you already declined that. You want me here resting. To be honest, I want to lay here and rest, too. I feel so incredibly weak. And cold. I feel really cold.”

“Time to eat!” Andrea said, handing a plate off to the Other who had called herself the nurse.

That Other bounced right up into the bed without even a bit of hesitation.

She scooted forward till she was straddling Goldie’s lap and then sat down in it. On the plate she held was a large and steaming portion of what could only be deer steak.

“Dragon Nurse Andrea will now feed you!” proclaimed Andrea.

“Goldie, it’s now time to eat. Then you will drink a lot of water. Then it’s nap time, followed by another steak. This is your prescription,” declared the Other who had said she was Doctor Andrea. “You’ll be our beautiful and amazing Dragon that’s healthy real soon!”

“Yay!” cheered all three Andrea’s at that.

Shifting around in the Dragon’s lap, Andrea got comfortable and then set the plate down between them. She began to diligently cut the meat apart with a knife and a fork.

Looking amused and frustrated at the same time, Goldie just shook her head and then smiled. Then she opened her mouth and gave Felix a “long suffering” look.

“Your teeth are pretty,” nurse Andrea declared as she worked at cutting up the steak.

“Yeah. I’ve been through this,” Felix said, remembering being force fed by Andrea. He could only give her the advice he could have wished for. “Just… get it done quickly. She’ll ease up after a day or so once it’s obvious you’re not fighting her.”

Andrea promptly stuck a piece of steak into Goldie’s mouth and then lifted up a napkin to dab at the Dragon’s mouth daintily.

Goldie just began to chew while nodding her head.

“Felix, can we talk for a minute?” asked doctor Andrea. She’d come over to grab his forearm while nurse Andrea had been cutting.

“Of course,” Felix said and then turned, leading the Other out of the bedroom. Faith and Miu came along as well, the last closing the door behind herself.

Leaving the Dragon alone with her nurse to handle her needs.

Except Andrea pulled Felix toward the front door and stopped him there.

“Uhm, Faith? Miu? Can I talk to him alone? Please?” Andrea asked, looking between the two other women. “It’ll only take a few minutes. I promise.”

“Okay,” Faith said then opened the door and exited the trailer.

Miu hesitated, looking between Andrea and Felix.

“Miu, please? Just a few minutes,” Andrea asked again.

Grimacing, Miu shook her head then went to the door.

“Thanks, Miu,” Andrea said as the other woman exited.

“I… sure. We’re in this together, Andie,” said Miu, pausing just in the entryway. “I love Felix. But I can’t… behave as I did previously. I have to be better. We’re all depending on each other. We’re alone in this world. Just the five of us.”

Stepping out, Miu closed the door behind herself.

“Nn, she’s really growing,” Andrea said, looking to Felix with a wide grin. Her eyes moved back and forth across his face as she stared at him. “You’ve really turned her into a person again. She’s crazier than she’s ever been before, but also the most human she’s been.

“In a very long time. I have no idea how you’ve managed it. But it’s amazing, Felix. Amazing.”

Grabbing him by the front of his clothes she leaned up and kissed him. Then kissed him again and wrapped her arms around him after.

Laying her head on his shoulder she rubbed her face against him.

“I’m ready for you to modify me. Just… err… don’t tell me what it says about me. I don’t think I want to know right now. I’m not ready for it whatever it says,” stated Andrea.

“Is it going to say something it shouldn’t?” Felix asked, curious now.

“I don’t know if it’ll say Allison or Andrea. I’m not really… sure, anymore. The strange part is I feel more like Andrea right now than I ever have in my life before. More like… I guess… more like when I was whole.

“When I had all my others, before Myriad died, before we-we were… we were used as a kid and had to split the Adriana’s off into Others. Before all of that. I feel like me and I don’t… know… what it’ll say when you look.”


Identity crisis.

It was always rather obvious Andrea had gone through a lot. Far more than anyone would have expected.

It makes sense that she already had all those personalities in her before they became actual people. Protecting the core of herself as she went through life.

“What do you want it to say?” Felix asked while calling up her screen.

“Just… I want it to say Andrea. Not Allison. Or Adriana. Or Myriad. If it says Andrea, then I’m still just… Andrea. Just… Andrea who’s more reliable. That I don’t have to rely on my sisters so much.”

A box appeared in front of Felix.

Then flickered and vanished before he could really read it. Except it came back a second after that.

Felix noted that there was some obvious changed to Andrea. Ones that he couldn’t hold back from her.

He had no doubt in his mind that the fact that her alias’ were gone, as well as that her power now said “Duplicates” rather than “multiple selves”, had significant meaning.

“You’ve uh… changed,” started Felix. “We’ll start with the obvious one. Your name is listed as Andrea Campbell. You have no alias’ anymore. They’re all gone.”

Andrea began to vibrate in place against him. Shifting her weight back and forth from one foot to the other as her tail swung back and forth behind her wildly.

“Your stats have increased in several areas as well. You have a positive status at the moment of Self Awareness but you’re also Terrified,” Felix summarized quickly. “Lastly, your power… changed. It used to read as ‘multiple selves’ but now only says ‘Duplicates’. I’d say… whatever happened, whatever you did, definitely strengthened yourself.”

Sucking in a quick breath, Andrea began to scream with her mouth closed. Her eyes were pressed tightly closed and she was swinging her whole body back and forth. Stamping her feet against the ground.

Then she went still and quiet. Leaning against him and breathing through her nose.

Soft laughter escaped her and then she sighed.

“Allison gave her life to me. She was so very much like the ideal me that it hurt me. She existed for a time, then merged it all back into me. She was much smarter than I was,” babbled Andrea. “Knew what we needed to do and how to do it. Then she just whooshed into me and brrrred us till it was all… normal. Till I was Andrea and Allison was… gone. Adriana and Myriad are gone too.

“I’m just… just me. I’m Andrea. All the Thirds gave themselves to me and became… me. I’m Andrea. As I probably… should have been.

“Oh god, what’ll happen to the Andrea’s who were left behind? Adriana and Myriad?”

“Eh, they’ll probably want to share an Other with you to figure out what happened, then just be happy for you,” prophesied Felix. “They’re your sisters. They’re very different from you now, but they’re still you.

“You’ll just be a much more stable version of you now. I think it’s exciting. You grew as a person. You’re Andrea Elex and you can stand proudly next to Adriana and Myriad. The current Prime Andrea will probably want you personally, then incorporate you outright and become you.”

“Yeah! I’m Andrea E… Andrea Campbell. I’m Andrea Campbell and I can stand with my sisters proudly. And you’re right. Andrea Prime will definitely take me back and might incorporate me directly! I’d become Prime with her! Nn!” declared Andrea, gazing up at him. Then she gave him a wicked smile that looked a lot like something that would have been on Adriana’s face. “Now, kiss me, make me wish we had more time and privacy or that Goldie was willing to share her bed with us.

“Then… then modify me so I can hide the best parts of me from the world. You and I are going to go see that clerk as soon as we’re ready for it!”


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