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I think my drawing time this month was mostly spent on finishing commissions. A month passed I only made 3 commissions, I think all the overtime spent on Blender 3D, deteriorate my drawing proficiency. I ended up spending longer time on finishing commissions.

It's nearing the end of 2022, early reminder that when January 2023 starts, I'll be doing spring cleaning of this Patreon page. I'll be deleting all previous contents up to this year's December content. Since Patreon doesn't have bulk download feature, it's gonna take a while to download all the stuffs I uploaded here. So, don't forget to start downloading all my stuffs if you haven't yet.

Thanks to everyone for joining and supporting me on Patreon. You guys awesome. You guys contribute to more art content added to this world. I would've gotten a day job and draw once in a while if it weren't for all the Patreon and commission support I've been getting

Thanks to everyone for joining and supporting my Patreon! You guys are awesome! You guys contributed to adding more art to this world. If it weren't for all the Patreon support, and commission works, I would've been too busy to draw regularly.

I also included a WIP sneak peek  for next month's art. Hopefully I can finish and post it in the first week of November




Some fantastic angles and views in these, and it's still great to see what you got up to between the large projects. I hope the 3D work was good and valuable learning, and here's looking forward to seeing what that next project becomes! :D