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Ash swallowed the half chewed up pear and looked to the attendant.

“Why is someone allowed in here?” Ash asked, his brain rapidly catching up to the situation. “Does the auction house hold that little regard for the anonymity of their clientèle? I thought this was meant to be a safe place?”

“I do what I want!” shouted the young man. In the hall there were a number of armed and armored cultivators. Most of them didn’t give up much of a feeling of power, though several were at least as strong as Liu and Biyu.

Unfortunately there was one that was at least as strong as a low level Empowered Mortal.

Ash wasn’t concerned at first but he was starting to get wary now. He was also beginning to suspect this person was related to the royal family. No one else would dare cause a scene in the auction house and have this kind of power to back it up.

“Anything I bid on is mine!” shouted the young man. “You stupid redneck! Did none of your family teach you the rules of the auction house!?”

All the while this was going on, the female attendant was trying to wrangle the man out of the room. To get him back up and out

Before Ash could say anything the young man pointed at Ash with his left arm.

“Kill him!” he shouted.

All the cultivators from the hall rushed into the booth.

“Call on me as a Martial Spirit!” Locke demanded.

Ash was about to ask how to do that when he instinctively felt how out of nowhere. He needed to call out to his Dao and open a portal through his middle-dantian to his Qi-Sea itself.

Apparently that was where a Martial Spirit dwelt, but Ash didn’t have one.

Or at least, he didn’t until that moment.

He felt Locke’s presence flash through his Qi-Sea, through the middle Dantian, and out into the world itself.

She appeared exactly as she had in the Hall.

Lifting up her left hand she made a closed fist gesture.

The Empowered Mortal that’d been rushing toward Ash flopped to the ground and laid still there. All of the other guards came to an immediate halt as soon as it happened.

“You would kill someone in the auction house?” Locke asked in an imperious tone. “Either the royal family has no respect for those it considers guests, or you have no respect for the royal family. Which is it?”

Before the fight had begun it was over. Locke had brought an overwhelming force down and cowed them all.

Ash could feel a drain on his Qi-Sea from having summoned her the way he had, though it wasn’t terrible. He could easily keep her here for a number of hours.

Though he could feel her drawing Qi from the surroundings. It was rushing in toward her from all around.

You have an ability that’s like an attractor?

“No. It’s the ability I’m using. I increased the gravity around him,” explained Locke as if she weren’t actually separated from him.

Turning her head, Locke caught his eye and gave him a grin and a wink, before looking back to the young man and his entourage.

“You dare! How dare you assault the royal family!” shrieked the young man. He drew the sword at his hip and pointed it at Locke.

“We’re leaving,” Ash said. “We also won’t be returning.”

Ash, Chunhua, Liu, and Biyu all left the booth, with Locke taking the rear.

“What’s your name?” Locke asked, looking down at the young man who’d threatened them. His sword was still pointed at her, though it was obvious his bravado was false. He was no cultivator.

“I am Hou! Hou Langye, you peasant! I will have you executed!” shrieked the man.

Locke made a dismissive gesture with her hand and the Empowered Mortal was released from her hold. Standing there she went out of sight as Ash and his party moved down the hall.

“Leave and head home,” Ash murmured. “I’m going to go get our things. As well as the papers. There’s no way I’m leaving them here. Not after that. There’s other auctions we can use.”

Ash felt it when Locke suddenly returned to him, entering through the portal and returning to his Qi-Sea. The opening closed behind her and he felt her settle into place.

It was a strange feeling. She’d never been so physical inside of him like this.

Now he could feel her. Flowing, sliding, becoming one with his Qi-Sea.

“It’s fine. This was an expected outcome. It changes very little, other than it makes me more of a possession than a person,” lamented Locke. “But again, that’s fine. Its not as if you treat Tala or Moira poorly.

“I don’t think you’ll be terrible or abusive to me either. Though… we could always have some fun with it, if you’re up for some role-play?”

Ash rolled his eyes, did his best to kill the smile that threatened to appear, and moved quickly.

Exiting the hall they passed into the anonymous entrance area. Chunhua and the others vanished into the crowd and were no longer visible.

Ash turned and entered the cubicles.

He pulled out a sheet of paper as well as a charcoal stick with a thin tip to it. He didn’t have the time to really pen out a fantastic letter, but he needed to at least put something down.

Finishing up quickly, he held it up to inspect what he’d written.

“Due to the insults suffered to my person, as well as threats on my life, by Hou Langye, I am demanding the return of my items that would have been auctioned. The advance that was given is included with this.

“If my items are returned without delay, I will not consider the auction house here in Xing city an enemy. Should they not be returned, I will do all within my power to bring the auction house and it’s supporters low,” Locke said in a dry tone. “Well, it’s concise and to the point. No way they can really argue with it.”

Dropping the card they’d given him, the note, as well as his token into the tray, Ash slammed it shut. He’d accidentally put too much force into it and it sounded more like a gun going off.

So you’re my Martial Spirit, huh?

“I qualify. Besides, you’d never be able to attain one otherwise. Your Qi is pure and without element or bias. As I’m part of you, I can serve that purpose,” explained Locke.

Standing there, Ash wondered if he’d need to leave Xing city. He didn’t imagine being on the badside of the royal family was conducive to remaining healthy.

As he pondered that, the tray opened again.

The token and card were still there, though the note had been exchanged.

Picking it up, Ash flicked it open.

We ask that you please reconsider this action.

We’re positive that we can come to an amicable agreement as to the situation and what has occurred. We only ask for time to look into the situation and arrive at a conclusion.

At the minimum, please allow us five days to look into this matter, and return here. If you’re unsatisfied with the answer we present at that time, we’ll return the items you were going to auction.

You make keep the advance as a sign of good faith on our part.

Additionally, your purchase of the collection of weapons will be ready within an hour if you wish to wait.

Frowning, Ash looked to the letter and contemplated what to do.

“Give them the time. It’ll give us time to gather information on the royal family as well,” advised Locke. “After that, we can act. It shouldn’t be an issue.”

With a nod of his head, Ash knew that Locke was right. That was the best answer that could be given under the circumstances.

I want to start powering up as fast as I can. What do you recommend?

“I’ll put together a regimen for you.”

Thank you, Locke Sheng.

Taking the card and the token, Ash left the auction house.


Despite what’d happened, there was no word of any of it on the streets. No talk of any aspect of it whatsoever.

On top of that, the auction house’s public leaders hadn’t said much about the transference papers. The word was already spreading throughout the city that they’d be put on auction soon, but the auction house itself said very little.

It was obvious to Ash that they were trying to not over-hype the situation just in case they couldn’t sell the items after all.

For his part, Ash kept himself locked away in his room.

If he wasn’t cultivating, he was eating, or sleeping. Though he always had someone with him regardless of what he was doing.

Tala, Na, and Chunhua all frequented his bed. The last having done so the same day they came back from the auction house.

Jia was with him more than anyone else, but she didn’t bring up joining his bed in any way shape or form. If anything, she seemed quite content with how everything was going.

Unfortunately, that was the extent of what happened.

There was no information about the royal family available, other than that the lower realm king was a man by the name of Peng. He was hard on smuggling and illegal trade, and little else.

The policies of his father that were put into place to protect citizens weren’t being completely upheld. Given what happened to Yue, Ash could certainly see how that was an issue.

Today was the sixth day since the incident and that meant Ash needed to return to the auction house. This time he took Jia and Tala with him, as well as Shu and Lifen.

The latter two had veiled themselves and were wearing conical hats that hid them away. Ash was rather curious about it but he wasn’t going to pry.

Jia and Tala had ignored the situation entirely and acted as if it were expected. That they perhaps knew Shu and Lifen would dress this way.

“I still think it would be best if someone else went in, instead of you,” Jia said as they moved toward the auction house. “They already know what you look like. They could just as easily attempted to murder you, as to acquiesce to your demand.”

“You know… I don’t even disagree with you, Jia,” Ash said with a nod of his head. “Except that they’ll propose something. Which means you’d have to come back out and talk to me anyways. That’d only increase the danger for all of us since it’d be multiple trips. There’s no guarantee it’d be done in two, either.

“Because, I’ll have Locke with me. If anything goes wrong she can help me, or I can hide in the Hall for a time. It isn’t an issue.”

The discovery that Locke could come and go as a Martial Spirit had been a surprise to everyone. Though they’d accepted it and moved on rather quickly.

Quicker than Ash had expected them to, to be honest.

Wandering up to the auction house Ash split apart from the others. They would remain outside and be ready. If they waited inside, it would only be problematic if someone tried to separate him from them.

Just as he’d already mentioned, if Ash got into a tight spot he had options.

Entering the anonymous gate Ash went into an open bay. There’d been more than enough people around that he felt he wouldn’t be noticed right off the bat.

Opening the drawer, Ash dropped in his token and pushed the box back to the other side.

Leaning up again the wall he let out a soft sigh and wondered how long this would take.

Only for the drawer to pop open once again. Inside was a note which was handwritten by brush and pen. Clearly prepared in advance for him.

His token was resting just atop it.

Picking up the note, Ash ground his teeth together and forced himself to read it with an open mind.

Dear esteemed guest,

It is apparent and clear that you have been wronged by someone in the royal family.

I would like to repair this relationship and request that you have a meeting with me personally. I am a leading member of the royal family and uncle to our king, Peng Langye. This would be to discuss what I could do to undo the damage that has been done.

If you’re willing to meet with me, merely add this note to the drawer without your token, and close it.

If you’re unwilling to meet with me and want the return of your items, please put both the note, and the token, into the drawer.

Ash held the note in one hand and idly tapped it against his chin as he thought about the situation.

He didn’t think this was entirely outside the realm of possibility, but it also left him feeling odd. He didn’t really wish to meet with the royal family as this “great person” they were expecting. Nor did he want to reveal himself to anyone either.

“If we want to remain in the city it would be best to repair the relationship. If we’re leaving, or do not care, we should simply collect our items and leave,” Locke suggested. “To be fair, there’s always an upstart in the family. It is entirely possible that the family was unaware of what this one person did.

“Look no further then your brother, after all. The disasters of one single person can grow quite quickly, can they not?”

Sighing, Ash hung his head and tried to think through the situation.

His mind kept circling around the fact that this would actually be an opportunity to make connections within the royal family. There weren’t too many ways to make that happen.

Any thoughts on what they might suggest on how to repair this?

Money? Land? Something like that?

“Depends on how much they know of you and the situation,” mused Locke. “If they’re aware of who and what you are… probably a daughter as a wife. Maybe a niece. Something along those lines.

“This would be an actual marriage though. On paper, transfer of names and titles and the whole thing. They wouldn’t want you to be escaping afterward. A legal marriage is a lot more than just a cultivator’s oath. One binding a cultivator to a citizen can be… problematic.”

Ash could imagine that such a legal marriage could be problematic if he did something stupid. It could easily endanger the alliance.

Because while cultivators were strong individually, they could still be drowned under in hordes of citizen soldiers. There would be a point that they would simply be overwhelmed.

Doubly so if said soldiers were equipped with marginally enchanted weapons.

Citizens couldn’t compete with strength, but they could numerically.

Right. The question becomes, do we think they already know who I am.

Did they break their own anonymity mantra in this situation.

“I would have. Wouldn’t you?” Locke asked with a laugh. “I think we’ll find whoever this individual is, is throwing a daughter or niece toward you, money, and a percentage in the auction house.

“Whoever this person is, owns a controlling portion of the business. Likely whoever Hou is, or who they’re related to, can be ignored by the auction house owner.”

Right… right… okay.

So… if we go forward with this, we’ll have to accept a marriage more than likely.

“Well, one on paper. They’ll likely remain with their family while you wander off. Having a citizen travel with a cultivator is just asking for problems,” Locke said. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she got pregnant while you were many hundreds of miles away. The child would be taken into the royal family and have no relation to the Sheng family.”

How could and tasteless.

Yet… not surprising in any way at all. I guess that answers that then.

Because I know what Jia and Mei would tell me. Chunhua, Moira, and Na would all say the same thing as well.

“Even I’ll say it. Best you go meet them, take the royal whatever she is as a bed partner, then move on. Take the connections with the royal family and use it to push the Sheng alliance ever higher. Though to be sure it does put us into the royal sphere of things for the lower realm. We’d be at odds with the realm lord but… that doesn’t seem like such a bad thing if he’s a reflection of that master he sent us.

“You know, the rapist one who was sad he didn’t kill his victim. If his only punishment was to go into that veil… well… that’s a bit of an under-valued sentence.”

Yeah… yeah. Makes sense.

Ash flicked the paper back into the drawer, took out his token from it, and then slid it shut. He’d indicated he was willing to meet with whoever wrote the letter.

After that it was on them.

Seconds after he’d closed the drawer, it once again opened.

Again, there was a note inside.

Picking it up, Ash read it over.

Thank you for your willingness to meet.

I’ve reserved a sitting for lunch at Leaf Floating on the River. Please meet me there at noon. All you need to do is ask the hostess to be seated with the Gentleman from the Auction. You need not state your name or identity.

Looking up from the note, Ash considered how to move forward.

The note had been once again written in ink with a brush. It wasn’t something one could do on the spot.

Dragging his thumbnail across some of the ink, he found it was dry. Very dry.

As if it’d been written many days in advance.

You think he reserved a lunch sitting and dinner sitting yesterday, today, and tomorrow? Because that’s what I think he did.

“Indeed. It’s what I’d do. And I’m very tricky and full of surprises,” purred Locke. “Oh, and speaking of… I’ve been keeping an eye on the others. None of them will be visiting you tonight.

“That means… it’s… my turn, tonight, doesn’t it? Doesn’t it, doesn’t it? Mmmmm?”

Ash didn’t respond.

Then realized he needed to. He couldn’t keep being coy about things.

Either she was being serious and he needed to give her an answer. Or she was fooling around, and he definitely needed to give her an answer.

It is indeed your turn, Locke Sheng. Be sure to tell me what to do to make sure I ‘hit all the sweet spots’ as you call them. I need to know them all in advance.

You promised to help me out with everyone, didn’t you?

That includes you.

“I… of course. Yes,” Locke said with a great deal of energy. Both what felt eager and nervous in equal amounts. “All the sweet spots. Every single one.”


Jaymes Wiles

Is there a list of the cultivation ranks in order of power anywhere?

Jeremy Patrick

I am hoping he ends up married to some citizen princess that he makes a cultivator who wrecks the rest of the royal family for him lol.


I wonder if the royal family's cultivators are chosen for their.......limitations? Those without limitations would rise higher or perhaps serve the Realm Lord. That may well present opportunities for Ash to add to his family/alliance/coterie. When it comes time for him to form his own sect, those cultivators may come in handy. That and a good working relationship with senior members of the royal family speeds up the timetable for forming his own sect or taking over the Jade Fist.

Cheyene Adams

"Because, I'll have locke with me". I'm guessing this should be "besides, I'll have loche with me."

Corwin Amber

'How could and tasteless' could -> cold