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Here are some more female supremacy memes!

To help you remember that women are better than males!

What are your favorites!




I particularly love these three: 3. Awwww. Poor little beta male. I only talk to you when I want something? Yeah. So what? It's just because you are so weak! Now go cry about it somewhere else this is boring. (I won't cry, it is my duty to be available and obedient for Goddesses 😊) 2. Just stop talking male, you sound so stupid. The training is erasing your brain, making you weak and dumb. Soon women will do all your thinking for you. Now go train! (It would be great, thinking is so tiring and useless 🥰🥰🥰🥰) 1. Follow me dummy, I've got a lot of chores perfect for an horny boy like you. (With great pleasure Goddess, I am here to serve 😍😍😍😍)


i like number 19 about passing my phone number out to her bitchiest friends.

Joe Foster

Thank you. Sweetheart.


Number three is so appropriate for me. Being soundly spanked focuses my mind and eliminates any discomfort I felt with my chastity.