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We have a great deal to work on next month. But we wanted to start the year out with a bang. Please let us know what you are most interest in, so we can decide how we will release the files.

Thank you.

Coming Attractions for January

This month is a time for new beginnings. For males to recommit themselves to the ideals and ideologies of Female Supremacy. The patriarchy is always there ready to lie to you about what you are. They say that being beta is a weakness. And while that is true. Beta males are very weak. It is really in contrast to women. And that is never a fair comparison. Women are just made stronger, smarter, and better, than males. So in January, we are going to focus on accepting your weakness. Your inferiority. In the following files.

And maybe more... If we have time.

1) This is Normal, For a Beta Male. (Drone file)

Beta makes need something different out of their interactions with women. The need to feel useful, but also put in their interior place. This file will explore a few desires beta males have and it will help you understand that you are normal for wanting this.

Please be advised that it may make you easier to manipulate and be taken advantage of by superior women. Is this really what you want? Are you that BETA!

2) NWO - Officially Returns!

Training a willful penis (the Ranch method)

We enjoyed the December NWO file we did, and hope to do something similar with this month. It is time to visit the Ranch. To find out what happens when a weak little penis brain meets the power of a Superior Woman. Males should not be ruled by their genitals the way they are. They should be ruled by women.

3) You love being dumb around women

This video will outline the benefits for a beta male to be dumb around women. We will discuss the top three reasons you should be trained to always go so stupid when in the presence of women. And then we will do a deep meditative exercise to get you so stupid and idiotic.

Women think it is so funny when you try and have a thought.

4) Pig Speak Refresher (worker bee / Patreon exclusive)

It has been some time since we covered this topic, but it is a great way for males to remind themselves what they are. Dirty little pigs. Sure some of you aspire to be other things, sissies, slaves, good boys, but deep down, every untrained male is a pig at heart. And we never want you to forget that becoming something more, requires a great deal of work acceptance of female supremacy. So this file is going to have your little pig brain all awake and oinking. As women laugh at you. Because we know that little squealing part of you will always be there.

5) Thought Implant - "I Adore All Women" (New Channel)

This month's file for the new, right now unnamed, channel will implant in your mind the following mantra. "I adore all women". You will repeat this in your mind. And train using this file. And soon. You will adore every woman you meet. Regardless of how she treats you, how she looks, her age, or her beliefs. She is female. And you adore her for that alone.

?) Pussy Free Pledge - Obey Women Website Only  (Working on)

We are still working on this new release for our parent site. The intention of this file is to make beta males extremely uncomfortable for even thinking about female genitals. Unlike "real men" who want to penetrate the pussy. Beta males should fear and respect it, to the point that looking at one, or even thinking about it, causes great anxiety.



Lou Smith

ii'm just a dumb pig


crickets from the girls