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- we have included an audio version and it in this post. Unfortunately, the video file is too large for Patreon.


Tired of hearing your mind tell you that you are not normal. That what you want is deviant, or worse, toxic. Just because you wish to serve women. To let them walk all over you. Well, this file will fill your squishy little brain with one phrase.


Because it is. For a beta male like you. Being taken advantage of by women is normal. It is why you exist. The patriarchy came up with these terms to shame you into being a "real man". But you have always known you are not. Because "real men" do not exist. All men were created to serve women. As a beta male, your natural drive in life is to be used by the superior gender. Her happiness is more important to the survival of humanity than yours. she has the ability to create new life. So mother nature made you her bitch. Her slave. someone she can use and toss away.

And it made you love being treated like that. It is exciting, erotic, and euphoric to be used by a woman in this way. THIS IS NORMAL.

that phrase will repeat in your mind whenever a woman walks all over you. You will have no fight left in you. You will just enjoy being the spineless little simp you are.

Women will take advantage of you.

They will friendzone you.

And reject you when they are done.

But guess what...


Is the only thought you will have after she is done.

This is a very powerful file. It will remove even the thought of resistance. so only use it if you are serious about female supremacy. But it does end on a mantra intended to ensure males care for themselves first. A woman has no use for a male who can not provide for himself. And that is a big part of this file. So please listen to the whole thing for the best results.


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This is Normal for Beta Males | TRAILER | Female Supremacy Training for Beta Males

So many poor little beta males struggle with this word. Normal. They sit and sulk and surf the internet for femdom content, the whole time wishing they were "normal". When they meet a woman who will take advantage of them, boss them around, and make them into the simp they always dreamed of being, their little brain, corrupted by the patriarchy, complains that this is not normal. All you boys want so bad to be normal. When what you should be striving for is to be useful to women. And in a society that runs on lies and secrets. How do you even know what normal is? Well, the Female Supremacy University is here to help you define what is normal. It is normal to crave domineering women. It is normal to meekly crumble before the all-powerful female. And it is normal to need a woman to walk all over you. All of this is perfectly normal for a beta male. And it is what you enjoy. You need women to take advantage of you. However, you phrase it. And guess what. THIS IS NORMAL! IMPORTANT!!! The Patreon file is more powerful and a little racy so it is only attended for adults. please join our Patreon for the PATREON EXTENDED VERSION https://patreon.com/obeywomen Or for more information, you can visit our new centralized site at https://thehive.center ___________ Support FSU @Female Supremacy University Support our Art https://patreon.com/obeywomen Our Website https://thehive.center FSU is a creation of, and produced by theHIVE ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ----------- hash tags #femalesupremacy, #bossywomen, #betamale, #chastity, #femdom



I love so much that file! Learning that being beta, to obey women without hesitation, is perfectly normal is sooooo important and relaxing 🥰🥰🥰🥰


This is a wonderful and helpful file! It really speaks to my core and my (non) romantic place in women's lives and why I end up in the friend zone so often, and why I adore my superiors.