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- we have included an audio version and it in this post. Unfortunately, the video file is too large for Patreon.


"I want to sniff my crush's anus and lick her toilet seat."

"I want to drink my crush's bathwater and eat her pubic hair."

We have heard it all. And there is no question in our minds that while all men are pigs. Beta males are probably the most disgusting. Their sick little minds have so perverted their need to be subjugated by women that they are now victimizing the same women they want to feel abused by. The women are victimized in the beta male's mind, helpless to defend themselves or give consent. And before you cry and complain that it is not fair to police your thoughts. It is. Because your attitude toward women starts with those thoughts.

The number one issue with your perverted brain is that your fantasies offer nothing to women. Sure they make you feel degraded and less than. And perhaps a few women will find it amusing to watch you debase yourself. But there is no lasting service here. The woman will quickly grow tired of your disgusting fantasies and move on to a more useful male.

And when she hears about how you have dragged her into these perverted little dreams. How she is the main attraction of your masturbatory amusements. She will likely become furious that you even have the never to think about her in such ways.



So what do you want to be?

Good piggie, or bad pig.

This file will help you move from perverted pig boy to sweet little oinking piggy. Your dreams will no longer be about sucking your crush's dirty panties until they appear brand new. Or lick the footbed of her shoes clean. Each and every pair. 

Those fantasies only serve you, and therefore will fill you with shame and guilt. You will understand that you are still objectifying women. And that this activity serves them in no way. And that shame will only dissipate when you switch to a more appropriate desire.

A natural need to be used, manipulated, and discarded by women. Your dreams of sniffing a woman's behind, are now replaced with doing her dishes. That fantasy where you lick her toilet bowl, suddenly makes you uncomfortable and ashamed, it is now replaced with you cleaning it spotless for her inspection. Something she will actually enjoy.

But sure, women may occasionally let you pig-out for them. They might let you truly debaser yourself in front of guests at a dinner party. You eating your food off the floor,r as the women smash it into the tile with their dirty, sweaty feet. She might laugh at you while she insists that you suck every last crumb out of the grout like a snorting pig. They will stand over you and cringe with disgust as they watch you snort and squeal in frustration. You will listen as closely as your crush discusses how vulgar you still are. How this, what they see before them, is what she had to work with before you began your training.

But remember, women only do this to remind you how lost you would be without your training. Always looking for female approval, wanting to please women, but your poor little brain, so confused by the lies of the patriarchy, you instead desire degrading yourself for your self-gratification. That must stop, women deserve better.

Always remember that, only good piggies will find a place in the new women's order. Not bad pigs who oink squirt over mentally victimizing the superior woman. They serve no useful purpose to women and will be cast out into the wilderness like the disgusting animals they are.

As the good pigs happily snort, and squeal in delight, as women lead them around by the nose to be used, manipulated, and rejected by the women they so desire to impress.

What life do you prefer?


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To ensure that only patrons who support us can access our files, we are adding a password from now on. Questions? Message us on Patreon.

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Beta Males Are Piggies | TRAILER | Female Supremacy Training for Beta Males

Men are pigs. That is just a fact that most women have to deal with every day. They are dirty, lazy, and greedy. Just like a pig, if they are untrained they offer nothing useful to the world. But that is not even the worst of it. The most upsetting and disgusting facet of the human male is the disgusting fantasies that go through his mind as he stares slack-jawed at some poor unsuspecting woman. Even so-called, submissive men, can hide the most repulsive of fantasies in their otherwise empty little heads. there sewage-filled minds, a playground for perverts like you. The males seem to be trying to outdo each other on who can be the most offensive. Dreams of smelly feet and dirty clothing fill their minds, as if on a loop. Licking, sniffing, sucking. Filth. And guess what every woman can feel the creepy stare of an untrained pig male. And it makes our skin crawl. It is almost as if we can hear the snorts and squeals in their stupid oink brain. This is unacceptable and a violation of women. A beta male must be focused on serving and pleasing women in action, attitude, and yes, even in thought. There should be no room for dirty boy dreams when the male is so busy thinking of new ways to make the lives of women joyful and rewarding. So what needs to happen to help the patriarchy fall. To make way for the new women's order. Well, we need to train that brain. And that is where pig speech comes in. This file will present you with two choices in life. Good piggy or bad pig. As a male you must decide who you wish to be. This will all happen deep inside your mind. Will you choose to be filled with guilt and shame? To hold onto the disgusting thoughts that are so offensive to women. Or will you give in to what women want? A life where serving women, being exploited and used by them, is the only thought that truly excites you. Gone are your dirty boy thoughts, now you zone out dreaming of scrubbing floors, running errands, and paying bills for all women. No more being a sneaky sniffer. Now you are an obedient spineless little twirp. Just as nature intended. If this is what you want. To be domesticated and made useful. Then please go train with our content. BUT BE WARNED! It really does work. Our programming changes lives. It improves the lives of women, by making men mindless obedient drones. Frustrated boys desperate for the approval of the superior female. Spineless wimps who are in desperate need of the attention, and direction of superior women. A good pig, who oinks and squeals in glee, whenever he has made any female happy. IMPORTANT!!! The Patreon file is more powerful and a little racy so it is only attended for adults. please join our Patreon for the PATREON EXTENDED VERSION https://patreon.com/obeywomen Or for more information, you can visit our new centralized site at https://thehive.center ___________ Support FSU @Female Supremacy University Support our Art https://patreon.com/obeywomen Our Website https://thehive.center FSU is a creation of, and produced by theHIVE @Obey Women dot Pink ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ----------- hash tags #femalesupremacy, #betapig, #betamale, #chastity, #femdom teaser



Sinking, ever deeper beneath women


That beautiful woman's voice, so hypnotic & compelling; i am lost.