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Recently a few of the ladies went to a social event and when one woman walked into the bathroom the toilet seat was up. As beta males, this should upset you greatly. So we began discussing a training file to help you understand the sanctity of a woman's bathroom.

but our fear is that so many males are piglets and will turn this into some disgusting porn thing. WE DO NOT MAKE PORN!



I agree that a beta male should keep the toilet in spotless condition, so that it is like new for the superior Female to use. She would be expectant, and would not like having to remind a beta male that he has not completed this duty properly.


I look forward to seeing this file, but I’ve been sitting to pee for years now. And I’ve had women from my mother to hot girls at parties take notice and make positive comments. “I’m well trained.” Is the best thing a beta boy can say. I have, and the ladies faces beam with an interesting mix of delight and a note of your (pathetic) beta status.


Please do it and publish it .... please ..... we are not allowed to cum anyway ...