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Walking through the portal into the receiving apartment Sam could instantly feel a difference in the humidity.

“This does make it almost too easy, doesn’t it,” Wren said from behind him.

“I mean, there’s a reason I’m called a planar lord,” Sam said with a laugh. “Planes, and movement through them, are simple. I just need two locations I can get to and from.

“It’s why you had to fly out there first and summon me.”

Wren grunted at that and trudged past him. She was dressed out in her normal every-day clothes and looked healthy and untouched.

It’d only taken a speck of Essence that he’d generated with her to put her back to rights. Putting her back into public view looking like she had would have been a bad idea.

Dressed in a tank top, baggy pants, a pistol at her hip, and an SMG slung around her middle she looked like she was ready for a firefight. On her back was a rucksack that he knew had a battle-rifle and an assortment of other things in it.

She might be my chew-toy, but she’s still a hitman and a cambion. All she knows is fighting.

In a second Wren was gone, heading off to whatever it was she was planning on doing.

Feeling uncomfortable Sam couldn’t place his unease. Then he realized he’d had his wings in for the better part of two weeks.

“I’ll go for a quick little flight later. That’ll stretch’em out,” Sam said and left the portal room.

Looking down the hallway he had to think about which floor he was on.

They owned the majority of the apartment building and had turned it into an office and barracks.

His entire feed harem lived here, along with everyone on the Inc-Suc team, and any extended personnel.

The one stipulation to being in the building was sleeping with Sam.

He knew a second rule had been leveraged by Jes and approved by Irma as well. That anyone in the building was sleeping with Sam and only Sam.

Since he never got involved with someone who was in a relationship, he’d never even considered someone would go looking elsewhere once he got a hold of them.

Considering no-one left the building even after that rule had been enacted, his self-pride remained in place.

The lights along one wall all turned on, then off, except one light. Then they began to turn on in sequence. Creating a line of lights turning on and leading down the hallway.

“Cute, Aster,” Sam said, realizing she was clearly messing with the lights to lead him somewhere. “You still mad that I never came and saw you before I left?” 

One of the nearby lights on the opposite wall grew to an intensity that he almost couldn’t look at and then popped. Going dark as the amount of power it got ran right past it’s limit.

“Uh huh,” Sam said with a chortle. “You’re going to be disappointed then. I was supposed to come home yesterday but ended up staying late. I had an emergency summon from a new client that was willing to pay a lot to have something happen.

“I’m literally heading to talk to Irma, and then I’ve got to get going to another meeting.”

Every single light in the hallway began to grow extremely bright, then abruptly cut off. Aster apparently mastered her temper before she blew an actual fuse.

All of the lights dimmed quite low, almost to a depressing state.

“Cheer up, it isn’t that I don’t want to have you, Aster, just really busy,” Sam explained. He felt rather flattered that Aster was that demanding of his attention.

More so that she clearly felt sad that he couldn’t visit her.

The lights slowly returned to normal and did nothing out of the ordinary after that.

Nodding his head Sam headed for the elevator and avoided it. Taking the stairs instead. Even though he knew it was safe, he just couldn’t bring himself to taking an elevator.

As demonstrated by Aster’s history, one could be imprisoned and forced to do all sorts of things.

Planar beings weren’t immune to death.

Exiting the stairwell Sam entered the hallway. Reaching Irma’s door he didn’t bother to knock. He just turned the knob and walked right in.

Because it was his apartment, too, at this point. If he wasn’t feeding, he was sleeping next to Irma.

“Sammy?” called a voice from inside as the door opened.

“Of course,” he replied, shutting the door behind himself.

“Consultation went well? She sounded rather desperate,” Irma said. To Sam it sounded like she was typing on a keyboard.

“Very. I picked up ten years, a platinum visitor pass, and a one percent deal on commissions for her,” Sam said. “Given she’s in such a huge sorority… I think I’m going to get real busy, real soon.”

“Ugh, I always hated those girls,” grumbled Irma. Then she appeared in the hallway and started skipping toward him. Her long red hair was without clips today in a wild and loose style that flew out behind her.

Smiling with a smile that reached up to her lovely blue eyes and their odd green tendrils Irma looked ecstatic to see him. Wearing one of his t-shirts and a pair of panties he was immediately contemplating tossing her right back into the bedroom for a quickie.

“But I do love the fact they’re selling themselves to my husband so cheaply,” Irma said with a laugh and reached him, pressing her hands to the sides of his face. “Hello Sameerixis Fidenis Xilin Fisch Elh Caerwin Aderin Telis, I love you.”

Like a lightning bolt smashing through him from the top of his head, to his toes, he felt her sincerity in that statement.

There was no longer a question about taking her to the bedroom, it was a guarantee.

Grabbing Irma around the waist he started off for their bedroom.

“Sammy! No, you have to get going. You’re supposed to be there in five minutes and I take longer than that,” Irma said with a squeal, patting his shoulders. “When you get back, okay? I missed you, too.”

“She can wait, Irma Tiff Fidenis Xilin Fisch Elh Caerwin Aderin Telis, you’re my wife and I need you,” Sam said, looking up at the lovely red-headed Imp.

“And you have me, and will have me repeatedly, for all time, but you need this. We need this,” Irma said, holding onto him. “Otherwise Jes will actually be sad and… well… she’s always so pleasant. I don’t want to upset her.”

Stopping in his tracks, Sam thought about the Succubus who’d somehow turned his world upside down and caused almost all of this to happen.

Letting out a short huff Sam definitely understood in that moment how Aster felt earlier.

“You’re right. She hasn’t summoned me yet though,” Sam said. “That Amazon that is.”

“She won’t be. Hillary is,” Irma said, smiling at him. “She went out ahead to make sure it was safe and clear. She’ll be bringing you in herself.”

“Oh, great,” Sam said nodding his head. “Then all I-”

There was a single sharp knock on the door.

“Hey, it’s me,” called Aster through the front door. “I’d really like to go with Sam. Really, really want to go. I’m like, really fucking bored and there’s nothing to do. I’m beyond tired of binging TV-shows and I’m actually getting sick of the electrical current here. It’s not bad, it’s just… I’ve eaten so much of it it almost has no flavor.

“Can I please go with him, Irma? He’s your boy-toy so I kind of need your permission and stuff.”

“Do you care?” Irma asked Sam, catching his eyes with hers. “I don’t care personally. She’s been cooped up here recovering since we brought her back.”

She just wants to have sex and probably blow someone up.

Aster is and will always be a very capricious planer-being.

Sam shook his head rather than say any of that though. He didn’t actually have a problem with Aster coming with.

“Sure, I’ll send him out in just a second. Can you wait there, Aster?” Irma called

“Oh! He’s already in-okay, yeah. Sure! Cool. Thanks Irma! Love you fucking bunches. You and your sweet tits,” Aster said. “Three way when you’re ready!”

Irma shook her head at that looking rather amused.

“She’s so odd. She sounds like a vulgar little teenager more often than not,” Irma murmured.

“Aster always tried to fit in with whatever era she was in. Usuually the younger generations of the era, but still,” Sam explained.

“Put me down then and get going. Hillary will pop the portal shortly,” Irma said then kissed him.

A minute later, and forcing himself to not ravage Irma right there in the hallway, Sam left their apartment.

Aster was leaning up against the wall directly across from the door. She was wearing a tight shirt with an exposed midriff and a pair of jean shorts that just came down far enough to cover her rear end. A small leather purse was under one arm.

Her white hair had been cleaned, trimmed, and styled. Her shimmering pupil-less eyes that danced with an electric blue static and whirl were much more stable right now than they had been when he first met her.

Along with the fact that she’d filled out incredibly well. Her figure was athletic but had a shape and a bust that fit her perfectly. Her muscles were toned and her skin slightly tanned and blemish free.

“Hello there beautiful,” Sam said honestly.

“Heya,” Aster said giving him a wide grin. “Wanna go right here in the hall? I brought a few D-cells you can cram in me before we start. You get to pick where since you’ll also pick where your D-cell goes.”

“Wow,” Sam said. He liked the way she’d said it, but in giving her any sort of victory would just make her worse later. “That was awful. I think Tiffany has hit on me better than that and she’s a damn Were-Wolverine.”

“Really? Damn it. I thought it was kinda like… walking the line between kinky and fun? I mean, what other kind of lady can take a couple D-Cell, get plowed, and still give her man some good service too?” Aster asked, still grinning at him. “Guess I’m just too far out of practice. I did the math by the way. Haven’t gotten laid in something like five-hundred years. You’re going to have to put out a lot more than four times a day for me to be satiated.”

That’s odd. She was a captive after I was throne into my little prison.

She vanished before me though. Where’d she end up during that period I wonder?

Sam was about to reply when he felt Hillary’s summoning.

Reaching out with his left hand he directed the portal to appear, allowing the spell to connect to him.

In a few seconds the portal yawned open and Hillary the doppelganger stood on the other side in what looked like a hotel bedroom.

Her hair was a bright white that made Aster’s seem dull, her eyes a pale gold color that reflected light, and her skin was pale as porcelain.

Her high cheek bones and small mouth gave her a slightly alien look. She was a bit heftier than Aster in the chest though more narrow in the waist as well.

“Hey, Sam,” Hillary said giving him a smile and a wave. Then her eyes moved to Aster as the other woman walked up next to him. “Oh, hey Ass.”

“Hey, Spooky,” Aster said stepping straight through the portal. The two women quickly shared a hug.

Oh, they became friends. How nice. 

Now if only Tiffany and Stacia could actually be friends.

Or hell, Decima be friends with anyone.

“You’re coming along?” Hillary asked.

“Yeah, I really wanna get laid and if I have to go out on a mission to do it, I’m gonna do it. You in for a three way?” Aster asked.

“Oh, uh, no. No thanks,” Hillary said with an awkward laugh. “I’m uh… no, thanks though, Ass. I’ll watch though. You okay with that?”

“Sure I am,” Aster said, hanging onto Hillary. “Mind taking a few pictures for me if you’re going to watch? I really want to get some pictures of Sam rampaging all over me. Seems like I’m going to be stuck with him for centuries so I might as well start getting those moments captured now.”

“Uh… okay,” Hillary murmured, her cheeks coloring faintly. “Though you’re kinda supposed to take pictures of places you’re going or things like that. Not fucking.”

“Ptfff, whatever. I want pictures of him just blowing loads in me, on me, all over my face. Lots and lots of pictures,” Aster said, then she leaned over and kissed Hillary’s cheek. “Thanks Hill, I appreciate you so much.”

Hillary nodded her head, then looked to Sam.

Having just stepped through the portal and closed it behind himself he was rather amused.

He knew Hillary was a little bit of an explorer when it came to their fun in the bedroom, but she’d always been very closeted about it. Telling him several times to not talk about anything they did to anyone.

The fact that she wanted to watch Aster was new.

Maybe she’s a cuckqueen? Hm. Fun.

“She’s in the next room,” Hillary said, pointing to a door on one side of the room. “She’s alone, nervous, and looks like she’s ready to bolt. Go slow.”

“Got it. Thanks,” Sam said. Waving a hand at the two women he walked over to the door, and opened it.

“Hello,” Sam said spotting the woman he was here to meet.

She was sitting in a chair next to a coffee table. Dressed out in street clothes she looked more like some type of model.

There was a reason they called her an amazon after all. Even sitting down she seemed quite tall.

Additionally, she really was an extremely beautiful specimen of Imp. With dark green eyes and bright blond hair. Her figure was also quite full and lovely.

She was only a tiny fraction below Irma in his personal opinion. But he was biased. There was the actual distinct possibility the Amazon was better looking than Irma.

“You’re him,” said the woman, her eyes widening. “You’re… the man in the picture. You’re really him.”

“Course I am,” Sam said with a smile. He reached behind himself and closed the door. “And yes, I really was involved with Jenaphila. She was my personal Imp. My first Imp.

“Do you know that term?”

“Yes,” said the amazon, nodding her head fractionally. “It’s whoever is Jena’s second in command.”

“It’s what she is, to me. Even to this day, technically, she wears my brand. Even your brand, is mine,” Sam said, walking over to her. “In fact-”

Pointing two fingers at the woman Sam turned on her brand, flipped her sexual sensitivity to maximum, and her current stimulation to full, and left it engaged.

When your brand was on a person, you owned them completely.

Moaning, her knees slamming together, and hunching into herself, the Imp started to quiver right there in her chair.

“Your brand… is my old brand,” Sam said, sitting down across from the Imp. Watching her riding out an instant and massive orgasm, Sam waited for a full minute before he casually turned her body back to normality. “And you’re mine. Even if Jena branded you, it’s… my brand.”

“Oh gods,” said the woman in a soft quavering voice. She put both her hands down across her privates, covering them. “It won’t stop. Please. Stop.”

“I already turned you off. Give it a minute it’ll run out,” Sam said with a negligent flick of his hand. Then he stuffed a small tendril of Essence into her. She seemed to be running low for some reason.

He was curious as to why that was so.

Maybe that’s my way in if I wanted to bring her down?

“Ah!” squeaked the woman, her hands pressing hard between her legs. “You have Essence? Can I have some more?”

“I mean… I generate Essence. So of course you can have some more,” Sam said, quickly seeing a way to play this into his favor. “But first… your name. Your job title. What’s going on since I robbed the place. Did Jena do anything? Why don’t you have any Essence?”

“I’m… my name is Inese. I’m the branch head for the state,” murmured Inese. She looked over-stimulated, Essence hungry, and tired. “And nothings going on. Word from up top has been to just keep on as if nothing happened.

“I heard they put out a few traps but nothing ever came of them so far. Mistress Jena hasn’t said or communicated anything either. She’s just… gone. There’s been nothing from her for a while.”

“Huh,” Sam said, leaning to one side. “You said she makes people vanish. They still vanish but she doesn’t communicate with anyone?”

“Yes, they still vanish. Often. But no one ever hears from Mistress Jena,” Inese said then moaned, twisting in on herself, her skin breaking out in a faint sheen of sweat. “Now… please… please can I have some more Essence? Please? I told you everything.”

“Of course, but you have one last thing to tell me,” Sam said. “Where do you get your Essence right now?”

“It’s sent out with our paychecks. A small little stone. It’s enough to keep the hunger at bay for a week but that’s it. Please? Now? Please may I have some? Master? Please?” begged Inese.

“Master? I’m not your master,” Sam said with a chuckle. He began to slowly put together enough Essence to sustain her for a month.

“You have my brand, you control my body, I’ve tasted your Essence,” Inese moaned, her fingers digging into herself. “You’re the Master. Please, master, give me some Essence?”

Damn. That’s how Jena controls everything.

She’s strung them all out on Essence, removed all their resources and abilities on how to get it, and turned them into addicts.

That’s how she’s done it.

“I’ll give you all the Essence you want Inese,” Sam murmured with a smile, leaning toward her. Reaching out he began to slowly fill her with Essence. He wasn’t going to rush it. He wanted to make her thing it was a never-ending stream. Sam wasn’t going to keep her strung out, but he wanted her to think he had more than she’d ever need. “Come on over here so I can change your brand a bit. Then you can start bringing people who want out back to me. We’ll start pulling Jena apart, Imp by Imp.”

“Yes, Master. Change my brand, keep feeding me, please,” Inese groaned, coming over to him in a stumbling walk. Her mind was lost in an Essence craved haze.

Poor thing. She’ll probably be fine in a few days with a regular Essence feed.

I bet she tastes amazing.

Collapsing into his lap, Ienese pushed her face between his legs and practically rubbed herself against him.

“Feed me, Master, feed me,” begged the victimized Imp. The smart, proud, and determined Imp was gone in a flash.

Robbed of it all by Jenaphila’s tactics.

Sam lost his appetite.


Drew Risch

Damn, that is truly cruel of Jena. I’ve seen some pretty fucked up villains in your books, but basically making people addicts is just... that just feels so much worse. The way it can break down anyone, ANYONE, psychologically is just so fucked up and demented. Damn.


but now she's gone too? I wonder what sort of shenanigans are afoot here....is Jena a victim of something as well?


I noticed in chapter 1 the girl agreed to the five year plan. In this chapter Sam reports she agreed to the ten year plan...

Josh Tumlinson

Paragraph 128 says thing instead of think like it should