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When we were young many of the women of the Female Supremacy University received advent calendars on the first day of December.

They were so much fun as we checked off each day until Christmas morning. The excitement would build as the big day approached.

So to help you boys enjoy the season we are mandating chastity starting now until Christmas morning.

For those of you who have such a bad masturbation problem that you are already in permanent chastity then you are on a No Touching Mandate.

(No Touching means you are not to do anything to stimulate your penis. No humping your cage, or tapping it, no anus stimulation, nothing!)


There are advent calendars online. If you want to make one to help your beta brothers with this mandate post a link in the comments.

Msg us on Patreon if you make something and we may add a link here.

Enjoy our graphics while you stay locked!




Oh my gosh, reading this got me hopelessly turned on. I am in no touching chastity, but this instruction on helps to reinforce that. I am desperately frustrated and need to serve. Luckily I have plenty of chores and housework to do for my superior.


Today is day 2 of our Submissive Advent Calendar at the FSU. There are moments in our life where we can lose sight of why we are submitting, or we can't grasp that warm glow of submission like we used to. When that happens we need to revitalize that spark and find a way to reclaim that feeling of joy and happiness in submission to our Crush and all Superior Females. With the holidays in mind during these busy weeks ahead, it will be very easy to lose sight of who we are and why we are here at the FSU and start to fade from your chosen place. Today… I suggest to my brother betas to make something that will help remind us of our peace and grace through these next few crazy weeks of gift wrapping, family, friends and frazzled nerves. Create a Submissive’s Token. What is that?? A submissive’s token is a charm that is serving as a visible or tangible representation of something abstract, in this case our submission to the Superior Females in our lives. This token can be anything you want it to be but for the sake of this “advent” activity try to make something new that you can pin on your clothing or wear in some way throughout the holiday season. The good ideas suggested here could be a beaded safety pin or bracelet. You might already have all the materials around the house. Whatever you choose, wearing something that you can see every time you look at yourself. It should trigger a reminder of your submissive place, that happy head space that you wish to keep strong and vibrant this month in anticipation of the big day - Christmas morning. You may choose to say your submissive mantra, the couplet that you chose in yesterday's activity whenever you see it on your person to worship your Crush. Ok then… How do I make a beaded safety pin…? Materials - The stuff you need: • 10-14 small safety pins • 1 large safety pin • seed beads • needle-nose pliers (optional) • flat head screwdriver (optional) Depending on the pattern you choose, you will usually need between 10 and 14 small safety pins. Open a safety pin, and slip the seed beads onto it. Once all beads are in place, close the safety pin. You may want to use the needle-nose pliers to pinch the end of the safety pin so it will not pop open later. Repeat this step until all the safety pins are beaded. Now you are ready to put all the beaded pins onto a larger safety pin. Open the large safety pin. Use the flat-head screwdriver to slightly pry apart the coils at the end of the large pin. Slip the loop of the first beaded safety pin onto the large one. Pull it down to the loop at the base of the large pin. Pull it around the loop and up the back-side of the pin. Repeat this for each beaded safety pin. Once all your beaded safety pins are on your larger pin, use the pliers and squeeze the loop to close it. You can now pin your new safety pin jewelry onto your shirt, hat, shoelaces, etc. I am wearing mine pinned to my panties that I wear tucked under everyday. This is a worthy project to do as an Advent sacrifice, instead of diddling your training penis. Remember… Surrender… Submit… SACRIFICE… Serve and Survive. If what ever you do this Advent answers yes to any or all of these questions… you are on the right track.