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Coming Attractions for February 2022

We have such wonderful training planned for February. The focus for most of this will revolve around the holiday of Valentine's Day. Most beta males are very confused about what to do during this time. But that is because it is really not a holiday for you. This is when women spend time with "real men", or whoever they partner with, and enjoy their bodies romantically. Yes. I know that you thought women did not like sex. You have been turned down so many times you figure that women were just frigid. But we are not. We love sex. And many women love men, and love giving them pleasure. Just not beta males.

Your penis and personality have evolved to be unappealing to women sexually. You serve a different purpose. Still dumb and confused? Don't worry. After this month's training, it should make a little more sense to you. So be sure to keep up with your training.

1) My Platonic / Cuckold Valentine

You will always be in the friend zone. And that could mean a few different things to different women. But the most important thing you need to know is that it means women do not see you as a sexual being. To them, you are like a best friends little brother. He follows us around all infatuated. We have him do things for us as we laugh at him. But just the thought of being romantic with him makes us ill.

That is how most women see beta males like you.

But there is good news. You can have a role in a woman's romantic holiday. And this training will walk you through it. It may hurt your feelings, and make you cry. But seeing as how February is a chastity month those tears will be all you are squirting all month. So it may do you some good.

2) Thank Her For the REJECTION!

We know that it hurts your little beta feelings when the mean girls reject you. It takes so much courage just to talk to women because as a beta male you are naturally terrified of them. But you also want to be close to women and the only way you were told that would happen is to ask one out. But stupid little beta didn't know he was not worthy.

Fortunately, the women were there to sort you out and put you in your place. And you are going to thank them for every ego-shattering word they said.

3) Chastity Makes You a Simp for all Women

Since many males will be holding in their dribblie squirts this month we thought it would be nice to go over why chastity is so important to a beta male. If you do not develop the ability to keep your crotch snot inside, you may never find a woman to serve. And we do want you to be a pathetic little simp for every woman you meet. So lets get your penis under control, so women can make you their bitch.

4) Thought Implant - "Women are Perfection" (New Channel)

We are going to continue the thought implantations with one of our favorites. A deep programming that will implant this one truth. Women are perfection. Every woman. This will repeat in your head whenever you interact with, serve, or even just look at a woman. You mind will open up as you stare at the flawless woman.

?) Pussy Free Pledge - Obey Women Website Only  (Working on)

We are still working on this new release for our parent site. The intention of this file is to make beta males extremely uncomfortable for even thinking about female genitals. Unlike "real men" who want to penetrate the pussy. Beta males should fear and respect a woman's genitalia, so much so that just looking at one, or even thinking about a pussy, causes you tremendous anxiety.

Please remember that this is a work in progress and will only be available on our site.

And Perhaps more.

We have decided to leave ourselves some breathing room for new content if it occurs to us during the month. We would like to create smaller, more focussed train material that might be better for short periods of training.

This has been hard to do, but we are committed.

We also have some administrative duties every month to make things a little better for our supporters. From now on we are going to be sure to leave enough time everyone month to experiment and smooth over problems as they arise. Because of this, we do not want to list everything we are working on. You will just have to check back regularly to see what we are doing.

As always let us know what you are looking forward to the most.



Allie Knox

Super excited for as much female genital aversion training and permanent impotence training as I can get my little beta hands on! I can't wait for the Pussy Free Pledge training to be released!


please note that this is a file from our sponsor site not patreon. but we will likely do something similar here when they get that file done.


This will be a tough month without release, but it should reinforce my training. I really want to train with VR as well to be fully immersed and mind-zoned in total Female Supremacy.


Pussy free since 1996. I had sex ONCE.


In an eHarmony conversation with this woman, I told her of my ONE TIME having sex. She laughed at me and called me “a born again virgin.”