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Everyone had decided that Ash and Jia would be the only ones to meet with the auction house representative. Jia would be able to effectively act as his second in regards to the Sheng alliance, as well as a cultivator wife.

In a situation that involved a legal marriage to a citizen, she would be an idea candidate to come with him. The only other possibility had been Na, but she’d declined immediately, stating that she was his Handmaiden first, everything else second.

Entering the restaurant Ash was glad he’d had Jia help him put on what to wear. He’d never even been in this district before, let alone this location.

Everything here was incredibly high end and high in price regardless of what it was.

“You look fine, stop worrying,” Jia whispered a few moments before they arrived at the hostess booth. The woman was dressed immaculately, attractive, and said nothing as they approached. She did however give them a warm smile. “Good afternoon. We would like to be seated with the Gentleman from the Auction.”

The smile never falted, the woman’s eyes moved from Jia to Ash, then she nodded her head once. She then gestured into the restaurant, then stepped out in front of them.

A clear indicator to enter and follow her.

She took a hard turn almost immediately, passing through a doorway and then up a narrow set of stairs. Exiting onto the second floor she brought them around to a balcony seat that overlooked the street below.

The sunshades were set up in a way to obscure those seated from being seen from outside, but that eaters could peer out if they wished. A consideration given to those who wouldn’t wish to be seen, obviously.

Seated at the table the hostess was leading them to was a man in his forties and a young woman who couldn’t have been past twenty years of age.

You were right, Locke.

“Of course I was.”

The man was very well put together, slim, with dark eyes and dark hair. His clothes looked expensive in cloth and cut, but not showy.

The young woman who sat next to him also had dark eyes and the same black hair. She was dressed in a very similar way to him, though a dress, blouse, and light jacket, instead.

They were both dressed in the royal family’s colors of bright blue and gold.

On top of that, they were the only people on the area.

Or even on the floor.

As if they’d rented out the entirety of the floor so there would be no onlookers.

“Mmm. She looks as pretty as Na, but her figure is more to this veil’s liking. Such a disappointment. They’re all like pre-pubescent girls,” lamented Locke. “This is why I left some extra bits on my own body. She felt odd without just a little heft to me.”

Ash couldn’t disagree with that. He had a personal attraction to the women around him, and very few of them were this worlds ideal of beauty.

“Ah, welcome,” said the man, standing up from the table. He didn’t seem surprised to see either Ash or Jia. “I was glad when you accepted my invitation, now I’m relieved that you’re here.

“I am Weng Longye, uncle to his majesty Peng Longye. This is my grand niece, Peng’s daughter, princess Ju Longye.”

The woman next to the man stood up and bowed at the waist to them just as her uncle did the same.

Damn. They’re actually giving us respect.

“Yes, the face they’re showing you is considerable. Return it once you arrive at the table. Jia will follow your lead.”

No sooner than Ash stopped at his seat, then he did as Locke suggested. He bowed at the waist in an equal measure to Weng and Ju. Jia of course did the same.

Ash held it for a few seconds, then stood upright. He wanted to make sure he gave them a full measured bow, but didn’t want this to linger. The other three had taken their cue from him and stood up as well.

“Well, let’s have a seat,” Weng said and gestured to the table. It was already quite full of food and drink. Most of it looking far more expensive than Ash had likely ever eaten.

Despite having a large amount of wealth, he hadn’t seen a reason to splurge on things like this. He was happy to buy anything that came his way that suited his fancy, but overpriced food seemed silly.

Ash and Jia took the seats that were clearly set for them. Ash noticed there were a few chairs nearby that could have been pulled over. Apparently Weng wasn’t sure how many people would be coming to see him.

“I’ll begin, if you don’t mind,” Weng said and began taking a few things from every platter in front of him. Ju was watching him quietly and seemed to be waiting for something.

“Feel free,” Ash said and then started to do the same. He was particularly interested in what looked like egg rolls.

Ju and Jia immediately began loading their plates as soon as Ash had started to.

“I’ve already looked into the situation. I’ve spoken with everyone involved as well,” Weng said in a easy going tone. “Hou broke into your booth, threatened your life, attempted to kill you, and broke more or less every rule I have in place in the auction house.”

“More or less,” Ash agreed. He was curious what else this man would say, so he wasn’t quick to add anything to the conversation.

He wanted to know what this man knew of Ash and the situation as a whole.

“I won’t lie to you about the situation,” Weng said as his eyes moved over each and every platter in front of them. It looked as if he was making sure he got everything he wanted. “I used the information on hand to unmask your identity and then look into you.

“At the same time I made sure to erase all traces of who you are as I went. No one else will be able to do what I did, but the damage was already done with Hou’s involvement. I saw it as a simple way to know more of you while cleaning up at the same time.”

“That’s very logical. I agree with his sentiment, though we must of course be wary.”

“Alright,” Ash said, then took a bite out of the egg roll like item. It had a very lovely fried taste to it with well cooked vegetables inside. He was also fairly certain it had chicken in it.

“You’ll understand when I say I was surprised. An Outlander citizen turned cultivator of the Jade Sect was behind the recent big ticket sales in my auction house,” Weng said and then picked up his fork and began to eat.

Ju cleared her throat and leaned forward partially toward Ash.

“Very surprising. We were honestly expecting someone with a lot more depth to their background,” murmured Ju.

“I’m afraid my background must remain an unknown,” Ash said, catching on to what they were asking. They wanted to know if he was being supported by another. “Suffice it to say, you have no relations to anyone in my circle. Nor does anyone from my circle have any relations with anyone on this realm. This meeting is the first between our factions.

“Formally, you may refer to my organization as the Sheng alliance. We are primarily based out of the Jade Fist, but that will not always be the case. We’ll be spreading out into the other sects as well.”

“Well said. That should appease their concerns about crossing another sphere of influence. Oh, that’s rather lovely,” remarked Locke as Ash took a bite of what felt a lot like orange chicken. He couldn’t disagree with Locke.

“Ah, thank you,” Ju said with a nod of her head. “We appreciate your candor as to your backing. One must be careful in these matters.”

“Especially when marriage is involved,” Jia said with a simple nod of her head. “Legal bindings are recognized by both sides of the realm.”

Apparently Jia didn’t care for any beating around the bush.

Ju only smiled at Jia and tipped her head to the other woman.

“Especially a princess,” Ju added. “Though I’m gratified to know that you’ve already considered the situation from your own side.”

“I think that maybe —”

Ju cleared her throat as Weng spoke and then reached up to pat him on the shoulder.

“Forgive me uncle. He manages the auction house and does so very well. He also worries over myself and my father dearly,” said Ju, jumping straight into the conversation. “As you’ve already indicated, this is partially to tie myself to you, Ashley Sheng. As the leader of the Sheng clan and alliance, you hold great power.

“We did of course look into your official clan documents. I don’t think you’d mind having another wife, even if I’m only a citizen.”

As Ju spoke, she faced him directly. Her eyes were warm and inviting.

Wide, like pools.

They fit her face and features almost too perfectly.

“Depends on what kind of… thing… this all is,” Ash murmured. “After what happened at the auction house, it seems there’s either a divide in the royal family, or it’s completely off the rails. For my part and piece of this, before I agreed to anything, I’d like to know more of Hou, what happened, what you’re doing, and why such a thing could occur.”

Ash wasn’t about to let a pretty face and big eyes talk him into anything.

“Ah… yes,” Weng said as Ju let her eyes fall to the plate. From that single interaction, Ash got the impression Ju was pushing for the marriage, while Weng was handling the family side of things. It seemed indeed as if there was a family issue at the heart of this. “You’re not wrong. There’s a divide in the royal family.

“Peng is… well, he’s a good man. He wants to do what’s best for his citizens and cultivators alike.”

“But he has no spine,” Ju said when Weng seemed like he wasn’t sure what to say next. “My father is not fit for the throne as he doesn’t have the spine or courage to back up anything he puts to law. I’m sure you’ve personally seen the slippage in the laws.”

“Yes, someone close to me had their parents killed by a cultivator and nothing happened,” said Ash, thinking of Yue.

“Exactly. My father is a weak willed man. My older brother would be a better fit on the throne, but father won’t abdicate,” continued Ju with a small shake of her head. “My father’s youngest brother is trying to push himself onto the throne. His son is Hou.

“Through my father’s tofu like spine my uncle has begun turning the ministers, marshals, and servants to his side. We would be looking to bring you into our family through a marriage with me. My cousin has married himself to a cultivator family as well, though they are not nearly as strong as your clan. Or as numerous.

“They’re only twenty or so people in the family and their strongest is an Empowered Mortal of the second rank. I believe your martial spirit is stronger than that?”

“I am, yes. But that’s also because I can lean on the Hall. It isn’t something we should rely on if we can avoid it. It’s a waste of Qi,” Locke remarked in an off hand way.

“I heard it’s a humanoid martial spirit, by the way,” said Ju, pointing two fingers at Ash with her palm upward. It was an odd way to point at him, but it didn’t feel hostile.

In fact it felt feminine in a way.

“Yes, she’s humnanoid,” Ash confirmed. “So… you’d want the the Sheng clan to marry the royal family as a buffer against your uncle. But that wouldn’t solve your father, now would it?

“On top of that, would children born of you be of the royal family or the Sheng clan? Is it an actual marriage, or a paper partnership and you’d have a lover.”

Ju had opened her mouth when Ash had mentioned her father, then closed it when he got to her having a lover. Then she turned her head and looked to Weng.

“It wouldn’t solve Peng, no,” muttered Weng after swallowing whatever he’d been chewing. “That… that’ll have to be solved with him abdicating to his son. He’s starting to realize that it needs to be done, but he’s being stubborn. He’s been under the impression he’d be in charge of the realm since he was a child. The idea that he isn’t suited for it is… hard for him.

“He’ll abdicate though. Or… we’ll be forced to make him abdicate. It isn’t what I want to do, but it’s better than going to my bastard of a nephew.

“As to your marriage to the princess… any child born of it would depend on their Dantian. If they had one, a Sheng child. If they didn’t, a royal family member citizen. She would not take a lover and… honestly it would be better if she were never pregnant.”

Ju lifted her chin fractionally at that. It was obvious she didn’t like that answer but she was accepting it.

“My womb is a weapon that could be pointed toward my brother,” said Ju in a steel-like voice. “I’m not prohibited from bearing children, but I’ve been asked to… avoid it, if possible.”

“In other words the only way she’s getting pregnant is if you make it happen, as you’d have the power to deny her brother. Interesting,” said Locke in an amused sort of way. “This all lines up with my expectations, but also not at the same time.

“This realms politics are always so different and interesting. Even when I figure it out and know the answer, I can never be fully sure.”

“Well, we can certainly see what you would gain from this,” Jia said with a small hand gesture toward the two royals. “Though what would the Sheng clan gain? As the second wife of the Sheng, Jia Sheng, I must protect my family. Mei Sheng would take the skin off my back if I did not protect it.”

“First, military support,” answered Ju. She looked like she was still quite frustrated over the previous topic, but was warming up. “That’s an immediate and obvious one. My brother is a smart man and would know that keeping you happy as a cultivator, keeps him on the throne as a citizen. You could never take the throne from him after all. It’s why my womb is more of a weapon to him, than you are.

“Second to that, your enemies would be our enemies, just as ours as yours. This is a full and true alliance. One made through a bed and turning the other side into family.

“Third, I would pay you to take my hand in marriage. The price is equivalent to what would have been a dowry on my behalf, but by marrying a cultivator I would remain in the royal family. It wouldn’t be needed.”

“Ah. That all makes sense,” Jia said sounding rather satisfied with that answer.

“Who’re your enemies?” Ash asked, looking from Ju to Weng. “I’d like to know exactly who they are before I agreed to anything.

“And before you ask the same question in return, we have no enemies that aren’t singular people. The organizations that opposed us are no more.

“The individuals in question who are our enemies are cultivators and likely not something you’d need to worry over. Bao Jade and Jing Deng. That’s it.”

Ju and Weng didn’t seem to know either of those names and merely nodded their heads. This had also already been information they knew of, or didn’t care.

“We’re enemies of the Demonic Cult, of course. As all Orthodox Cults and Citizens should be,” said Weng with a small hand chop. That was something that just was to the man.

“We’ve never come across them and probably won’t until we reach the Realm of Immortals. That’s the only time I’ve ever heard them mentioned in anything we’ve come across,” offered Locke. “This is likely a ‘party line’ all kingdom heads are expected to repeat.”

“Though there is of course my nephew, Taio Longye, he is most certainly an enemy to us at this time. Along with all those who serve him,” continued Weng. “Other than that, we have no true enemies at this time. We’re completely tied up with this brewing family civil war to be concerned with outsiders. Though once the throne is settled, I imagine we’ll have to begin looking into the noble families. Those who run cities as vassals for us.”

Ash had continued to eat as they spoke. Working his way through most of everything and trying it all out. He was regretting not having spent money on such things previously.

It was all incredibly delicious.

“Assuming I agreed,” Ash said after blotting at his mouth with his napkin. “That I became your husband. How would we proceed?”

“You’d be legally married to me today,” said Ju. “We would consummate our marriage tonight. My brother has requested that you make use of lightning vine. Tomorrow, you would be introduced in the royal family as my husband. We would go from my apartments after spending the night together straight to a family gathering. It’s… tradition.”

“That is… very fast. Very, very, fast,” warned Locke. “Nothing sounds wrong, however. Just fast.”

“Obviously that’s quick,” Ju continued. “After what happened with Hou, Taio is moving. I suspect everything is going to happen soon. Very soon.

“With it all moving so quick… we… we need confirmation. That you are who you say you are. That you are a great person who has access to the items you’ve been auctioning.”

Oh, that’s only fair isn’t it.

Ash pulled out a stack of ten transference papers of various elements and sat them down on the table. Waving a hand at them he picked up the soup and then tried it and found he liked it a great deal.

“As an example, here’s ten,” he said, putting the bowl back down. Then he opened up the portal in his middle Dantian. At the same time, he latched onto Locke and began dragging her up and out of his Qi-Sea.

Come along, Locke Sheng. Show that pretty face of yours.

“Ahhh! Ashley, humanoid Martial Spirits are very rare, let alone actual intelligent ones!” said Locke with concern.

Ash didn’t stop, he kept pulling on her. Right up through his Middle Dantian and out into the world. Causing her to appear right behind him.

“This is Locke Sheng,” Ash said, indicating to her standing behind him. “My Martial Spirit. Do you have any other questions for me?”

“None. Though I do hope that you’ll be becoming my husband tonight, as I cannot imagine you allowing us to live after showing us this much,” Ju said, looking up at Locke. “You’re… not just a Martial Spirit.”

“I am most certainly not,” Locke said, laying her hands on Ash’s shoulders. She stepped closer to him until she had pressed up to his back. “Though I am indeed his Martial Spirit and much more as well.”

“We’ll accept the alliance and join our clan to yours in marriage,” Ash said, not paying Locke too much attention. “I will sign what paperwork you need and join you this evening as well. I am already on lightning vine and have been for a while.”

Locke’s left hand moved past Ash and picked up one of the eggroll like items. Her right hand started to comb through his hair even as she ate behind him.

Ju and Weng were watching Locke and seemed far more impressed with her, than the transference papers on the table.

Ash had the feeling Jia was entirely unsurprised with Locke’s arrival, nor was she concerned.

Maybe they accepted you too easily, after all.

“Oh, don’t worry about that. I had a conversation with them when you were in the bathroom. I did mention I can come and go as I please, didn’t I?” Locke asked in his mind.

At the same time, he felt her breasts press up into the back of his head. He had a bad feeling suddenly that he’d missed things.

That she’d made some sort of deal with Jia and the others.


David Fletcher

Great way to end a week. Thanks for the chapter! Slightly concerned Ash just really, really messed up though.

Jeff Ford

Yeah, seems like a lot of extra drama just to use the auction house, more so since he threatened to use a divergent one before even going in.


I can't wait to hear Gen laugh about this.

David Fletcher

When he eventually starts giving Gen and his followers their own specialized technique packages hahaha

Jeff Ford

Be nice if he can turn the princess into a cultivator too


This is awesome. I love that Ash is growing as a person and not just an angry youth that rages at most situations. Love love this chapter.


Well, correct me if i am wrong but he can let Tai out now. At the time he couldnt take a Spirit refiner head on, now with Locke's help he just put a empowered mortal on his back. Cant wait to see his face once he realizes that Ashe is now stronger then him.

Nukin Futs

Noice. He named Locke Sheng, of course she's in the conflict/cahoots with the other wives. For as smart as Ash is becoming, sometimes he's not so quick on the uptake. Authentic story telling.

Morgan R. Fawcett

I think they're waiting on the results of the latest game of Baby-Maybe and for a direct prompt from Jia on when to move forward. If I remember correctly there was a discussion of a dinner between Ashley, Jia, Tai, and the Drow inside the hall. The plan was to resolve things peacefully by leveraging Tai's relationship and/or child.

Corwin Amber

'be an idea candidate' idea -> ideal 'she’s humnanoid' humnanoid -> humanoid

Eliseo Rios

I fully expected that the woman ash was gonna marry was going to be the girl that he saved from the bandits with Moira in the first book