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Sighing softly Sameerixis Fidenis Xilin Fisch Elh Caerwin Aderin Telis nodded his head when the young woman stopped talking.

“I definitely understand,” murmured the torment of lust. He’d heard everything she’d said before a number of times now.

Over and over, the same story.

Her parents had told her to get a degree, that it’s what she needed to get through in life. That she could easily repay the debt once she got a well paying job because of her degree.

And then none of that happening at all.

“You do?” asked Jennifer, who went by Jenny. She was his consultation today and hopefully another client. All he had to do was sell her on his ability to solve her problem, and his low and reasonable rates.

Reaching up the woman slid a strand of black hair behind an ear. Smiling at him her dark eyes seemed to practically glow.

She wasn’t bad looking, though Sam wasn’t exactly starving for Essence anymore. He didn’t feel an overwhelming desire to get her into a contract, and then a bed, as fast as possible.

It didn’t hurt that he had Wren on hand right now while he was out on contract duty. That and he’d turned her into little better than a bed pillow for the last five days whenever he wasn’t doing his job.

“I do,” Sam said waving a negligent hand to one side. “Honestly it’s perhaps the hundredth time I’ve heard the exact same problem. You’ve been fed a bill of goods for a degree that doesn’t match with the current economics of your time. Promised something that can and will never happen given what’s happening with the world at large. A belief that’s fifty years out of date and fits in about as well as a horse and buggy on a freeway.

“Additionally, you didn’t mention what your degree was actually in.”

“Ah… it’s in communications,” murmured the young woman. With the way she said it, she clearly knew that in addition to her degree not being worth that much when everyone practically had one, that her degree was less useful than many.

Doing his best to not roll his eyes, Sam only smiled and nodded his head again.

That particular degree seems to be a definite problem. If no one is hiring for that degree, why would colleges ever let someone major in it?

It’s truly become more of a business than ever before it seems. Though it seems far more similar to selling used cars than anything. Never know what’s under the hood other than what people tell you.

I can’t even begin to imagine what kind of predatory lending practices these poor kids are being slammed with.

At least it isn’t psychology or anthropology. Those seem much harder to work with.

Psychology needs more schooling and there really isn’t much of a career in anthropology.

“Well, that isn’t really a problem. We can definitely solve that easily enough,” Sam said, shifting his weight around. Her sofa wasn’t very comfortable in the least but it was a little better than the average he found himself sitting in.

“No?” Jenny asked, her hands moving to hold to each other in front of herself. “I mean, I know… I know this isn’t normal and I’ve talked to a few people you’ve helped and… and… well…”

Her voice failed her and faded off to nothing.

Sam smiled and realized this was where he had to clarify things.

“I’m an Incubus who makes deals with mortals,” Sam said. “Sometimes that includes sex, sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes it’s some of your life-force, sometimes it’s something else if you have other things in trade I’d want.

“Each deal and trade is different because it’s a shifting market. I imagine in a year my rates might go up.”

“That… makes sense,” Jenny murmured. “And… how much would it cost to get me out of debt?”

“Depends on how much you need. And how you want to go about solving it. There’s a few different ways of course.” Sam explained. “You haven’t told me the amount of your debt yet either.”

“Oh. Yeah. Yes. Uhm. Fifty-thousand. I can’t seem to get a job that could use my degree though. That or there’s a lot of other people with the same degree applying and I’m just… not making the cut in the interviews,” Jenny muttered.

Or they want experience on top of the degree but won’t say that to you.

Your parents told you all your life that you were special, that you could change the world, that you could do anything.

And at the same time you’ve been given everything and anything almost instantly. Your parents viewing it as the way to give you the best start.

Here you are, a degree that doesn’t do anything, a debt that will likely ruin your life in your thirties, and those in control of the job market staying longer and longer in their fields.

I pity your entire generation and can only imagine how those who came before you, will shame you later.

Feeling a great deal of empathy for Jenny, Sam shrugged his shoulders.

“The going rate for that kind of money is about fifteen years of your life and a contract signing via sex,” Sam said. “That’d get you all the money up front and you’re in the clear. If you wanted to do the contract without sex than it’d be sixteen years.

“An alternative is that I take on your debt and pay it off on my own, though it’ll still be in your name, and I take one day of your life at a time, for a period of ten years. At the end of which I’ll pay off your debt as it exists today in full regardless of that remainder.”

Thinking on it, Sam didn’t think getting her a job would be a relevant offer here because truth be told even he didn’t think he could find her a job that’d help her long term.

Mostly because with a degree like communications, he imagined she didn’t know what she wanted to do with herself either.

“There is of course the possibility of working to get you a job, a promotion, or other things like that. Though those are far less immediate and take some time,” Sam said. “It’d be three times the amount of time it took me to get you a job that would get you to the pay you needed.

“As an example, if it took six months, you’d pay eighteen months in time.”

“But there’s no guarantee on that,” Jenny said. “You could get me a job and then the company could close up a year after that.”

“That’s a distinct possibility,” Sam said nodding his head. “I could guarantee you I’d do my best to set you up long term, as having a negative experience as a customer wouldn’t do me any good. I do want positive reviews after all.

“But even with that I couldn’t positively tell you that you’d have the same company to work for ten years later.”

“No… no that makes sense. I just… my father told me he worked for the same company for thirty years and worked his way up,” Jenny said shaking her head.

“Yes, well, the world as it is today is very different than what it once was,” said Sam holding up his hands. “The world your parents grew up in is long since past and won’t be coming back. I’ve heard a number of people tell me their parents paid for their own college with a ‘summer job’. That seems laughable in today’s world.”

“Oh, oh, okay. Well, the deal you just offered, that’s… that’s the exact same deal I heard from… from a friend,” Jenny said. Apparently she didn’t want to reveal who’d told her about him.

“Indeed. I do try to keep my rates rather standard. That way no one is really that surprised when the price is announced. Makes everything as above board as I can make it,” Sam said. “As I did mention earlier though, there are other extenuating circumstances that we could get into. Do you have any skills, stocks, antiques, or anything else that might be of value that we could offset that cost with?”

“Not really. Nothing like that,” Jenny murmured, then she sighed and let her eyes drift to the ground. “Uhm… uh… I… heard you pay a premium on virginity? I do have that.”

Sam raised his eyebrows at that and sniffed lightly at the air, trying to catch any hint of Jenny and her desires in the air.

In that single sniff he knew she was indeed a virgin. Never having felt the pleasure of having sex Jenny was a delicacy that Sam now really wanted to throw into a bed.

He’d had so few virgins as of late. Jenny would be the second.

“That’s quite true,” Sam said with a wide smile. “I’ll move the contract down to ten years and five years respectively if you add your virginity into the deal.”

“Really?” That’s… that’s a lot. Okay,” Jenny said, her hands closing tightly together. “I… can do that. Let’s do the… five year deal and my virginity.”

“Wonderful,” Sam said. “Oh, and by the way, we’re offering a lovely incentive on visits. As well as a referral bonus.”

“Visits?” Jenny asked, looking to him. “Referral bonus?”

“Yes, referrals and visits. The gold plan is the most popular one. It’s very simple. With the gold plan if you let me visit you once a month during the course of the contract for sex Inc-Suc would refund you five-percent of your spent life force at the conclusion of the deal. There are lower plans but it’s not as much of a percentage One and two percent respectively. And if someone mentions you as a referral, I’ll give you one-percent of whatever they spend on their contract.”

“I… okay,” Jenny said, nodding her head. “I can do the gold plan, I guess. That’d help uhm, cut costs.”

“If you’re willing to go that far, I’d suggest the platinum visit plan. I’d be visiting you once a week, but the percentage would go up to ten-percent instead,” Sam said. “When you do the math it’s maybe an extra thirty-minutes a week for five percent extra on whatever you spent. It adds up quick.”

“Okay. I suppose I’ll do the… the platinum visitor plan,” said Jenny, looking somewhat bemused.

And that makes eighteen on the visitor plan, five on the platinum plan, and eleven who aren’t. A total of thirty-four new clients in this week alone.

You know. This really is a lot easier than it ever was before. The way Abby has this all set up with Jes through the website, printing the summoning circle, and spreading the world through colleges, is… lovely.

Its almost too easy.

Though I’m glad I told her no to the paper-punch card visitor coupon. That was almost too much commercialization.


Opening the door to the hotel room Sam yawned and entered. It was mostly exactly as he’d remembered leaving it

Closing the door behind himself he actually felt rather tired. He’d spent almost the entire day going from summoning to summoning. Except several of them had been meetings scheduled by someone else, rather than using a spell to contact Sam directly.

The simple reality was people were more willing to call a phone number than tempt a spell that would summon a demon.

Contracting several times in one day wasn’t something he’d ever done before. Had never done before and could feel the strain from it.

Stifling a second yawn Sam wandered into the “living room”. Wren wasn’t here, which meant she was out, and that was extremely unlikely, or sleeping.

And sleeping is what I’d put money on.

Moving to the bedroom he found Wren right where he’d left her.

In the middle of the bed, naked, long limbed, covered in small bite marks, wild and tangled long black hair, and sticky looking from both sweat and seed, was his Cambion.

If he wasn’t sleeping, or working, he was bedding the rather tall and athletic Wren.

Endlessly. Orgasm after orgasm after orgasm.

Grinning he considered waking her up to begin feasting on her when he noticed something out of the ordinary. A small red light was flashing on the phone next to the bed.


Wandering over Sam peered at the light and the words next to it.

Message Waiting.

Huh. I wonder who left me a message?

He couldn’t remember there being a phone anywhere else in the hotel room which mean he had to take the call here, or downstairs.

Unfortunately for Wren, he wasn’t about to listen to the message anywhere but in his room. There was no telling who was listening and he’d undoubtedly be calling someone back.

We’ll just… be as quiet as we can. She’s normally a heavy sleeper anyways.

Picking up the phone Sam tapped the red flashing button and then listened.

The dial tone beeped and then went silent.

“Hey Sweetie!” Jes said sounding rather excited. “I just got a reply from the Amazon. You know, the one you left a message for in her head? She wants to meet up. That means you need to come home and put on your best suit and look delicious.

“Did I mention I’m absolutely starving for you, your seed, and your Essence? I can just imagine the taste of you on my lips just mentioning it.

“I feel… ravenous. Though, not hungry enough to consider ever looking at another man. I’m a one man type of girl you’ll remember.

“Anyways, call to check in and see what’s going on. I know it’s only been two weeks since we got the first letter from her but we really shouldn’t leave her hanging long. For all we know Jena could find her and kill her before we get a chance to talk to her.

“See you soon my love.”

The line clicked as Jes hung up and then was followed by an automated prompt on how to delete the message or keep it.

Tapping the delete button Sam set the phone back onto the receiver and considered what to do.

The “Amazon” was a rather pretty and tall Imp Sam had bumped into while robbing one of Jena’s office. He’d found an old photo of himself and Jena in a secret compartment in her safe.

With a shrug of his shoulders he realized he wasn’t against meeting her. If anything it would help solidify their plans on how to proceed.

Jes had been mostly spinning her wheels since the attack on the compound that freed Aster. The succubus acted bright and bubbly but Sam could clearly see she was tormented by her life before becoming what she was now.

By what had been taken from her by Jenaphila before tossing her into a literal limbo and then giving her away as a prize.

We’ll call Irma.

Picking the phone back up Sam dialed Irma’s number in quickly. Ringing three times it picked up.

“Irma Fidenis speaking,” Irma said on the other end of the line.

Grinning, Sam raised his eyebrows at that.

Fidenis was what was on all of Sam’s official documentation.

“Changed your name already?” Sam asked in a soft voice. He really was trying to not disturb Wren.

“Sammy! Of course I did,” Irma said on the other end of the line, the tight sounding tone of her greeting vanishing in an instant. It was replaced by a very warm and amused sounding voice. “Is there a reason I shouldn’t? Legally you’re my husband, there’s no reason I shouldn’t take your legal name on.”

Shaking his head Sam decided it’d be best to change the subject. Otherwise he was likely to tease her a bit and that wouldn’t do.

“Got a message from Jes,” Sam said.

“Oh! Yes. The Amazon contacted us again. She’d like to meet with you personally and no-one else. Jes is ready to swap places with you to work contracts that don’t need a sex binding in your place.

“Alexis is going to take on Jes’ contracts and bind in her name. Since all of Jes’ are stipulated without sex, that’s rather easy.”

Same didn’t feel great about that. Having an Imp make contracts on your behalf was a quick way to have an Imp double-cross you.

“I know, I know. Don’t worry about that,” Irma soothed. She was apparently already ahead of his concerns. “Alexis is very, very, very bound to Jes. I’ve looked over the contract myself and even had Auntie take a look at it. Alexis is more or less a finger-puppet to Jes.”

I thought the same of Jenaphila before she imprisoned me… but… whatever.

Jes is a grown woman, she doesn’t need me lording over her like that.

“Now, how’s it going over there? You didn’t kill Wren, did you?” Irma asked.

Glancing to the Cambion in question, the half-demon human offspring that was specifically brought into the world to breed armies, he found she was awake.

Her reddish-brown eyes were fastened to him, watching him.

“No, I didn’t kill her. Why would I ever do that? She’s my Cambion,” Sam said. Reaching out he lightly trailed his fingers along Wren’s cheek and toward her ear.

Turning her face into his hand Wren nuzzled his palm. Her eyes were stuck to him though and a faint red mist colored her exhalation. Her eyes were starting to slowly pick up more color, gradually becoming a yellow color with every second.

Sam had come to find it wasn’t just bloodlust that triggered Wren’s genetically tailored racial needs anymore. A Cambion fought and fornicated with demons.

That’s all they were made for and all they did.

The fact that Wren was almost always full of demon-seed had ramped up her instincts to an unheard of level and it was clearly reinforcing key-aspects of her desires.

“I didn’t say you’d kill her on purpose, you’d kill her by just gnawing at her all day like a dog with a favorite chew toy. And it’s not like she’s ever going to say not to you,” Irma grumbled. “I mean, come on, be honest here. How many times have you slept with her?”

“I’m not sure anymore,” Sam said, cupping Wren’s face in his hand.

Smiling up at him, Wren rolled onto her back, away from his hand, and then spread her legs apart. Reaching down she laid her hands to her bare thighs and gave them a light pat.

She was dirty, bruised, bitten, sweat marked, stained with seed, and dripping from her nethers with it, and he wanted more of her.

Because he’d been the one to do all of that to her and she wanted him to do more.

Working at getting out of his clothes he watched Wren as she waited for him.

“Thirty times?” Sam said aloud, really not sure. He’d lost track a long time ago. He was probably undershooting it by at least ten.

“Oh my… thirty times in five days? Now I’m sure you’re trying to kill her,” Irma said.

Sam wasn’t going to correct her, but it’d been thirty times today alone. It’d been a long night.

“Well, pack it in, and pop a portal. I already told the Amazon we’d meet her tomorrow. Jes will take your place tomorrow morning. Your next scheduled meeting is then.

“Any summoning till then we can have Alexis or Jes step in for you.”

“Right, I’ll finish up here and head over,” Sam said, eying Wren as she continued to stroke her own thighs. Her breathing was getting deeper and her red-misted breath was actually rather pleasing to see.

It confirmed his wish to be desired.

“Great. Oh, and Reixhitz would like to speak with you when you get a chance. See you soon, my love. My Sammy,” Irma said.

“Got it. See you soon. I love you,” Sam said stepping out of his pants, then hung up the phone.

“Come here,” Wren said in a breathy voice. “Take your filthy mutt and ruin what’s yours some more you demonic bastard.”

Sam grinned at that and promptly got atop Wren who welcomed him with open arms and very long and spread wide legs.


Avoid Shisnos

so very very F*cked up Wren is

Josh Tumlinson

Paragraph 99 has an extra letter in sams name and 107 or108 has a not where it should say no