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    Thanks to Aidenke/@Elysian_Chaos for commissioning this art with me! This is the continuation from the previous DC Girls commission. This scene happens at the same time and room, but at the opposite POV. 

This art was not started with usual sketch, but instead I built the model of the whole room first before figuring out what to draw, the pov angle, the characters arrangement, and the composition of the scene. 

Initially, the characters arrangement were Ravager and Ms Martian in that position, while Ivy just standing next to them watching, while Atlee has Power Girl leashed in pet girl bondage, walking from the door. Then I made the cage just to see how it would look, and it turned out great. Now, Ivy can lean on the cage while watching Ravager and Ms Martian. Then after Atlee is put on the trolley, they all have a more unified story; Ivy is moving bound Power Girl and Atlee around, then takes a little break to enjoy watching Ravager and Ms Martian in their predicament.

Making the model of the whole room was not a waste of time and effort even though we only ended up using one part of it. Having the complete background helped me to figure out the idea on what to draw. Plus, the 3D model could be reused in case we're gonna draw more scenes in this room.




This was an absolute delight to work with you on, figuring out the space and then the best way for everyone to be hanging out and having fun together in it. We ended up at a great scene that does a lot of storytelling -- between both couples, Ivy just enjoying herself, and then Babs relaxing nearby, waiting for her turn... XD There's a big party in the warehouse, and there's a lot of good times to be had for everyone. And who knows? There are still some other parts of this room we can explore... :3