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Chapter 11 - Surviving First Contact -

It’d been almost a week since Felix had dug up the information he needed and rented the trailer. The time had slipped by since then, one day after another, pushing the deadline Runner had given them ever closer.

Except there really hadn’t been much Felix could do.

He hadn’t been able to simply show up at the clerk’s office and see someone. He’d tried in fact. Felix would have to make an appointment.

To meet the clerk, it had to be scheduled in advance.

That had pushed a great deal of what he wanted to do back. Everything else was mostly tied to getting a birth certificate.

Stepping out of the doctors office, Felix sniffed, looking around at the parking lot. Then he looked to the horizon.

At least that’s done.

One medical record with birth-date, medical history, and records of immunization.


Doctor was rather cheap, too. Didn’t even have to bribe her.

Just pay out of pocket for services that I technically didn’t need.

Smirking to himself, Felix started walking back to the truck. He’d gone here by himself as everyone else was busy.

Andrea was watching the camp-site while Goldie, Miu, and Faith were working the drop point for the last day.

The latter three had doctor’s appointments in the coming days with the same doctor to start up their own medical records. They’d need to get their own paper trail moving as well.

Andrea was still dragging her feet about accepting a modification so that she could hide her tail and ears. Felix wasn’t really sure about it, but he still suspected that had to do with Allison.

Opening the truck door Felix got in and contemplated what to do next.

They were due to drop in on Jay tonight to get their first pay out, as well as to change the quality of his supply.

Which meant he had a few hours to himself and nothing to rush off to.

It was an odd and rare occurrence for him.

Well… let’s check our points. See how we’re doing.

Plan for tonight with Jay, and get ready. We’re finally past a lot of the setup point and can start moving things.

Somewhat… disappointing I couldn’t get everything together in time to push something with the mayor. I’ll just have to work that relationship when he gets back.

Felix shook his head and called up his personal character sheet.

Let’s… change that luck value. Let’s push it up.

If I brought it real high, I could probably make more things happen. More things go my way.

Time to check the points.

That’s curious. There’s been some increases there. But… why?

Are people naturally growing incrementally without me doing anything? I suppose that’d make sense. It’s not like people are locked into something, they could increase it on their own.

I could go hit the gym and try to increase my stats. Couldn’t I?

I mean realistically I could… I could… go to the gym… then… take back a hundred points? Huh.

Something to consider, I suppose. Sounds like too much effort.

Let’s do my luck for now.

Felix tapped into his character sheet again and then increased his luck. Spending the eight-hundred points to get it to nine, then did so again to get it to ten.

Except a blue-box popped up in front of him.

“Ah, the dreaded level nine. Time to see how to do this. Can I click or tap or—”

Felix had been poking, flicking, and thinking on the “+ Luck Type” part of the message.

Suddenly it expanded into another box.

“Item considered lucky,” Felix read aloud from the small prompt. “So… I need an item that’s considered lucky, plus the points, to increase it to level ten.

“I wonder if it’s so generic because it’s a low level? Feels somewhat easy. Whatever… what’s lucky. I mean, is it what I consider lucky, or what this world considers lucky?”

Looking down and out the window Felix stared at the parking lot he was in. Then his eyes slowly moved to the curb and where it met a storm drain.

“Maybe a penny?” he asked no one.

Opening the door to his truck Felix started to walk down along the curb. Looking down at it as he went, wondering if he’d actually be lucky enough to find a penny.

Given his luck stat was technically one point below what he assumed was the average, that seemed unlikely.

Grinning to himself given the situation, he didn’t even notice it when he nearly ran someone over. He was so head-down intent on the curb that he’d lost his awareness of what was around him.

“Hey, you okay?” asked a husky voice that snapped right through Felix’s thoughts.

Looking up he found a rather attractive dark skinned woman in front of him. She had a curious smile on her face and raised eyebrows.

Unable to help himself, he grinned and shrugged his shoulders. There was something that always tickled at the base of his skull with a voice like that.

“Ah, I was just looking for a lucky penny,” explained Felix.

“What if my name was Penny? Would you try to pick me up? Give you good luck for the day?” asked the woman brazenly.

Blinking twice, Felix had no idea how to respond to that.

Laughing, the woman looked like she found the situation hilarious. Then she reached into her purse, rifled around in it for a few seconds, before dropping a penny on the ground and walked away.

She didn’t say another word, though she did linger in his thoughts.

Reaching down, Felix picked up the lucky penny.

Then he made the conversion of said lucky penny and points, to bring his luck up. A box immediately flew up onto his screen.

“Neat,” murmured Felix with a smile. He was rather enjoying the way his power worked now. It felt a lot more natural to use.

Let’s head over to the trailer park. Can go see my… home… even if I’m not living in it.

Whatever, getting what I need out of it. An address.


Being at the back of the community was an interesting experience, Felix found.

First and foremost was the fact the he assumed he was the most likely to be targeted by an outsider. Someone looking to make a quick escape. Since the trailer was on the perimeter, literally at the exit, then it was likely he’d be the easiest to hit.

Second, he got to see any and every car come through that was trying to avoid the front entrance. Which was rather interesting all on it’s own.

He’d spotted three cars on their way past a few hours ago that were very much out of place driving in. Newer cars without flaking paint, dents, or visible signs of self-repair.

The question Felix had was were they there for him, or something else entirely. He’d told Jay to expect him in about a week, and that would put him at today, or tomorrow.

Kit had often accused him of being paranoid so it was entirely plausible that this was one of those situations once again. Except he didn’t believe that.

Right now he was fairly certain that those cars were here for Jay, and by that logic, here for Felix. It meant he’d have to be extra careful on his visit tonight.

A sudden and firm knock on the door brought him out of his thoughts.

Walking over to it he simply opened it. There was no reason for him to be cautious.

He could feel Faith beyond the door. In fact, he could practically feel her at all times now. As if the seed she’d put into his chest was a constant homing beacon to and from Faith.

Miu, Goldie, and Faith all came into the trailer. They were all dressed in normal street clothes, but dark in color. Goldie also had a small plastic bag with her that likely had all the masks she’d made.

“Saw three cars that didn’t belong,” Felix started, jumping straight to the part of the conversation that would be relevant. “Looked expensive and new without even getting into the lack of problems on them. Drove through the back and kept going.”

“Three?” asked Miu, stopping in her tracks and turning to look at him.

“Mmhmm. Three. Miu Campbell, would you please go look into it for your husband? He’s concerned that they’re planning something nasty at Jay’s place,” asked Felix in a warm and friendly voice.

Miu jerked at the sudden use of her name, then began to shiver as he laid out his self-described title on her. Her eyes fell down to stare at his boots even as her body practically vibrated.

“Miu my love, my eyes are up here,” murmured Felix with a smile. He needed to get her on the right mental track, but also set hard on a hair-trigger tonight.

His instincts were telling him that this was going to go wrong at some level. He was without his armor, without weapons, and only had those around him to take action with.

In a flash, Miu’s eyes jumped up to his own, then widened. Her pupils were completely dilated at the moment. As if she were going to have an eye examination.

“There’s my Miu. Such lovely eyes,” said Felix, stepping up to her. He reached out and took her hands in his own. Holding on to them he gave them a squeeze. “Miu, go check it out for me? Don’t do anything we can’t undo. Yet.

“We need to see what they want first. Okay? For me?”

Panting and breathing hard, Miu was gazing at him in a way he knew. This was usually when she got bitey, started licking his blood off where-ever it landed, or just became a gibbering mess.

Brokenly, she began to nod her head up and down.

“Good. Then put the control in place for a short time. When it’s all done, we’ll figure out how to get you a reward. Alright?” Felix inquired, holding her eyes with his own.

The shivering and panting slowly bled away from Miu. Almost like a bucket with a hole in it. Till the only thing that remained was the iron-clad will of Miu and eyes that burned from the inside-out.

Watching him with a form of dedication that would likely scare off anyone else.

“Yes. I’ll do that. Thank you,” Miu said without explanation. She gave his hands a squeeze, then exited the trailer. Vanishing into the darkness outside.

“That was very well done, Nest-mate,” remarked Goldie, giving him a blazing smile. “You’re really pulling out that charm of yours lately. You’ve got all four of us neatly tied up and begging for more. Even me, despite the fact that I can read your mind.

“That devious mind of yours is always so twisty. It’s fun to try to keep up with it.”

“Just giving everyone what they want and need, while getting what I want and need,” countered Felix. Then he looked to Faith. “You got any healing magic at all? Runner told me it would be pretty weak if it was there at all.”

With a grimace, Faith shook her head.

“I have a little. Not much. The only magic I can reasonably count on is sex magic and that’s not exactly helpful,” answered Faith. Then she let out a soft huff as Felix opened his mouth to get an actual answer. “Before you just ask again, I can probably speed up recovery to half of what it would normally take. That’s about it, Grove-husband.”

With a nod of his head, Felix turned to look at Goldie. He was going to need her to be a Dragon tonight. It was the best course of action that’d give them the best protection.

“Oh?” asked Goldie, apparently plucking the thought from his mind before he could finish it. She set the bag of masks down right there. “I can do that. It would be a good time for you to look at the piercings I made in my horns. They’re already closing so I’ll have to keep an eye on them and widen them until we get your gold in. Then we can let it seal up around them.”

“Piercings?” Faith asked curiously.

“Piercings for him to weave bridal gold into them. He’s going to decorate my horns and I’m rather excited about it. Now, excuse me,” apologized Goldie who went to the back of the trailer where the bedroom was. She was already working at stripping her clothes of as she went.

The door shut behind her leaving Felix with Faith.

“Huh. Never seen her so happy. It’s radiating out of her,” said Faith, looking to him.

“You got your tree, she gets her horn-gold, Miu got my affection, Andrea already had what she wanted,” Felix put forward succinctly.

“What about you, though?” Faith asked after a pause.

“I got all of you,” he replied with a smirk. “Now, come on Faith. You’re my bodyguard, aren’t you?”

“I… yes, Grove-husband. I am,” she said and then pulled a pistol out of her hoodie pocket. She flicked the safety down, pulled the chamber back partially, then let it move back into place. Sticking her hands, and her pistol, back into the pockets of her hoodie she shrugged her shoulders. “I’m ready.”

Huh. Didn’t expect that but it makes sense.

Wonder where she got that.

Whatever, good that she has it.

“I’m ready,” called Goldie a second before she opened the door. She exited the bedroom nude, her horns visible, and came straight toward him. “See? This is where your bridal gold will go.”

She was pointing to several holes that ran up and down both horns. They were perfectly symmetrical, placed dead center, and looked very clean.

“Good. I like the placement. Great job, Goldie,” Felix said and meant it. He reached into the bag and took out three masks. He handed one to Faith and stuffed one into his pocket. The third he held onto. “Now, let’s get to moving. Time to go get our money. Miu will probably have already infiltrated what’s going on. She’ll catch up to us by the time we hit the halfway point I bet.”

“Think so?” asked Faith, opening the door to the outside and exiting.

“Know so. I know so,” Felix asserted. “She’s my pet monster. I know her better than anyone else. Even better than I know Lily or Kit or myself.”

Exiting with Faith, Felix began walking behind her. Then he reached out and put a hand on her back and grabbed hold. Then he looked backward.

“Keep going,” he said when it felt like Faith would stop.

He wanted to watch Goldie transform but not stop either.

Stepping out of the trailer Goldie pulled the door shut. She caught her eyes on him, gave him a wide smile, then walked away from the door. She got ten feet beyond it before she jumped into the air.

Surprisingly fast as ever she became a giant Gold dragon and then launched off into the sky. Her wings flapping down hard and carrying her skyward.

“Wish you’d watch me like that,” whispered Faith.

Felix only chuckled and looked ahead, taking a moment to pat Faith on the hip. He knew for a fact she wanted him to touch her.

“I do watch you. Just not when you’re aware of it. Alright, let’s be ready. This is going to probably get crazy,” Felix warned.

“Yeah. That’s fine. I’m not your every-day normal Dryad, you remember,” Faith murmured. Her head slowly turned as she scanned the area.

True. She’s been in some ugly situations. Ioana, Andrea, Miu, and Victoria all said Faith was solid in combat.

It wouldn’t take long for them to get close to Jay’s trailer.

When they reached the half-way point Felix pulled down the Mask over his head. Faith did the same and then a second after that Miu appeared.

“They’re there,” she said, coming up out of the darkness from the side. She’d been crouched low, practically invisible, and blended into the shadows. “Jay’s there and so is a bunch of others. They don’t look very friendly. Lot of guns.

“I took several guards out that were spread throughout the area. Took their stuff. Hid it all near Jay’s trailer so we can take it with us. They didn’t know anything other than they were coming here to help their boss deal with Jay.”

Huh. In other words, Jay isn’t the issue.

But perhaps the person supplying Jay with the drugs is? Maybe he tried to lower his purchase rate and they didn’t like that much.

Probably escalated from there.

That or it’s another dealer who wants Jay’s supplier.

Felix held the mask out for Miu and smiled at her.

“Good work, Miu. Amazing, even. I didn’t expect you to take care of the guards, too. Impressive,” Felix said, holding out a mask to her. “Now we just figure out what the hell is going on.”

Miu grinned, took the mask, then moved over to stand next to Faith. Pulling it down over her head she said something to the other woman.

She responded by suddenly veering left and moving off into the dark, leaving Felix with Miu.

Then they were there, standing in front of the trailer. Felix looked skyward and was fairly confident Goldie was up there somewhere.

“Give the door a knock and let’em know we’re here, Miu. Be wary,” cautioned Felix.

Not hesitating the dark-eyed psychopath who loved him marched up, slammed her fist to the door, and stood there.

“We’re here for what we’re owed. You can finish your meeting later,” called Miu through the door.

Stepping away from it, she marched back to Felix and then stood in front of him. Waiting with him there.

There was no response from inside. Apparently that’d been more than enough to spook both Jay and whoever was with him.

This is… stupid.

Going in there is a death trap.

So… let’s not do that.

“Miu, where’d Faith go?” asked Felix.

“Get an SMG. She’s on the other side now,” she answered.

Felix then made a choice. One that would properly demonstrate how silly this situation was.

Goldie. Pick up this damn mobile-home, me, faith, and Miu, and take us somewhere else. Let’s have a chat with these people elsewhere.

We’ll make too big a scene here.

There was a strange and sudden stillness to the world.

Then Goldie came down, grabbed him up with a claw and then popped him into her mouth. A second after that Miu and Faith were deposited next to him.

It went exactly as he’d expected. There’d be no way for her to hold onto them while carrying the mobile home.

Then the world went dark even as people began screaming.

There was a sudden wrenching noise followed by the feeling of going up into the sky. All while Felix was pushed up Goldie’s teeth by her tongue.

This time he was thankfully facing away from Faith and Miu. Last time he’d been kissed to death by the Dryad.

Felix just sat there and waited with a smile.

This was a far better plan.


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