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You love her so much. So why not show it through chastity. Even if she has no idea you exist. You will know.

We were jusjust discussing  all the sex that will be going on next month. The Valentine's lovers who will be enjoying each others bodies as the rub against one another with mindless lust.

For "real men" and women sex can be a great way to become closer. To feel connected.

Think about your crush. How wonderful she is. She has had sex many times, with "real men" that turned her on.

Picture them. She is on top, her stiff excited nipples gently brushing his chest. His hands guiding her buttocks up and down his shaft. See how the look at each other. Such a connection is unique to the physical expression of love.

Your crush is so happy.

But as a beta your connection is more obsessive and it only goes in one direction. You adore her! She uses you.

It's a relationship type often found in nature. Where one organism almost completely serves a more powerful one.

And we know that you want to feel more obsessed with her. More "in love" or what a beta thinks of as love. A very childish form of the emotion. Like puppy love or extreme infatuation. It is so intoxicating.

She is unobtainable by you. Sure she fucks other guys. She dates them, and complains how they  only want sex. How they are not attentive to her other needs. 

Sure she loves the sex. But she needs someone to boss around and bully. And that is where your chastity training helps.

As the month of lovers progresses we want you to stimulate and deny yourself while only thinking about your crush. 

1) think about her having sex with a "real man"

2) think about her stringing you along with false promises of intimacy.

3) think about how little she would care about you frustrated  penis

What you need to understand is that your penis will love her more the more frustrated it is. By the end of the month you may find yourself blubbering on the floor, frustrated and staring at her images. Her name permanently burned into your brain.

While she never thinks of you at all.

That is the best a beta can hope for.

Chastised and obsessed with a cruel and selfish predatory female who will ensure that serving her and all women is all you receive pleasure from.

So who will adhere to the Valentine's Chastity Mandate.

No squirts for all of February!



slave beast

thank you Hive as a weak beta male and a virgin and fully understood of why i should not have sex i have begun to read sensible reports on cuckolding within most marriages of today and find more and more ladies are actually seeking out real well built real males for sexual pleasure and cuckolding the boyfriend or husband. i can see why and believe this is happening more and more often to it becoming more and more acceptable. male chastity is on a massive increase particularly in marriage and cuckoldry as well. in particular i have seen many reports that most ladies are choosing the coloured male for sexual pleasure because of their stamina and ability to please women sexually not only because they have better equipped penises but also because they know how to sexually please a woman and not just with penetration. i honestly can see the logic and the reality of this and believe more and more beta males will be put into chastity in the future by women and fully understand and appreciate why what are your thoughts on this hive please


I will abstain.