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Having fed the Imp to the point that she’d be able to function for at least a month without a concern Sam was troubled.

Inese had only needed two weeks worth of Essence before she had calmed down. After that she’d returned to a semi-normal state but still seemed “hungry”. Her entire presence hungered for him in a way he hadn’t felt since his first night with Irma.

If every Imp in the country was like Inese, they were all just a week away from going Essence starved. Knocking Jenaphila down from her perch wouldn’t just bring down her little criminal empire, it’d like send the entirety of Imp society into a ditch.

Because for as far as he knew, Jenaphila was Imp society.

Especially since outside of Irma and her grandmother, he hadn’t met any other Imps who weren’t part of Jena’s camp. He didn’t doubt there were more out there, he just hadn’t met them.

Inese was sitting in the other room dozing on the couch. Apparently having more Essence than she’d ever had previously in her life had made her sleepy. To the point that she fell asleep upright after Sam got her to sit back down.

“That was… very strange,” Aster murmured, watching Sam from the edge of the bed. She and Hillary had remained in the bedroom while he’d talked to Inese, but he figured Aster would peek through the appliances.

“Strange? No,” Sam said leaning up against the wall. “Awful and destructive? Evil? Yes. I’m all for control. I enjoy it as much as any other planar lord would.

“But I’m not in for control through torture.”

“That didn’t look like torture,” Hillary argued from her spot on the bed next to Aster. She was leaning back on her arms. “It looked more like a crack-head needing a fix or somethin’.”

“And that’d be the torture,” Sam said folding his arms across his chest. “An Imp without Essence is a lot like a crack-head. Especially if they’ve had a dedicated source of it for a while.

“Pretty sure Jena is feeding all her Imps just enough Essence to keep them on the hook and wanting more.”

“But… I knew Irma before you did,” Hillary said, shaking her head. “She mentioned once she didn’t know about Essence before you. She didn’t act like… that.”

“That’s just it though. Ask her how she felt sometime,” Sam said holding a hand out in front of himself. “If she’s being honest… she’ll tell you she was hungry. Hungry all the time and could never feel full. A hunger that nothing satiated. Some Imps will go to great lengths to try and fill that craving. Drugs, sex, adrenaline, you name it. They’re seeking something to fill that void.

“Irma just… ignored it and pranced along as if it weren’t a problem. She’s a very strong Imp.”

Aster nodded her head slowly at that.

“All my Imps were fed Essence by simply being in my plane,” Aster murmured. “They never really wanted, but they certainly didn’t want to ever leave the plane. I wonder what Jena did with them.”

“Wait, but, you told me once that you… ah… you… fill me with Essence whenever we have sex,” Hillary said, her cheeks turning red once more.

“Doppelgangers are all magic. So your body can store Essence at no cost because you’re not really mortal,” Sam said. “You’re more like Aster or I. I use you as a personal storage vault. No reason not to.”

“Yeah, you reek of Essence, Hill. You’re like a damn vault though. I can’t reach any of it because it’s not my Essence,” Aster said, then she laughed softly. “Though it does kind of mark you out as being Incubus fed. And judging by how much Essence you’re carrying around, you really spend a lot of time on your back.”

Hillary lifted her chin up slightly and blinked rapidly.

“Well, good to know,” she said, ignoring Aster’s words completely. “Sounds like you should be trying to fill Inc-Suc with Doppels though.”

“Would if I could. Your race used to be rather hard to find,” Sam muttered. “I spent quite a while hunting female Doppels and offering them deals. They always said no. You were my first, remember?”

“Oh, yeah. I uh… forgot about that,” Hillary said, still not looking at Aster.

“Awww, you busted our sweet Sam’s Doppel cherry?” Aster said then leaned over to press herself into Hillary’s side. “Hill you terrible thing you.”

Squeaking, Hillary batted at Aster’s hands and then scooted away further on the bed.

“Stop it, shut up, Ass,” Hillary growled, sounding angry, but not looking it.

Clearly they’ve bonded far more than I thought. I wonder why.

Or how.


“Knock it off or I’m telling Abby you’re being a cunt when she gets back,” Hillary said when Aster started moving closer again.

“You’re no fun,” Aster grumbled. “Fine, okay. Come’re, I’m sorry.”

Aster then practically leapt at Hillary and began kissing her all over her face. Loud obnoxious wet kissing noises.

Though she stayed far away from Hillary’s mouth.

“Oh my shit, Ass, stop, stop, stop,” Hillary said wrestling with the Torment of Lightning.

I’m not sure if I should be laughing at this, or worried that Aster’s incarceration cracked her.

“Gimmie some sugar baby,” Aster said, then bit Hillary’s neck. Causing the Doppelganger to squeal and laugh at the same time.

The Doppelganger rapidly became a full ogre sized version of herself and casually pried Aster off herself.

“Damnit, Ass, I’m so telling Abby,” Hillary said and casually tossed Aster onto the bed.

“Oooh, baby, rough me up some more,” Aster said in a laugh after hitting the bed.

“Stupid,” declared Hillary with a laugh. “So stupid.”

Both women then slowly looked to Sam, as if only remembering he was there.

“Don’t look at me, I’d go in for a three way but Hillary said no,” Sam said with a shrug.

“Oh! Is it time to fuck me?” Aster said and then kicked off her slip on sneakers. Laying flat on the bed she started to shimmy out of her shorts. “Bring it, Torment of Lust. I’m betting I can take more than you can give.”

Getting her shorts off she flicked them at Sam. With a soft whap they hit him square in the chest and fell to the ground at his feet.

She wasn’t wearing any panties either. Which fit her attitude right now perfectly.

Aster scooted to the center of the bed while pulling her tank-top up over her head as well. Her lack of a bra making her very naked, very quickly. She was only wearing a pair of short socks now. Balling the tank-top up she flung it at Sam as well, landing at his feet instead.

“Well?” asked the Elemental who was likely older than he was. Naked, beautiful, toned, and looking like a magazine model, Aster was clearly ready and wanting him.

Reaching down between her legs she placed her fingers to each side of the thin lips of her slit and then spread herself wide open.

Her pink insides looked moist and ready. Then they slowly contracted till they were nearly shut.

“See? I’ve been practicing tightening up for the last two weeks. Going to make you want so much of my immortal pussy you forget all your other women. Come get it big boy and get hooked for life.

“This is yours for four-hundred years so make sure you get as much as you can. When it’s gone it’s gone,” Aster said letting go of her privates. Then she smacked her own rear end with both hands and laid her hands to her thighs. “Grab my camera, Hill? It’s in my purse. Get a few of me before he dirties me up. Need to commemorate it.”

Sam really didn’t know how to take this right now.

He had forward women in his life, Irene really pushed sometimes like no one else could, but this was definitely right up there.

There was a click next to him that made him look over.

Hillary had a camera in hand and was taking photos of Aster in the bed. Just as the other had requested.

Who was posing in some very sultry ways. Spreading herself open, caressing her own breasts, and even working two fingers into herself.

“Perfect, thanks Hill. Make sure you get some good shots of him nuts deep in me, okay? Some from the side where he’s just destroying me,” Aster asked. “And maybe a few after he creampies me. Like when it’s dribbling out and stuff.”

“Uh, sure,” Hillary mumbled. She looked uncomfortable, but she was willing to do as Aster asked it seemed.

Aster then held her hands out to Sam and wiggled her fingers at him.

“Come on already, baby-boy. I need some dick so come give it to me. I’ll give you head on camera next time,” Aster offered.

Moving away from the wall Sam quickly stripped himself out of his clothes. He’d been meaning to eat Aster. He’d just been busy.

“Damn you’re hung,” Aster muttered, spreading her legs further apart. Her eyes locked to Sam’s privates. “See, now I kinda wanna suck it first but I’m also really horny. Super horny.”

Chuckling Sam crawled up on top of Aster and set his hands down against her hips.

Smiling up at him, Aster shifted around under him and then laid her arms around his neck.

“Gonna fuck you so good, Sam,” Aster murmured.

Deliberately, carefully, Sam slipped himself into Aster’s psyche. With her being so willing, so needy, so full of desire, she might as well have been a piggy bank with a missing stopper.

Her defenses didn’t exist at the moment to him.

Staring back at him was a damaged, intelligent, frightened, and very hurt woman. Her years of captivity, of being starved to death, being forced to power a grid, had hurt her.

He knew without asking that whatever happened to her before Jena was almost as bad, or at least was similar. Aster had been a captive for far too long.

The self assured Torment of Lightning was a facade of what she used to be. Acting what she felt like she would be doing if it were her old self.

Aster wasn’t the Torment anymore at all.

She was also terrified of Sam. That he’d reject her. Treat her as little more than a sex toy and discard her whenever he wanted.

So much so that she was acting like it was no big deal to try and hide those feelings.

Worst of all, it was very likely that Aster had no idea any of this was really going on in her head. She’d rationalized it all away.

But Sam could always dig into a person when sex was involved. Little could hide from him about fears and desires.

Aster was just like all his other women. She wanted to be loved and accepted first and foremost.

And was afraid of it.

“Shit. It’s been so long I feel like a teenager all over again,” Aster muttered, her ankles coming up to rest around Sam’s hips. “Damn. You’re not going to ki-”

Before she could finish, Sam leaned his head down and kissed her tenderly. It was what she didn’t want, but also what she needed in a way.

Going still, her muscles locking up under him, Aster froze up.

Kissing her, Sam brought his hips forward, his tip catching against her entry.

Sam vaguely heard the click of a camera behind him as he continued to kiss Aster.

Slowly, she began to kiss him back, her lips becoming soft, her muscles losing their tension. In a handful of seconds she was kissing him with a ferocious need. Her hands pressing to the back of his head as if she were afraid he’d pull away.

Pulling his knees up Sam set them down against the sides of Aster’s rear end. Moving forward he began to sink himself into Aster’s warm and tight interior.

Moaning against his mouth, Aster’s fingers curled into his hair, pulling him down harder.

Inside the depths of her mind she was a quivering ball of fear and desire. Terrified of Sam, of the possibility of falling for him, and that she could be nothing more than a sex-doll to him.

He could ignore all of that and just give her a really good orgasm and that’d be more than enough. Her needs were simple and complex at the same time.

In fact he’d even found her true name while digging around inside of her. All he had to do was command her appropriately and she’d be begging for more.

Except that wasn’t enough for him.

Not anymore, at least.

After making love to a number of the women in his harem without feeding on them, he realized he wasn’t the same anymore.

That he wasn’t the Torment of Lust.

Breaking the kiss, Sam eased Aster’s face to one side with his own, trailing kisses down along her cheek toward her ear. Aster’s fingers moved down slightly and sank into his shoulders, her finger-nails digging at him.

When he reached the hilt, he pressed himself up into her, and laid his mouth to her ear.

“Worry not, Aster Thais Penthia Cosima Stavra,” Sam said as softly as he could. “I’ll not cast you aside. And I’m not sure four-hundred years is enough. Could we renegotiate for this to be for all time? I’d be willing to negotiate.”

Aster let out a rough exhalation of breath as he said her full true name.

“Sameerixis?” Aster whimpered, shivering under him.

“I want you all to myself Aster,” Sam murmured against her ear, nuzzling the side of her face. He wasn’t lying either. Having Aster permanently in his harem would be a master-stroke as far as his personal Essence needs. The amount he’d generate from a few nights with her would be equivalent to a month of work with anyone else.

Going limp beneath him, Aster melted into the bed. The soft hum of the current that was always around her diminished as well. Her fingers began to gently slide back and forth across his back rather than clawing at him.

“Okay,” Aster mumbled. “We can negotiate later, Sameerixis. For… for all time. When you’re not in my slit, or in my head.”

Of course she’d know I was inside her. She was just as strong as I was.

She didn’t say no though.

“We’re going to have a very fun time together, Aster. For as many years as you’ll let me have,” Sam said and then kissed her ear. Slowly, he began to pull his hips back from her. His shaft sliding free of her tight depths.

Letting out a slow breath, Aster nodded her head fractionally. He could tell she was panicked that he’d plucked her true name out of her, that he wanted her permanently. She was also excited, happy, and feeling quite secure suddenly.

“Fuck that feels so good,” Aster said in a moan when he reached the tip.

Turning his head Sam began to kiss and nibble at Aster’s neck and shoulder as he plunged back into her with his manhood.

When he bottomed out he adjusted his angle slightly, bringing himself up higher to hit at her clit.

“Wear my brand, give me yourself for all time, and I promise you you’ll never want for anything, Aster,” Sam said as he drew himself back again.

Working back and forth he began to rock himself against Aster.

“Wear your brand? For all time?” Aster asked in a pant followed by a moan. “Will you wear my brand?”

There was a panicky freak-out bubbling up in Aster at her own question. She was horrified she’d even asked it. More so that he was going to say no.

Terrifying her above all of that though, was if he said yes.

He’d been expecting that question from her though. It was essentially how a planar lord could marry another. Wearing one’s brand made things permanent.

They’d known each other for a long while. Worked together.

Had spent quite a bit of time around one another, but hadn’t really ever pursued one another. They’d always been in relationships with others at any given time. It’d just never really lined up timing wise.

Sam had always been interested in her though. She was a planar-lord with strength, determination, and a mind that was sharp.

“Of course, Aster,” Sam said grinding himself down against her as he thrust into her once again. He didn’t mind binding her to him at all.

“Oh heavens, no,” Aster mumbled, her mind shrieking at her as she heard his response. “Later, Sameerixis. Later, please. Not right now.”

Her hands pressed tight to his back, trying to push him into herself.

Accepting her wish, Sam said no more but instead concentrated on building Aster’s orgasm ever higher.

Pushing down on her hips he kept thrusting into her with ever increasing speed and force. Trying to match it with what he interpreted Aster as wanting.

All the while he was also tilting her sensitivity towards a peak. Pushing her body further and further into a massive orgasm.

For her part, Aster was rolling her hips with him, clutching at him, and squeezing him with her slick walls. When he hit the hilt, she’d grind into him and squeeze for all her worth. Her lips never stopped in their attack on his neck and shoulder, kissing at every inch of skin she could reach.

Often his own lips and her tongue darting up to his own.

Moaning softly the entire time he rode her, Aster was a very active and affectionate partner.

Her breathing was getting tighter though, the force of each breath coming out harder and harder.

Sam had been keeping a close watch on her tipping point and pushing it just a bit further each time she reached it.

Edging her all along.

“Sameerixis-” Aster said in a grunt, followed by a moan. “Let me cum, damnit.”

Grinning, Sam didn’t respond, he pushed her orgasm further away than he had previously. Having a planar lord as a partner made it more fun. Especially since she knew what he was doing.

“Shit, you-” Aster said and the moaned. Reaching down she grabbed at his hips and pulled at him as he pumped himself into her. “Damnit. Give it to me. Sam I-”

Lifting his head up he kissed her, silencing her. He kissed her with kindness, care, and love. Reaching up with his right hand he cupped her face with it, his thumb sliding lightly over her cheek.

Aster’s mind turned over itself, her heart skipped erratically, and she hit her orgasm full on as Sam dropped her straight into it.

Not wanting to wait, Sam allowed himself to climax at the same time, pushing down and into her he began to pump seed into her.

Holding her breath, shuddering, Aster was locked in an orgasm that was putting out more Essence than Sam had ever seen before during an orgasm.

In his whole life, even.

Devouring it, he continued to thrust into the Elemental as he unloaded into her depths. Kissing her all the while.

Squeaking, Aster hit the peak, her hands and ankles holding tight to him.

Then he Essence spiked her as deeply as he could.

Spasming hard Aster’s stomach clenched. She made a soft moan as Sam continued to fill her up, her orgasm spiraling wildly out of control.

Coming down from his climax, Sam continued to work himself through Aster however. She clearly wasn’t quite done yet and she tasted amazing.

It was practically the taste of a virgin since it’d been so long for her. On top of that it was extremely potent since she was an Elemental Planar lord.

Aster coughed, breaking the kiss as she finally ran out of breath. Taking in a gasp of breath she opened her eyes and stared up at Sam, her electric eyes having become a static pattern.

Several seconds after that she started to slowly come down from her massive orgasm. Taking deep and hard breaths.

Pushing into her one more time he found that she was finally spent. Sam then pulled his hips back. Pulling out of her.

There was a click from behind him after he settled down atop her. Followed by several more.

“For all time, yes. We’ll negotiate now,” Aster said in a husky whisper. Lifting both her hands she laid them to his cheeks. “Wear my brand, and I’ll wear yours. Right now. I should have made a move on you thousands of years ago. Holy fuck.”

Inside her mind, Sam could feel that Aster had a massive shift in her mentality. An optimistic positivity was settling in there.

It was fragile as glass, but it was there.

The sounds of pictures being taken continued, though Sam didn’t care. He was just watching Aster beneath him and enjoying what he’d done to her.

The camera kept clicking away.



Damn that's a power couple right there

Drew Risch

Aw, Sami is such a softy at heart!


You sure? Sam is very close held about his own motivation. He could be just setting up the biggest essence source he's ever seen for regular use... I don't think that's the case, but it's possible


psychiatrist Sam?