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We feel so horrible that we missed her birthday yesterday. An amazing talent and powerful woman celebrated her birth yesterday so we are mandating a 24 purity period from the time you read this post.

We love her work but most of all we appreciate her talent in the sitcom Married with Children where she played a bullying older sister to the perverted beta cuck Bud Bundy. So many males have stated that their first real experience in idolizing a predatory woman was in adoring that character and how she used her natural gifts to get exactly what she wanted by manipulating the males around her.

While there was quite a bit of misogyny in the show and shaming of Kelly's sexuality it is important to remember that this was satire and Kelly almost always came out on top more than any other character on the show.

She helped awaken so many beta males to the joys of a predatory, and bullying female that she deserves recognition for that alone. But it should be noted that she protected her own.

By today's standards the show may be offensive but it helped lead to stronger female characters moving forward. And we all know that Kelly and Peg really ran the Bundy home.

Later she would go on to do great work in pushing forward women's rights and was often shamed for her time on this show which is unfortunate. But we loved watching her push down the nerdy and awkward betas while getting what she wanted including "real man" sex all the time. YOU GO GIRL!

Recently she has been diagnosed with MS and it has been heart breaking to watch. But we know that she is a very strong lady who will face this with dignity and grace. She inspires us.

Please take today to learn about her and to perhaps revisit some of her work on Married with Children understanding that it was a product of it's time and yet still was able to hint at female supremacy in the nuclear family.

Kelly Bundy is out of your league TROLL!!!

Worship, adore, and spoil her!

We love you Christina!




Love you Ms Applegate! Best wishes for dealing with MS!I don't know how the Female Supremacy University feels about weed, but Brittney Griner would be a good focus for a post like this. One of the most atrocious human rights violations in the world right now. If Tom Brady was being held by the Russians, we would not hear the end of it!


we actually generally see the womans birthday is today or soon or someone reminds us. if you want to remind us when her birthday is coming we probably would


Horrible things done by females are good for beta males