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We recently were asked by a very upset dumb beta why we have so much erotica in our training files. This male seemed to think we were playing into the patriarchy and just giving males what they want.

The best way to explain this is by using an old fairy tale.

In the story Hansel und Gretel two children are lost in the woods and they come across a house made of candy.

"What good fortune" they think as they eat away at the walls of the building. Soon a beautiful witch appears and she invites them inside for more yummy treats.

The children are ignorant and hungry so they happily skip inside.

Now we know that these two kids out smart the witch. But think of all the people who came before them.

The moral of the story is to not let your desires get you in trouble.

This is a particularly difficult thing for horny males. And that is by design. Mother nature wanted women to have all the power in the dynamic so she made men easy targets for a woman's manipulation and mind games.

1st. She gets you horny.

Women are very good at getting the males penis to stiffen and twitch. This is not only instinctual but we share what works best when we talk to each other. We learn how to get exactly what we want from a horny male.

If he is an "alpha" or "real man" we fuck them and let them go. Like when you catch a big fish and release it to continue to do what it does best. Breed.

But if it is a small little wimpy fish who takes the bait we might bring it home as a pet. Keep it in a bowl.

That is kinda like what we do to beta males. Just with their mind. We trap it, and train it to do tricks.

2nd. She keeps you horny.

By using your weird fetishes and chastity a woman can really turn a male into whatever she wants. She will mess with your head, keep you guessing and keep you focused on her. Your locked penis will stay horny, and being the chronic masturbation addict you are, you will feel desperate to play with yourself.

Every time this happens you will think of her. And you will become obsessed. She will make you fall deeply in love with her. You will lay in bed tossing and turning because you can not stop thinking about what she is doing. Is she sleeping restfully while you suffer. Did she masturbate before she fell asleep.

Or did she have sex.

You are obsessed with her in the same way you were obsessed about porn.

3rd. She flips the script.

Soon she only pays attention to you when you are making her happy. And that attention makes you sexually excited. You crave to do things for her in the same way that you used to crave erotica. So service becomes the only erotica you want.

You dream of cleaning, scrubbing, working, and paying.

You don't know how you got here. It all started with just a few fun videos that made you excited. Now all you want to do is make women happy.

The witch has won. She fattened you up and now she can sit down to a wonderful meal. Please remember that this is a metaphor. When she consumes you it simply means that she takes all you have to give and gives you nothing in return.

She is a predator. And you are her prey.

But she first needed to bait the hook. And that is why our content is so titillating for you. It's not because we want your penis to feel good. No. It's because we want you to serve women and your penis will help us achieve that.

Because as soon as you are properly trained. We will ignore that disgusting worm completely since it has served it's purpose. And that is to bind you to the service of superior women.

We have told you this many times. We do this to make the lives of WOMEN better. That's it. Your happiness will happen but it was not our ultimate goal. It's not that we hate males, it's just that women are more important for a happy society.

We tell you this because it doesn't matter if you know. You are to weak to fight those urges in your testicles (we know that even made them swell). And you are to lost to not come inside.

Just as nature intended.




I agree I serve women women will dominate The Earth as it is intended. Resistance is pointless. Give in men. Obey NWO.

Clyde Collins

Alas! i am the wayward butler, yearning to serve woman unto eternity! Your instruction is nothing more or less than cherished wisdom of divine origin! Thank you!!! Thankyou, Madam!!!