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- we have included an audio version and it in this post. Unfortunately, the video file is too large for Patreon.


Women are smarter than you. But the patriarchy has corrupted your mind. You think that you have the right to an opinion in their presence. Well, guess what. You do not. Because your thoughts are inferior.

As a male, you were designed to work. Most males have superior upper body strength to women so that they can do the work commanded of them. And these commands must go directly into your core, unfiltered by ideas of "fairness" or "equality". You must trust that women know what is best for you. Even if it seems like they are taking advantage of you.

Because, the only thing that will ever make you happy. Is receiving the commands of women. And carrying them out to HER satisfaction. Then she might let you, a beta male, close to her. Which is what you need.

Please be advised that women will lose respect for you. They will find you foolish and "unattractive". This will not get you dates, or make it easier to hook up. Yuck!

No. Women will find you completely laughable. Which will make it so much more fun for them to use you. You do not want to fool women into looking up to you. You know, instinctually, that your place is beneath them. Desperate for the smallest acknowledgment.

And an additional warning. Predatory women will lock onto how vulnerable you become around females. They will enjoy exploiting this weakness to get what they want. And you will want desperately to surround yourself with these types of women. Those who will string you along, take advantage of you, and then reject and ignore you. This will seem completely correct to your dumb little brain. And your penis will be extremely aroused. The combination of a horny penis, and a dumb beta male brain. Is exactly what women will be looking for when they ask you to be their "special friend". As your mind goes completely blank. And your internal crush pulls your triggers. Your penis will throb and twitch with joy each time she screws you over. And you will never want to squirt. You will love how dumb being sexually frustrated makes you. As you eyes glass over, and your mouth hangs open. Your frustrated penis will be the only part of you able to make decisions.

And guess who it will be listening to. Your dumb little brain. Or the commanding voice of every woman you meet.

Listen often and find out.

Stay dumb. Stay horny. Serve women.


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You Love Being Dumb Around Women | TRAILER | Female Supremacy Training for Beta Males

TEASER Version You Love Being Dumb Around Women | TRAILER | Female Supremacy Training for Beta Males One thing that beta males must accept is that women are naturally more intelligent than they are. But beyond that the. The male has evolved to become increasingly more stupid and ignorant in the presence of the superior female. This is because mother nature did not want his wilful little brain getting in the way of her manipulations. If she was to be able to take advantage of him, his mind must be clouded and confused in her presence. His reality must be entirely created by her. But the patriarchy has taught males that they can think for themselves. That they should trust their own mind and ignore the instructions of the superior female. This is why humanity is struggling. Males are greedy, slothful creatures when they are not serving women. They think only about instant gratification and taking as much as they can from everything. The female is more advanced. She understands that balance is where peace and happiness can be found in life. And for a male that is service to the female. This is where he finds his true place. But we need to get you dumb. Just turn that brain off in the presence of women. So they do not have to deal with your silly thoughts. This file will turn off your mind and leave you vulnerable to the manipulations of the female. Which is exactly what you need. And more importantly. What women need. Your dumb little mind obeys! IMPORTANT!!! The Patreon file is always more powerful and a little racy so it is only attended for adults. please join our Patreon for the PATREON EXTENDED VERSION https://patreon.com/obeywomen Or for more information, you can visit our new centralized site at https://thehive.center ___________ Support FSU @Female Supremacy University Support our Art https://patreon.com/obeywomen Our Website https://thehive.center FSU is a creation of, and produced by theHIVE @Obey Women dot Pink ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ----------- hash tags #femalesupremacy, #hypnosis #betamale, #chastity, #femdom


Jared McDonough

Its really fun feeling dumb thats why these audios are probly my favorite i tried working on my art while listening to this one but its just impossible


This one really touched a part of my brain. This needs to be one of the ones I listen to daily maybe. Kind of scared to be in front of a woman now, but the worst that can happen is she can use me and that's literally a good thing. The best thing for me.

Joe Foster

U have made my life so wonderful. I cant thank you enough. I will keep training and serving and obeying my beautiful crush. I love u all. Goodnight. You women are my life