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It's time again for you to let us know your favorite memes from the last month. Here they are. Enjoy and no masturbating.

Really try to internalize the message and incorporate it into your life. This is EDUCATIONAL don't be gross!

So what can you glean from these?

Leave a comment!




LADIES of THE HIVE. oink thanks YOU for letting me help YOU by telling YOU my favorites. 1) very simple WOMEN SHOULD RULE 2) The only thought on oinks little beta brain is HOW CAN oink SERVE HER 3) The blonde GODDESS who tells me everything SHE is going to oink JUST BECAUSE SHE CAN. Everything should always be about the superior FEMALE. The first thing oink does every day now is to see if there is anything new from FSU and if YOU replied to any of my oinks post.


LADIES of THE HIVE they have helped oink.